Summary of GE seat situation at the end of JEE counseling on 3rd August 2007 [GE 1-13600]

(Update on June 17 2008:  For guidance on what you can get with your Orissa JEE rank in 2008, please see I do not have more information than that.)

This is a continuation of our earlier effort. Following are the branches and colleges that no longer have any GE seats. On the side we mention in which counseling the seats got filled up and what are left. The colleges that do not appear in the list below have seats left in all their disciplines.

  1. Ajay Binay (Comp Sc 8401-10000, Elec & TC 8401-10000, E & EE 10801-11700, AE&I 11701-12600, Elec 11701-12600, Mech 11701-12600) – ALL GE GONE by 12600
  2. Balasore (Comp Sc 12601-13600, E & TC 12601-13600) IT, I & E, Mech
  3. Bhadrakh Inst (Comp Sc 10801-11700, E & TC 10801-11700, IT 12601-13600), Elec, Mech, Civil
  4. CV Raman  Bhubaneswar  (AE & I 2401-2800, Comp Sc 2001-2400, Electrical 2401-2800, Elec & TC 1601-2000, IT 2401-2800, Mech 3201-3600, Chemical 7201-7800)  Marine
  5. College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 3201-3600, Elect & TC 3201-3600, IT 3601-4100, E & EE 4501-5000, Mech 5501-6000, Civil 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11701
  6. CET Bhubaneswar (Civil 1201-1600, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 401-800, I&E 1-400 (?), IT 801-1200, Mech 801-1200, Biotech 4101-4500, Textile 8401-10000) Fashion
  7. DRIEMS, Cuttack (Comp Sc 6601-7200, Ele & TC 6601-7200, IT 8401-10000, Elec 10001-10800, AE&I 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11701
  8. East Bhubaneswar (Elect & TC 4101-4500, Comp Sc. 5001-5500, IT 6001-6600, AE&I 8401-10000, Elect 8401-10000, Mech 10001-10800) Biomed, Env
  9. Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (ECE 3201-3600, Comp Sc 3601-4100, E & EE V, IT 4501-4500) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  10. Gandhi Institute for Technology Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, IT 5501-6000, E&EE 5501-6000) – ALL GE GONE by 6000
  11. GIET Gunupur (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, E & EE 5501-6000, IT 6601-7200, AE & I 7201-7800, Mech 7201-7800) Biotech, Chem
  12. GITA Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 2401-2800, E & EE 2801-3200, IT 3201-3600, ECE 2401-2800, Electrical 4101-4500, Mech 4501-5000) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  13. Ghanashyam Hemlata, Puri (Comp Sc 8401-10000, E & TC 10001-10800, Elec 12601-13600), Mech
  14. IGIT Sarang (Elect 1601-2000, Mech 2401-2800, Metallurgy 4101-4500, Civil 4501-5000, Chemical 5001-5500) – ALL GE GONE 5500
  15. Inst of Ad Comp Res, Raygada (Comp Sc 10801-11700, IT 12601-13600) ECE,  E & EE, Mech, Civil
  16. ITER Bhubaneswar (AE&I 1201-1600, Civil 3201-3600, Comp Sc 1201-1600, Electrical 1601-2000, E &EE 1201-1600, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1201-1600, Mech 2401-2800) ALL GE GONE by 3600
  17. Jagannath Cuttack (Comp Sc 10001-10800, Elec & TC 10801-11700) Mech
  18. JITM Parlakheumndi (Comp Sc 10801-11700, ECE 11701-12600) IT, E & EE, I & E, Chemical, mech
  19. Konark Inst Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Ele & TC 7201-7800, AE & I 10801-11700, Elec 10801-11700, Mech 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  20. Koustuva Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, E & EE 8401-10000, Elc & TC 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000 ) Biomed
  21. Krupajala Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4101-4500, Elec & TC 4101-4500, IT 4101-4500, AE & I 5501-6000, Elec 5501-6000, Mech 6601-7200) – ALL GE GONE by 7200
  22. Mahavir Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Elec & TC 7801-8400, E & EE 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000, AE&I 11701-12600) Biomed
  23. Nalanda (Comp Sc 7801-8400, ECE 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000, Mech 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE by 10800
  24. NIST Berhampur (Comp Sc 2001-2400, E & EE 2401-2800, I & E 2801-3200, IT 2801-3200, ECE 2001-2400) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
  25. NM IET Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 6001-6600, ECE 6601-7200,  E & EE 7201-7800, IT 7801-8400, Mech 10001-10800, Inst 12601-13600) – ALL GE GONE by 13600
  26. Orissa Engineering College (Comp Sc 2401-2800, ELE & TC 2401-2800, IT 3201-3600, Electrical 3601-4100, Mech 4501-5000, Civil 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  27. Orissa school of mining Engg Keonjhar (Elec 4101-4500, Mech 5001-5500, Mining 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  28. Padmanav Rourkela (Comp Sc 8401-10000, E & Tc 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000, E & EE 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  29. Purushottam Rourkela (Comp Sc 11701-12600, E & TC 11701-12600, IT 12601-13600) AE & I, E & EE
  30. Rajdhani Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000, ECE 8401-10000, E & EE 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  31. Roland Berhampur (ECE 7801-8400, Comp Sc 8401-10000, IT 10001-10800, E & EE 12601-13600) AE & I
  32. Sanjay Memorial Berhampur (Elec & Tc 10801-11700) E & EE, Elect, Mech, Civil
  33. Silicon Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2001-2400, Comp Sc 1601-2000 , E & EE 1601-2000, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1601-2000 ) – ALL GE GONE by 2400
  34. Synergy Dhenkanal (Elec & TC 7201-7800, Comp Sc 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000,  Elec 10801-11700, Mech 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  35. Techno Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400, ECE 8401-10000, E & EE 10801-11700, AE & I 11701-12600) – ALL GE GONE by 12600
  36. Trident Bhubaneswar (Elec & TC 3601-4100, Comp Sc 4101-4500, E & EE 4501-5000, Biomed 7201-7800) – ALL GE GONE by 7800
  37. UCE Burla (Civil 1601-2000, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 801-1200, Elec & TC 401-800, IT 801-1200, Manu 2801-3200, Mech 1201-1600) – ALL GE GONE by 3200

