Hi-Tech group’s plan for Khurda, Jatni and Rourkela

Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard by Jayjit Dash.

Hi-Tech Group of Institutions has planned to set up two management institutes, one at Khurda and the other at Jatni, both located within 25 km radius of the city, at a combined investment of about Rs 12 crore.

These management institutes are set to be built on surplus land available at the two technological institutes run by the organisation – Konark Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) located at Jatni and the Hi-Tech Institute of Technology (HIT) in Khurda.

While the B-school in Khurda will come up on 15 acres of surplus land on HIT campus, the other B-school will be developed on 10 acres of surplus land within the KIST campus at Jatni.

“Construction work for our two proposed management institutes has already begun and we expect these two institutes to be functional next year. …

Each of these management institutes will have an intake of 60 seats and will offer two-year, full-time MBA programmes from the 2009-10 academic session.

The Hi-Tech Group will also invest Rs 30 crore for introducing new super-specialities, namely, cardiology, cardio-thoracic surgery, neurology, nephrology and trauma care in the Hi-Tech hospital. Hi-Tech Group of Institutions has also got the approval of AICTE to introduce post-graduate courses in engineering at the KIST campus.

The KIST campus will offer MTech in computer science and engineering as well as electronics and telecommunications engineering from the next academic session.

At present, KIST is offering BTech in five streams of engineering with the institute’s total intake being 420 seats. Meanwhile, the group expects to take possession of land for its proposed medical college and hospital in Rourkela within a month.

“We expect to get 25 acres of land for our proposed medical college cum hospital in Rourkela within a month and then inaugurate the hospital six months after acquiring land. Our medical college in Rourkela is expected to be operational a year after the inauguration of the hospital”, Panigrahi claimed.


1 comment September 13th, 2008

Vedanta University hires advisors for its medical college

Following is from a report in Pioneer.

In the first phase of the Vedanta University Project, a 500-bed super-specialty hospital and a medical college of international standard will be built which will be later expanded to 1,000-bed capacity. The super facilities that are planned cardiology, endocrinology and intensive care while paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology will be added in the next phase.

Besides providing highest quality health care, it will be a ‘Research-cum-Teaching hospital’. An advisory committee will decide on the vision and scope of the medical centre comprising health-care, teaching and research facilities with distinguished medical professionals and academicians from India and abroad.

The Vedanta University Project also announced that director of Medical Education and senior cardiologist of Apollo Hospital KP Mishra and ex-director of the Institute of Immunohaematology and winner of the Biju Patnaik Award for Excellence in Science and Technology Dipika Mohanty had joined as advisors to guide regarding the development of the hospital.

Mohanty, on behalf of hospital, will initiate a major research project in the areas for infants and children having anaemia as well as an identification and treatment for sickle cell anaemia which is more prevalent in Orissa.

The hospital and medical college are part of the first phase of the Vedanta University Project that will include a core campus with colleges for humanities, sciences, engineering and business. The academic session is likely to start in 2010.

The exact press release of Vedanta University is at http://vedanta.edu.in/news/?p=10. It says the following:

Super-Specialty Hospital and Medical College work to start soon by Vedanta University Project, Puri


  • Super specialty 500 bed hospital and medial college.
  • To be upgraded to 1000 bed later.
  • Super specialties in Cardiology, endocrinology and acute care.
  • Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology to be added later.
  • Advisory committee with experts from India and abroad being formed.
  • Noted Oriya Cardiologist, Dr. K.P.Mishra of Apollo fame and Dr. Dipika Mohanty, former Director of Institute of Immuno-haematology (ICMR) already joined as advisors.
  • Major research projects in interventional treatment of anaemia/iron deficiency and sickle cell anaemia being initiated.
  • The first phase of proposed Vedanta University will also include colleges of Humanities and Sciences, Engineering and Business.
  • Academic session scheduled to start in 2010.

Puri, August 19, 2008: In the first phase of the Vedanta University project, a 500 bed super specialty hospital and medical college of international standard will be built. This will be expanded to 1000 bed Hospital in the next phase. The super specialties that are planned in the Vedanta Hospital are cardiology, endocrinology and acute care. In the next phase, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology will be added. This Hospital will answer a long standing need for providing comprehensive and specialized patient care and health services for the population of the region and will be a beacon of hope for the common man.

