Today I came across the page which shows the exact location of the proposed medical college in the campus master plan of Vedanta University.

The overall campus plan is as follows:

October 11th, 2010
Following is from
The Vedanta University Teaching Hospital located in the State of Orissa, India, will be the first building of the ambitious Vedanta University Master Plan. As a first building, the hospital’s orientation, program and design represent a signifi¬cant opportunity to launch Vedanta University and provide connectivity between the campus and the community.
The Vedanta Teaching Hospital was programmed initially for 500 acute care beds and 67 intensive care beds (Phase l). In a future phase (Phase2), the bed
count will double.
The Guiding Principles in the development of the Space Program relate program-matically to the idea of creating true synergy between research, teaching and clinical care, as well as creating Centers of Excellence in the areas of Cardiology and Endocrinology. Physically, the Space Program is conceived as highly modu¬lar so as to be able to grow and evolve with ease and flexibility. The Inpatient and Outpatient spaces are conceived as relating programmatically by level.
The architectural and operational framework of the organization’s information technology capability is envisioned as a mission-critical 24/7 operational util¬ity service delivered and managed in a cost-effective manner. In addition, the selection of state-of-the-art medical equipment for both patient care and clinical research will be a critical success factor for the university.
The right side of that page lists other projects handled by Jensen Partners. It includes UCLA and Emory University (Atlanta).
September 6th, 2009
Update: This article in also mentions the design. Some Chinese sites such this one and this one also mention it. This article at the shows that Perkin+Wills is one of the top architectural firms in LA county and its 2008 billings included billing Vedanta University Hospital.

Perkins+Will is designing the Vedanta University Medical college and Hospital. The BCDC (Building design+construction) network and World Architecture News have put out some of the initial pictures of the design. Both write the following:
Working together with the Anil Agarwal Foundation, Perkins+Will have developed the master plan for the Medical Precinct of a new teaching hospital in the extremely remote section of Puri, Orissa, India.
Vedanta University Teaching Hospital is part of a very ambitious plan to develop this rural area into a global center of education and healthcare that would be on par with Harvard, Stanford and Oxford. The 500-bed world-class facility, set to open in 2011, would serve as a regional hub for critical medical specialties such as cardiology and diabetes and focus research on prevalent public health issues in the surrounding area. With the heart of the project geared toward giving back to the community, Perkins+Will architects have carefully incorporated the area’s cultural values by working with local materials and artisans to capture India’s modern art trends within the building plans.
Additionally, some of the hospital’s sustainable features will include daylighting, atriums, storm water management and water conservation through site run-off and an onsite sewage treatment plant, use of local materials, landscaping with local plants and green roof.
September 6th, 2009
Following are some excerpts from that article.
… The university hospital, which will be built near the Puri-Konark Marine Drive, will be distinctive with its world-class facilities and infrastructure. The hospital will place equal emphasis on patient care, research, and teaching. It will be staffed by renowned doctors from India and abroad. …
Commending this initiative, eminent Indian cardiologist Dr KP Misra, said, "The hospital will serve as a regional hub for critical specialties including cardiology and diabetology. As a teaching and research hospital, it will attract leading researchers and specialists in medical science from around the globe. The university’s research agenda will prioritise public health solutions that address the most prevalent medical issues in the region."
On the occasion of the launch of the Vedanta University hospital project, a national seminar on ‘Optimum Medical Education and Ethics in Clinical Practice’ was organised at Bhubaneswar. The national conference was addressed by leaders in medical science of international repute, including Padma Vibhushan Professor MS Valiathan and Padma Bhushan Professor NK Ganguly.
The conceptual planning and design of the hospital has been prepared by the leading US-based hospital design firm Perkins + Will, which has previously designed state-of-the-art teaching and research hospitals at institutions such as Johns Hopkins University and the University of California at Los Angeles.
"The 500-bed multi-specialty hospital will commence during the first phase of the University. Orders for construction have already been placed with Larsen & Toubro Limited," added Sanjeev Anand Zutshi, Director of the project. The university has already initiated research programmes with local relevance. Dr Dipika Mohanty, a recipient of the Biju Patnaik award for Excellence in Science and Technology, has begun a Vedanta University-sponsored research project on interventions that can address the disproportionate prevalence of anemia in infants and children of Orissa.
The Vedanta University Hospital is a cornerstone of the institution’s larger commitment to serving public needs. Students and faculty across disciplines will be encouraged to engage with local challenges, search for solutions that contribute to the development of Orissa, and pursue research priorities that have real impact on the lives of people. In addition to initiatives in medicine, the first phase of the University will include schools of education, arts & sciences, engineering, management, and nursing. The hospital and initial academic programs will begin in 2011.
June 12th, 2009 has a nice article about the 243 page book on Vedanta University master plan. One of the pictures in that article shows the names of the various gates. Following is an enlargement of that picture.