8 comments August 4th, 2007

Fees at private engineering colleges: Is the following news report from Samaja about NIST true?

I wonder if  the following news report from Samaja about NIST is true and if other private colleges force students to pay similar fees.

August 3rd, 2007

Preliminary Ranking of Orissa Engineering Colleges that participate in BPUT JEE counseling – solely based on student preferences

Solely based on the student preferences so far we develop a ranking below. Our methodology is we compare when the various branches of the colleges get finished.  For example below when we write CET (8, 8, 12, 12, 16) it means that two of CET branches were all finished in the GE category by the ranks 800, two by 1200 and one by 1600. We will use the first three numbers unless it becomes necessary to go beyond that.

  • 1. UCE Burla (8,8,12,12,16)
  • 1. CET Bhubaneswar  (8,8,12,12,16)
  • 2. ITER Bhubaneswar (16,16,16)
  • 3. Silicon Bhubaneswar (16, 20, 20)
  • 4. CV Raman (20,24,28)
  • 5. NIST Berhampur (24, 24, 28)
  • 6. GITA (28,28,32)
  • 7. Orissa Eng College Bhubaneswar (28, 28, 36)
  • 7. IGIT Sarang (20,28,45)
  • 8. College of Eng Bhubaneswar (36,36,41)
  • 9. Gandhi Eng College Bhubaneswar (36,41,45)
  • 10. Krupajala Bhubaneswar (45,45,45)
  • 10. Trident Bhuabneswar (41, 45, 50)
  • 11. East Bhubaneswar (45,55,66)
  • 11. Gandhi Inst for Tech Bhubaneswar (50,50,60)
  • 11. GIET Gunupur (50,50,60)
  • 12. Orissa school of mining eng Keonjhar (45, 55, X)
  • 13. NMIET Bhubaneswar (66, 72, 78)
  • 14. DRIEMS(72,72,X)
  • 15. Konark Bhubaneswar (78, 78, X)
  • 15. Koustuva Bhubaneswar (78, 78, X)
  • 16. Mahavir Bhubaneswar (78, 84, X)
  • 16. Synergy Dhenkanal (78, 84, X)
  • 17. Nalanda Bhubaneswar (84, 84, X)
  • 18. Techno Bhubaneswar (84, X, X)
  • 18. Rajdhani Bhubaneswar (84, X, X)
  • 18. Roland Berhampur (84, X, X)