The Hospital is being designed in line with the highest standards set for the Vedanta University Project, and it will be a Research cum Teaching hospital besides providing highest quality patient care. The Hospital will benefit from the highly qualified faculty of the proposed medical college and will be managed by well trained professionals. An advisory committee, comprising distinguished medical professionals and academicians from India and abroad, will be formed to decide on the vision and scope of the medical center consisting of hospital, teaching and research facilities.

Vedanta University Project is pleased to announce that Dr. K. P. Misra, MD, FACC, FRCP, the distinguished Oriya Cardiologist and Director, medical education and Senior Cardiologist (retd) Apollo Hospital, Chennai, and Dr. Dipika Mohanty, MD, Ph.D. FRCP, Ex Director Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR) and 2006 winner of the Biju Patnaik award for Excellence in Science and Technology, have joined as Advisors to guide setting up the hospital, medical college and medical research centers. On behalf of the Vedanta University Project, Dr Mohanty is initiating a major research project in the areas of interventional treatment of anaemia/iron deficiency in infants and children in Orissa as well as identification and treatment of sickle cell anaemia, which has a double incident rate in Orissa compared to other states where it is prevalent.

The Hospital and Medical College will form part of the first phase of Vedanta University Project that will include a core campus with colleges for Humanities & Sciences, and schools of Engineering and Business. The first academic session is planned to start in 2010.

The Vedanta University will be a world class multidisciplinary University of global scale that will promote greater learning, cutting-edge research and socio-economic development.

For further details contact:Mr. Kishore Chandra Das
Head, Communications
Anil Agarwal Foundation
Vedanta University Project, Puri
Email kishorechandradas@gmail.com
Mobile No. : 91-9437012258


6 comments August 20th, 2008

MOU signed for a private medical college in Kanishi near Berhampur: Dharitri

Note that few weeks back there was a similar news about WODC signing an MOU with the same Vigyan Bharati trust for a medical college in Rourkela.

August 4th, 2008

Project cells created for the six AIIMS like institutes

Following is from the PIB report http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=40465.

The Union Cabinet today gave its approval for creating Project Cells to expedite work in respect of 6 AIIMS like institution under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) Scheme.

July 17th, 2008

Hi-Tech may take up establishing a private medical college in Rourkela

Following is an excerpt from a news report in The Statesman.

The proposed medical college and hospital at Rourkela is expected to be set up soon as a team of hi-tech group of institutions, led by its chairman Mr Tirupati Panigrahi paid a visit to the site recently. It is said that the visit was intended for site selection and discussion with the district administration about the ancillary formalities. The group is believed to set up a 300-bed medical college and hospital here.

They visited the Rourkela government hospital (RGH) campus, sector-13 and sector-9.

The team also called on collector Dr K Kumar and discussed with him various aspects of the venture.

Reliable sources said the group, in the first phase, would build the hospital and within six months, would upgrade the same as a medical college.

Thoufh the CM had laid the foundation stone earlier, yet the inordinate delay and changed political scenario had made people believe that the medical college may not see the light of day. But the visit of the team is described as a ray of hope.

The Western Orissa Development Council (WODC) will partly finance the project in the initial stages, sources said.

3 comments June 20th, 2008

Revised Tender for construction of housing complex for AIIMS like institute in Bhubaneswar

Update: Amendment to this tender.

Latest from http://www.mohfw.nic.in/tenders.html (see also http://mohfw.nic.in/tenders.htm):

Construction of Housing complex for AIIMS like institutions under PMSSY at RAIPUR (CHATTISHGARH) / BHUBANESHWAR (ORRISA) /PATNA, RISHIKESH


Some details about the tender:

  • Release label: May 2008
  • Tender number: HSCC//BU-/155 D&E/2008
  • Estimated cost: 60 crores
  • Completion period of work: 15 months
  • Date of issue of tender document: 5/9/2008 – 6/9/08 up to 1:00 PM
  • Bid security: 61 lakhs

Earlier links are at https://www.orissalinks.com/?p=970.

May 8th, 2008

Union Health minister’s statement on delay with respect to AIIMS-like institutes

Following is from the Lok Sabha proceedings on 4/29/08.

DR. ANBUMANI RAMADOSS: … Coming to the AIIMS-like institutions, my predecessor, Shrimati Sushma Swaraj, when she was the Minister, she had launched a scheme called Pradhan Mantri Swasth Suraksha Yojana, under which they wanted to build six new AIIMS-like institutions and upgrade seven existing institutions to a certain level. Then, after that, our Government took over. At that time, since elections were there, they could not proceed further and the UPA Government took over. It is not like that with the change in Government, the policy would change. Shri Tripathy was mentioning about the political interference and all that, which I would definitely counter that. It is a continuity. Government comes and Government goes but it is a continuity. Definitely, we are following the programme. I would like to commend my predecessor, Shrimati Sushma Swaraj for bringing out that very innovative concept. I have already thanked and commended her for this. Definitely, we are going through this. Again, I would like to say that there has been a delay. I acknowledge the delay; I regret for the same. I could explain the delay, etc. In fact, the Standing Committee on Health has gone in depth into this and they were also upset. I am more upset than the Standing Committee. There has been some delay due to non-response to the tenders, etc. Work has started in Rajasthan; work would be starting in one or two months in Bhubaneswar, in Bhopal, in Patna, etc. This is how the work is distributed and it would take little more time for me.

Even though the previous Government had plans of building six new and improving seven institutions, we are now improving nearly 13 institutions – from seven we are improving 13. Kerala was not in the list of the last Government. After the UPA Government came into power, we included Trivandrum Medical College in Kerala for upgradation and allocated Rs.120 crore. Throughout the country, we have just one slab of Rs.120 crore – Rs.20 crore from the local Government and Rs.100 crore from the Central Government. We try to do that. I would like to assure my friend, Shri Tripathy and others that definitely we are trying to work out the modalities. We had split between the housing and the hospital, etc. to quicken the pace of work. Again, I would like to categorically assure the House that we are definitely into the projects, Sir.

SHRI KHARABELA SWAIN (BALASORE): Mr. Minister, are we to take it as an assurance from you that in Bhubaneswar, the work will start within the next two months?

DR. ANBUMANI RAMADOSS: Within the next three months, it will start in Bhubaneswar.

SHRI KHARABELA SWAIN (BALASORE): Okay, three months’ time is all right.

DR. ANBUMANI RAMADOSS: In three months’ time, the work will start in Bhubaneshwar.


Viswas and others: Please note that besides the six new AIIMS-like institutes the government is taking up the upgradation of 13 exisiting medical colleges  to AIIMS standard. Note that some states (UP, J & K and Andhra Pradesh) will have two of their institutes upgraded. Orissa should try to have one of its other medical colleges outside the Bhubaneswar area to be upgraded to that level. The medical colleges in Berhampur and Burla could be possible candidates.

Update: Some more ones are also in the planning stage.

In Summary:

  • Existing AIIMS in Delhi
  • 6 New ones in pipeline at Rs 332 crores each (paid by GOI) : Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Patna, Rishikesh, Jodhpur, Raipur
  • 13 upgradations at Rs 120 crores each (100 crore paid by GOI, rest 20 crore by the corresponding state)
    • Govt. Medical College, Jammu (J&K)
    • Govt. Medical College, Srinagar (J&K)
    • Kolkatta Medical College, Kolkatta (W.B.)
    • Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow (U.P)
    • Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi (UP)
    • Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad(A.P)
    • Sri Venkateshwara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati (A.P) (50% cost of upgradation will be borne by the TTD Trust)
    • Govt. Medical College, Salem (T.N.)
    • Rajendra Institute of Medical Science (RIMS), Ranchi (Jharkhand)
    • B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
    • Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore(Karnataka)
    • Grant Medical College & Sir J.J. Group Of Hospitals, Mumbai, (Maharashta)
    • Medical College, Thrivananthapuram, (Kerala)
  • Planning stages
    • Two new ones in UP and West Bengal
    • Upgradation of five existing hospitals in Nagpur, Himachal Pradesh, Amritsar, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.

1 comment May 1st, 2008

Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir Trust will set up a medical college and super specialty hospital near Naraj

Following is an excerpt from a news report in Pioneer.

Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir Trust will set up a medical college and super specialty hospital near Naraj. Earlier, it was announced to set up a private university at Naraj. It has also planned to set up health centre in all the districts of the State.

In this connection, Trust member Yezdi Batliwala called on Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Saturday at the State Secretariat.

The State Government has allotted 185.97 acres of land for this purpose. The proposed university would have a core campus comprising academic and non-academic buildings to cater to the needs of 15,000 students, 1,500 faculty and matching number of non-teaching staff.

Basic science, humanities, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, business management, law, bio-science, art, culture and Vedic studies, Ayurveda, aviation and maritime training will be on course list. The campus will house a sports complex, recreational facilities, utility centres and meditation halls.

Following is from Samaja.