11 comments August 2nd, 2007

Summary of GE seat situation at the end of JEE counseling on 1st August 2007 [GE 1-8400]

This is a continuation of our earlier effort. Following are the branches and colleges that no longer have any GE seats. On the side we mention in which counseling the seats got filled up and what are left. The colleges that do not appear in the list below have seats left in all their disciplines.

  1. CV Raman  Bhubaneswar  (AE & I 2401-2800, Comp Sc 2001-2400, Electrical 2401-2800, Elec & TC 1601-2000, IT 2401-2800, Mech 3201-3600, Chemical 7201-7800)  Marine
  2. College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 3201-3600, Elect & TC 3201-3600, IT 3601-4100, E & EE 4501-5000, Mech 5501-6000) Civil
  3. CET Bhubaneswar (Civil 1201-1600, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 401-800, I&E 1-400 (?), IT 801-1200, Mech 801-1200, Biotech 4101-4500) Textile, Fashion
  4. DRIEMS, Cuttack (Comp Sc 6601-7200, Ele & TC 6601-7200) AE&I, Elec, IT
  5. East Bhubaneswar (Elect & TC 4101-4500, Comp Sc. 5001-5500, IT 6001-6600) AE&I, Elect, Mech, Biomed, Env
  6. Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (ECE 3201-3600, Comp Sc 3601-4100, E & EE V, IT 4501-4500) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  7. Gandhi Institute for Technology Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, IT 5501-6000, E&EE 5501-6000) – ALL GE GONE by 6000
  8. GIET Gunupur (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, E & EE 5501-6000, IT 6601-7200, AE & I 7201-7800, Mech 7201-7800) Biotech, Chem
  9. GITA Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 2401-2800, E & EE 2801-3200, IT 3201-3600, ECE 2401-2800, Electrical 4101-4500, Mech 4501-5000) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  10. IGIT Sarang (Elect 1601-2000, Mech 2401-2800, Metallurgy 4101-4500, Civil 4501-5000, Chemical 5001-5500) – ALL GE GONE 5500
  11. ITER Bhubaneswar (AE&I 1201-1600, Civil 3201-3600, Comp Sc 1201-1600, Electrical 1601-2000, E &EE 1201-1600, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1201-1600, Mech 2401-2800) ALL GE GONE by 3600
  12. Konark Inst Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Ele & TC 7201-7800) AE & I, Elec, Mech
  13. Koustuva Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800) E & EE, Elc & TC, IT, Biomed
  14. Krupajala Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4101-4500, Elec & TC 4101-4500, IT 4101-4500, AE & I 5501-6000, Elec 5501-6000, Mech 6601-7200) – ALL GE GONE by 7200
  15. Mahavir Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Elec & TC 7801-8400) AE&E, E &EE, IT, Biomed
  16. Nalanda (Comp Sc 7801-8400, ECE 7801-8400) IT, Mech
  17. NIST Berhampur (Comp Sc 2001-2400, E & EE 2401-2800, I & E 2801-3200, IT 2801-3200, ECE 2001-2400) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
  18. NM IET Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 6001-6600, ECE 6601-7200,  E & EE 7201-7800, IT 7801-8400) Mech, Inst
  19. Orissa Engineering College (Comp Sc 2401-2800, ELE & TC 2401-2800, IT 3201-3600, Electrical 3601-4100, Mech 4501-5000) Civil
  20. Orissa school of mining Engg Keonjhar (Elec 4101-4500, Mech 5001-5500) Mining
  21. Rajdhani Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400) E & EE, IT, ECE
  22. Roland Berhampur (ECE 7801-8400) AE & I, Comp Sc, E & EE, IT
  23. Silicon Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2001-2400, Comp Sc 1601-2000 , E & EE 1601-2000, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1601-2000 ) – ALL GE GONE by 2400
  24. Synergy Dhenkanal (Elec & TC 7201-7800, Comp Sc 7801-8400)  Elec, IT, Mech
  25. Techno Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400) AE & I, E & EE, ECE
  26. Trident Bhubaneswar (Elec & TC 3601-4100, Comp Sc 4101-4500, E & EE 4501-5000, Biomed 7201-7800) – ALL GE GONE by 7800
  27. UCE Burla (Civil 1601-2000, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 801-1200, Elec & TC 401-800, IT 801-1200, Manu 2801-3200, Mech 1201-1600) – ALL GE GONE by 3200