April 27th, 2008

School of Life Science, four star colleges and an infectious disease research unit

Following is an excerpt from a report in Pioneer. (See also this report in New Indian Express.)

Union Minister of Science and Technology and Earth Sciences Kapil Sibal on Friday said a School of Life Science would be established in one of the universities of the State.

Addressing a Press Conference here, Sibal said the Centre would provide all help in establishing the Infectious Disease Research Unit in the premises of the SCB Medical College, Cuttack. He was here to lay the foundation stone for a new research building of Institute of Life Science

Sibal further said that the Research Unit would be set up with the help of the Institute of Life Science. "Four existing colleges will be given the status of star college in Orissa," he announced, adding that the star college would be equipped with all sorts of modern facilities and technology. Students would be encouraged to take up research works particularly in the field of bio-technology. "Biotechnology has to play a key role in the country’s development," he said.

April 5th, 2008

Status report of AIIMS like institute

Following is from http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=36712.



The proposal for setting up of AIIMS-like institutions was approved by CCEA on 16.3.2006.  The initial bid process for selection of Project Consultant proved to be unresponsive.  The offer of short listed Architectural Design Consultant for preparing enlarged concept design was rejected due to the exorbitantly high price quoted by the selected designer.  Therefore, the whole process had to be initiated de novo in December 2006.  Several methodological changes were made to ensure progress keeping in mind the complexity of building 6 such institutions simultaneously and lack of capacity for taking the whole project as one.  Therefore, it was decided that each AIIMS site would be taken as a separate and independent project instead of clubbing all six together.  The construction of housing complex was also separated from that of Hospital and Medical College.

            The Design – DPR consultants have been selected for each site through an open competitive bidding.  The layout / master plans for the AIIMS sites at Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Jodhpur, Raipur and Rishikesh have been approved.  Approval of layout / master plan for Patna site is expected this month.  The Consultants are in the process of preparing architectural design, which is expected to be finalized by May 2008.  The detailed project report (DPR) would be ready by May-June 2008.  Thereafter, tenders would be invited for selection of contractor for civil construction work. 

            In so far as construction of residential complex (housing & hostel) is concerned, bids were invited for selection of turnkey Developers.  However, bid process was successful only for Jodhpur site and work has been awarded to M/s. Rajasthan State Road Development Corporation, a PSU of Government of Rajasthan.  Work is in progress.  The work relating to construction of residential complex at Rishikesh and Patna has been entrusted to HLL and for Bhubaneswar and Raipur to HSCC.  Tender process has been initiated for selection of contractors for Bhubaneswar and Raipur sites by HSCC.  For Bhopal site, housing complex work is being awarded alongside the hospital-medical college complex.

            The work of residential complexes is likely to be completed by 2009 and the hospital–medical college complexes by 2010.

            The details of funds allocated for the PMSSY and expenditure thereon during the last three years are as under: –

(Rs. in crore)


Funds allocation at BE Stage

Funds allocation at RE Stage


















52.00 (approx) (till date)*

* Allocation will be fully utilized.

            Project Management Consultant for each site is also being selected for expeditious execution of the work.  Ministry has initiated steps to set up dedicated project cell at each site comprising medical expert, engineers and administrative support staff.  Each of the projects is being closely monitored by the Ministry to ensure that there is no slippage or delay at any of the sites.

This information was given by the Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss in a reply to a question in the Lok Sabha.

KR/SK/280 – LS

2 comments March 19th, 2008

Koustuv Group spreads its wings

The Koustuv group which currently has a diploma college (Koustuv School of Engineering) and  two operating engineering colleges (CoEB and KISD) has several more engineering colleges in the pipeline. They are Koustuv Institute of Technology (KIT), Khurda in Orissa and KITs in Ranchi and Kolkata. It also operates a plus two science college, Koustuv Institute of Science.  It has plans for a medical college  to be called Koustuv Research Institute of Medical Science (KRIMS). In regards to the medical college, there is a report in Telegraph regarding Koustuv’s success in its bid for a 400+ acres of land previously occupied by OTM. Following are some excerpts:

Koustuv Group, which recently got clearance from State Level Single Window Clearance Authority for a tin smelting plant at Khurda, has apparently emerged as front-runner in the auction of Orissa Textile Mills (OTM).

The state-owned composite cotton mill winded up in 2002.

Prabhat Ranjan Mallik, the chairman of Bhubaneswar-based Koustuv Group, was the foremost bidder with a fresh offer of Rs 43 crore for the OTM property and assets, including 422 acres of prime industrial land at Choudwar, in the final round of bidding in Orissa High Court yesterday.

The bidding vehicle set up afresh by Koustuv Group before the company affairs bench of Justice I.M. Quddusi plans to use the OTM factory complex for setting up a tin modulation unit.

“Moreover, a medical research centre comprising a state-of-the-art hospital and a medical college have been planned for the future,” said Koustuv Group counsel P. Mukherjee, while making a verbal bidding before the court. Mallik was also present in the company affairs court.

1 comment March 2nd, 2008

Some Budget numbers relevant to Orissa HRD (NISER, AIIMS-like, etc.)

Following is from Volume 2 of the expenditure of Budget 2008-09.

  • NISER/IOP: The IOP+NISER budget (item 9.04 of the DAE budget) is 69 crores in plan + 9 crores in non-plan  = 78 crores. The nornal IOP budget is about 20 crores. Hence, 50-58 crores is the budget for NISER in 2008-09.  (Note that in 2007-08  IOP was allocated 32.75+7 crores and it spent 27.6+8 = 35.6 crores. I..e, Probably 15-18 crores were spent for NISER. )
  • IISER: There is a budget of 150 crores (item 61 of the Higher education budget) for the five IISERs. (The budget for three of  them was 125 crores in 2007-08, out of which only 60 crores was spent.)
  • new IITs: There is a budget of 50 crores (item 60 of the Higher education budget) for the establishment of three new IITs. (The budget for them was 80 crores in 2007-08, out of which only 0.01 crores was spent.)
  • new IIITs: There is a budget of 21.4 crores (item 57 of the Higher education budget) for the establishment of new IIITs.
  • AIIMS-like: There is a total budget of 490 crores (item 26 of the Health ministry budget) for the establishment of 6 new AIIMS-like institutes and upgradation of 10 other institutes. In 2007-08 the budget for this was 150 crores out of which only 90 crores was spent; most of it went to the upgradation part.
  • NITs: The budget for the NITs (item 69 of the Higher education budget) is 808 (plan) + 285 (non-plan) = 1093 crores. Rs 608 crores of that is for enhancing the number of students to account for the OBC quota.
  • IITs: The budget for the IITs (item 38 of the Higher education budget) is 1171 (plan) + 525 (non-plan) = 1696 crores. Rs 771 crores of that is for enhancing the number of students to account for the OBC quota.
  • IISc Bangalore: The budget for the IISc (item 41 of the Higher education budget) is 130 (plan) + 91 (non-plan) = 221 crores. Rs 70 crores of that is for enhancing the number of students to account for the OBC quota.
  • UGC: The budget for UGC (item 3 of the Higher education budget) is 3095.5 (plan) + 2009.4 (non-plan) = 5104.9 crores. Rs 875 crores of that is for enhancing the number of students to account for the OBC quota.
  • NIRTAR and other 6 institutes for blind, deaf, mentally retarded and orthopaedically handicapped: The budget for them (item 21 of Ministry of Social Justice budget) is 47+27.05 crores.
  • IIST (Indian Inst. of Space Sc. & Tech): Its budget (item 12 of ministry of space) is 65.25 crores. 25 crores out of a budgeted 75 crores was spent in 2007-08.
  • ISIs: Its budget (item 4 of ministry of statistics) is 22.5 + 51.96 crores.
  • NIFT: Its budget (item 11.01 of ministry of Textile) is 31.75 + 10 crores.
  • Tourism: Its budget for training (item 5 of Tourism ministry) is 71 + 0.8 crores. It includes 26 Institutes of Hotel management, 7 Foodcraft institutes, IITTM, and NIWS (National Institute of Water Sports).
  • CIPET: Its budget (item 2 of Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers) for the 15 centers is 31 crores.
  • NIPER, Mohali: Its budget (item 7 of Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers) is 75+15 crores.
  • National Institute of design: Its budget for (item 3 of ministry of commerce) is only 0.25 crores. It was 20.25 crores in 2007-08. It seems the funding pattern has been changed. There is now 50 crores (item 7 of ministry of commerce) for project based support to autonomous institutions which includes NID and several other institutions.