3 comments August 2nd, 2007

Summary of GE seat situation at the end of JEE counseling on 30th July 2007 [GE 1-5000]

Following are the branches and colleges that no longer have any GE seats. On the side we mention in which counseling the seats got filled up.

  1. CV Raman  Bhubaneswar  (AE & I 2401-2800, Comp Sc 2001-2400, Electrical 2401-2800, Elec & TC 1601-2000, IT 2401-2800, Mech 3201-3600)
  2. College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 3201-3600, Elect & TC 3201-3600, IT 3601-4100, E & EE 4501-5000)
  3. CET Bhubaneswar (Civil 1201-1600, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 401-800, I&E 1-400 (?), IT 801-1200, Mech 801-1200, Biotech 4101-4500)
  4. East Bhubaneswar (Elect & TC 4101-4500)
  5. Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (ECE 3201-3600, Comp Sc 3601-4100, E & EE V, IT 4501-4500) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  6. Gandhi Institute for Technology Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000)
  7. GIET Gunupur (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000)
  8. GITA Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 2401-2800, E & EE 2801-3200, IT 3201-3600, ECE 2401-2800, Electrical 4101-4500, Mech 4501-5000) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  9. IGIT Sarang (Elect 1601-2000, Mech 2401-2800, Metallurgy 4101-4500, Civil 4501-5000)
  10. ITER Bhubaneswar (AE&I 1201-1600, Civil 3201-3600, Comp Sc 1201-1600, Electrical 1601-2000, E &EE 1201-1600, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1201-1600, Mech 2401-2800) ALL GE GONE by 3600
  11. Krupajala Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4101-4500, Elec & TC 4101-4500, IT 4101-4500)
  12. NIST Berhampur (Comp Sc 2001-2400, E & EE 2401-2800, I & E 2801-3200, IT 2801-3200, ECE 2001-2400) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
  13. Orissa Engineering College (Comp Sc 2401-2800, ELE & TC 2401-2800, IT 3201-3600, Electrical 3601-4100, Mech 4501-5000)
  14. Orissa school of mining Engg Keonjhar (Elec 4101-4500)
  15. Silicon Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2001-2400, Comp Sc 1601-2000 , E & EE 1601-2000, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1601-2000 ) – ALL GE GONE by 2400
  16. Trident Bhubaneswar (Elec & TC 3601-4100, Comp Sc 4101-4500, E & EE 4501-5000)
  17. UCE Burla (Civil 1601-2000, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 801-1200, Elec & TC 401-800, IT 801-1200, Manu 2801-3200, Mech 1201-1600) – ALL GE GONE by 3200

5 comments July 31st, 2007

CET Bhubaneswar Computer Sc & Electrical and UCE Burla CS and Electronics filled in the second GE counseling session

The first six sessions of the JEE Engineering general category counseling is over and based on the data the following subjects and colleges are in high demand.

  1. CET Bhubaneswar, Computer Science; CET Bhubaneswar Electrical; UCE Burla Computer Science and UCE Burla Electronics: Seats in these were filled by the second GE session which counseled students ranked 401-800.
  2. CET Bhubaneswar, Info Tech; CET Bhubaneswar Mechanical Engg; UCE Burla Electrical and UCE Burla Info Tech: Seats in these were filled by the third GE counseling session which counseled students ranked 801-1200.
  3. CET Bhubaneswar Civil; ITER AE&I; Computer Science; Eⅇ E&TC; IT; Silicon E&TC and UCE Burla Mechanical: Seats in these were filled by the fourth GE counseling session which counseled students ranked 1201-1600.
  4. CV Raman Electronics; IGIT Electrical; ITER Electrical; Silicon Computer Science, IT, E & EE; UCE Burla Civil: Seats in these were filled by the fifth GE counseling session which counseled students ranked 1601-2000.
  5. CV Raman Computer Science; NIST Computer Science; NIST ECE; Silicon AE&I: Seats in these were filled by the sixth GE counseling session which counseled students ranked 2001-2400.