February 29th, 2008

Tender for construction of housing complex for AIIMS like institute in Bhubaneswar

Latest from http://www.mohfw.nic.in/tenders.html (see also http://mohfw.nic.in/tenders.htm):

Tender for Construction of Housing complex for AIIMS like institutions under PMSSY at BHUBNESHWAR(ORISSA)

Some details about the tender:

  • Release label: January 2008
  • Tender number: HSCC//BU-/155 D/2008
  • Estimated cost: 60 crores
  • Completion period of work: 15 months
  • Date of issue of tender document: 2/12/08 – 3/3/08 up to 1:00 PM
  • Last date of submission at HSCC NOIDA office: 3/4/08 up to 3 PM; opening at 3 PM
  • Bid security: 61 lakhs

Earlier links are at https://www.orissalinks.com/?p=749.

February 17th, 2008

Orissa government prepares for the infrastructure development around the upcoming AIIMS like institute

Following is an excerpt from a news report in New Indian Express.

The Government is required to acquire 1.42 acres of private land for construction of the proposed 200-foot wide road that will connect the AIIMS site to the National Highway No. 5.

… Another 2.25 acres of land of the State Police Academy in Patrapada village will be acquired for the project.

The Chief Secretary directed the Home Department to take necessary action and report compliance.

He also directed the General Administration Department to identify the private land falling under the site earmarked for AIIMS under emergency clause.

The meeting was informed that the Orissa State Cashew Development Corporation had already handed over the required land, coming under its area and construction work of a 40-foot wide alternative road along the AIIMS boundary wall to Patrapada village, to Roads and Buildings Division of the Works Department.

The Khurda Collector further reported that the process had been initiated to dereserve 0.803 acre of gochar land coming under the project site.

The Public Health Department in coordination with the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation will supply water for the construction works.

A 132-KV double circuit tower existing within the site will be shifted for which the Energy Department will deposit Rs 1.34 crore to the Orissa Power Transmission corporation Limited.

The meeting also decided to take the public-private partnership route for construction of a bus stand, market complex, yatri nivas and other facilities for public convenience.

December 11th, 2007

Vedanta University issues an EOI for its proposed medical college

The following is from http://vedanta.edu.in/news/?p=8.

Subject : Expression of Interest for the planning and design of A 1600 bed teaching Hospital and Medical college


In 2006, the Anil Agarwal Foundation entered in to an MOU with the Orissa Government to set up the Vedanta University, a ‘not-for-profit’ initiative along the picturesque Puri- Konark marine drive in Orissa. The University and associated townships are on a 6300 acre campus, master planned by Ayers Saint Gross, the notable university architects and planners from Baltimore, Maryland USA.

The university is planned to have an ultimate strength of 100,000 students of International and Indian backgrounds studying around 95 diverse streams of learning. The university is planned to start intake of its first batch of students in 2009.

As part of the first Phase, we will build about 2.5 million square feet of academic buildings which include Humanities, Science, Engineering, Architecture, Business and Law colleges, the mail University library along with residences for about 3500 students and 700 faculty and staff. In Phase 1, we will also build the hospital with residences for staff, with the Medical College to follow subsequently.

The hospital is envisaged as a 1600 bed teaching hospital which will be build in phases. An initial phase may comprise about 250 to 300 beds. The hospital should have super specialty streams which are needed both in the region and nationally. The hospital will have both paying and nonpaying patients, with the exact mix to be determined by the business model of building a self sustaining hospital.

Keeping all this in mind, we seek experts who can advise us on the way forward to make our Chairman’s vision into reality by helping us
a) Solidify our mission statement and also develop a business model for the same.
b) Provide us with detailed project report and space programs for the hospital and medical college.
c) Review the architectural plan for functionality and adherence to program.
d) Additionally we are seeking hospital design consultants who will develop building concepts and detailed architectural, structural and MEP drawings for tender. This would be a separate component.

Kindly let us know if your are interested in participating in this project. Interested parties may send us details of past performance in similar projects along with a list of key personals by 30th October 2007.

Thanking you
for Anil Agarwal Foundation

C. Joseph
Associate GM (Projects)

PS. Kindly send your reply along with necessary documents to

VU / Hospital / 10 /07
Vedanta University Project
C/o Anil Agarwal Foundation
232, Solitaire park
Andheri -Kurla link road.
Chakala, Andheri East.
Mumbai 400093
Phone +91 22 40058000
Fax +91 22 40058021

December 9th, 2007

Number of Medical Colleges established during the last three years in various states

The following table is from the PIB http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=32920.

State-wise list of medical colleges, which have been permitted by the Central Government for being, set up during the last three years i.e. 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08

S. No.







Andhra Pradesh

















Madhya Pradesh








Tamil Nadu








Uttar Pradesh






















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