Silicon with only five branches: AE&I, CS, E&EE, E & TC, and IT is the first college to have completely filled its GE seats.

July 29th, 2007

Interim Supreme court order on Satyasai Engineering College in Balasore

Following is from Samaja. 


3 comments July 23rd, 2007

Tution fee rates at Orissa private engineering, MCA and MBA colleges

Following is from Sambada.


5 comments July 19th, 2007

OPECA Ad: Private colleges want students to report within a week of their counseling


46 comments July 19th, 2007

Yet another engineering college coming to Bhubaneswar

Indus College of Engineering has advertised for positions and mentions in its website that it has received letter of intent and waiting for letter of approval. Earlier we mentioned some of the other colleges that are listed in the BPUT 2007 counseling brochure for the first time. Indus does not appear there.

From the "about us" page of this college, I found out that it is being established by a trust led by Dr. Ravi Reddy. Dr. Reddy is a B.Tech from IIT Kharagpur and a Ph.D from University of Houston, USA. He was one of the main person at NIST, Berhampur. Based on this information, I think this will become a good  engineering college.


2 comments July 16th, 2007

Several NRIs including three US based professors starting an engineering college near Bhubaneswar

Several NRIs including three US based professors are starting an engineering college near Bhubaneswar. The college is tentatively named as Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology and a brief biography of its US based trustees is here. Business standard reports on this. Following are some excerpts.

Orissa is all set to have an all non-resident Indian (NRI) sponsored degree engineering college.

The new degree engineering college is being set up near Khandagiri on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar by seven US-based NRIs. The Orissa government is actively promoting the endeavour. …

The NRIs are all professors and analysts from different US-based IT institutions and colleges. The Orissa government has allotted 20-acres of land near Khandigiri to the seven-member consortium for setting up the engineering college.

… state IT minister Surya Narayan Patro said, "the seven US-based NRIs have long approached us for setting up the degree college. Finally the government has decided to provide land for the venture".

According to Patro, "the engineering college would shortly be set up and construction work would begin soon."

1 comment July 16th, 2007

ASBM (Asian School of Business Management)’s dream

ASBM plans to start an engineering college in the coming year and beyond that dreams of becoming a private university approved by the state. Following are some excerpts of a Business standard report on this.

Bhubaneswar-based Asian School of Business Management (ASBM) is setting up a full-fledged degree engineering college, to be christened ASBM Institute of Technology (ASBMIT), from the next academic session of 2008-09. …

Details of the project is being worked by the Hyderabad based ZCS Consulting Limited. The college building would also be set up by another Hyderabad based construction company – Arunoday Construction.

Alongside, the B-school is also setting up a new Undegraduate (UG) Campus on a 25-acre plot adjoining to its existing campus at Chandaka on the outskirts of the Temple City.

The UG campus would be housing ASBMIT, ASBM School of Information Technology, Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) discipline and junior college for plus 2 commerce course. …

All the decisions were taken at ASBM’s Board of Governors (BoG) meeting on July 2, 2007.

…, " a total of around Rs 20 crore would be invested in future for setting up the degree engineering college, school of information technology and other courses like BBA and plus 2 commerce".

With the higher education department of the Orissa government already announcing that provisions are being kept in the state for setting up 6 private universities, Pattanayak said, "ASBM’s name figures prominently among them and we are awaiting the government approval".

As for the engineering course, it would have four streams – electronics and telecommunication ( E&TC), electronics and electrical engineering ( E&E), Computer Science and Information Technology ( IT).

During the first academic year 240 students would be admitted to the engineering degree course. The School of Information Technology would be having a 2-year course where the basic focus would be on Information Technology (IT) management. The end view for the school is to get comfortable placements for students in different IT multinationals. ...

18 comments July 16th, 2007

About: Orissa engineering colleges in the AICTE list and their number of seats (July 12 2007)

The following are some instructions about the previous posting titled "Orissa engineering colleges in the AICTE list and their number of seats (July 12 2007)."

It is from (as of July 12 2007) reached via after clicking the scrolling sentence in AICTE web page that says "Approval status 2007-08 as on 05-07-2007." The Orissa JEE counseling brochure has a few other colleges that are not in this list. For BPUT to put them in the Orissa JEE counseling brochure these colleges must have some sort of approval. Beyond that I can not guess why they are not in the latest AICTE list. Sometimes AICTE has multiple lists in its web pages. If people have doubts about these colleges they should ask BPUT to give them some written guarantee/proof regarding these colleges when counseling or during admission.

The last two columns of that article denote "Existing intake for 2006-07" and "Approved intake for 2007-08." Please note that they are not properly aligned. (I am having problems with the editor when copying and pasting from word documents.)


1 comment July 12th, 2007

Analyzing the 2004 Orissa JEE student preferences

The following analysis of the Orissa JEE student preferences is done by Satyanarayan Pujapanda a fourth year student from ITER, Bhubaneswar.

Continue Reading 18 comments June 29th, 2007

Orissa Engineering Colleges in Dataquest Ranking

Dataquest magazine has published its 2007 ranking. The Orissa Colleges in their ranking are:

  • (16) NIT Rourkela : 24 in 2006, 17 in 2005
  • (90) UCE Burla: 55 in 2006
  • (108) CET Bhubaneswar: 47 in 2006
  • (110) Orissa Engineering college, Bhubaneswar: 82 in 2006, 61 in 2005

Only NIT Rourkela improved its ranking from 2006; ranking of others have dropped.

NIT Rourkela also features in the top five engineering colleges in the eastern region. They are:

  • (1) IIT Kharagpur
  • (6) IIT Guwahati
  • (14) Jadavpur University Engineering College
  • (16) NIT Rourkela
  • (19) BIT Ranchi

As always, these are just one ranking.

2 comments June 29th, 2007

Ranking of Orissa Engineering Colleges based on student preferences

(Update on June 17 2008:  For guidance on what you can get with your Orissa JEE rank in 2008, please see I do not have more information than that.)

During the last two years I ranked various engineering colleges in Orissa based on the student preferences during BPUT’s counselling. In the following I will list the top 10 for 2006 and 2005. However, I must stress that proper rankings can only be done by using several parameters: student preference, opinions of companies, faculty quality, facilities etc. So my ranking based on only one criteria is flawed. But thats all the data that I have handy. So don’t take this ranking as gospel. Please use other channels to get more information on various colleges, such as their web pages.

2006 Top 10: (complete ranking with details on methodology) Not Considered: NIT Rourkela and KIIT Bhubaneswar as their 2006 admission is not through BPUT.

  • 1. CET, Bhubaneswar (govt.)
  • 2. UCE, Burla (govt.)
  • 3. ITER, Bhubaneswar
  • 4. NIST, Berhampur
  • 4. Silicon, Bhubaneswar
  • 6. CV Raman, Bhubaneswar
  • 7. IGIT, Sarang (govt.)
  • 8. Orissa Engineering College, Bhubaneswar
  • 9. GIET, Gunupur
  • 10. Gandhi Institute, Bhubaneswar
  • …19. Orissa School of Mines, Keonjhar (govt.)
  • … 37. Institue of Textile Technology, Choudwar (govt.)
2005 Top 10 (complete ranking with details on methodology)

Not Considered: NIT Rourkela as its 2005 admission was not through BPUT.

  • 1. CET, Bhubaneswar (govt.)
  • 2. UCE, Burla (govt.)
  • 3. ITER, Bhubaneswar
  • 4. NIST, Berhampur
  • 5. KIIT, Bhubaneswar (In 2005 only part of its admission was through BPUT)
  • 6. Silicon, Bhubaneswar
  • 6. CV Raman, Bhubaneswar
  • 8. Orissa Engineering College, Bhubaneswar
  • 9. GIET, Gunupur
  • 9. IGIT, Sarang
  • 9. Krupajal, Bhubaneswar
  • …18. Orissa School of Mines, Keonjhar (govt.)
  • … 32. Institue of Textile Technology, Choudwar (govt.)

399 comments June 6th, 2007

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