The name of the outer gates in anti-clockwise order are:
- Vedanta gate
- Konark gate
- Kolkata gate
- Bhubaneswar gate
- Nuanai gate
- Puri gate
The name of the inner gates are:
- The gates on the right
- Brahmaputra gate
- Ganges gate
- Godavari gate
- Narmada gate
- Sun gate (?)
- Kaveri gate
- Mahanadi gate
- Saraswati gate
- Yamuna gate
- The gates on the left
- Library gate
- North Canal gate
- Orissa gate
- New Delhi gate
- West Canal gate
- Mumbai gate
- Hyderabad gate
- South Canal gate
- Theatre gate
Some of the other landmarks that are labeled are:
- Gandhi oval
- Crescent maidan
- Nehru square
- Tagore chowk
June 8th, 2009
Following is an excerpt from a report in
For an architect, it is always challenging to incorporate elements of local art and culture into modern day structures. But, if the words of leading health-care planner and architect with ‘Perkins+Wills’ Nick Seierup are to be believed, the interiors of the proposed Vedanta University Hospital on Puri-Konark Marine Drive would be an example of amalgamation of ethnicity and modernity keeping in mind local needs and aesthetics.
…‘‘As an institution of inter-disciplinary studies the proposed design of the six-storeyed structure will have an ultra modern look and will equip the students and researchers of the medical facility to have enough space for interactive learning through open-air or enclosed surroundings with eco-friendly atmosphere’’, he added.

April 11th, 2009
Following is an excerpt from a PTI report in
Vedanta University today announced the launch of a world class multi-speciality teaching and research hospital near Puri-Konark Marine Drive at a cost of Rs 400 crore. "The 500-bed multi-speciality hospital will commence during the first phase of the university. Orders for construction have already been placed," Sanjeev Anand Zutshi, Director of the project, told reporters here.
Stating that construction would begin after the elections, C V Krishnan of the Vedanta group said nearly 4,000 acres had already been acquired for the university project as against the total requirement of about 6,000 acres.
Both Krishnan and Zutshi said that the hospital would commence services in 2011 providing high-quality patient care affordable to the common man by the "not-for-profit"institution, an initiative of Anil Agarwal foundation.
Following are excerpts from a report in
Lauding the initiative, eminent Indian cardiologist, Dr. Kabi Prasad Mishra, said that the hospital will be a regional hub for critical specialties including cardiology and diabetology.
Dr.Mishra said that as a teaching and research centre, it will attract leading researcher and specialists in medical science from around the globe.
The University’s research agenda will prioritize public health solutions that address the most prevalent medical issues in the region.
This multi-specialty hospital will commence during the first phase of the university, said Sanjeev Anand Zutshi, Director of VUP.
Orders for construction have already been places with Larsen & Toubro Limited, added Mr.Zutshi.
The conceptual planning and design of the hospital has been prepared by the leading US based hospital design firm Perkins + Will.
The design was well appreciated by stalwarts of Medical Science like Professor M S Valiathan and Professor N K Ganguly.
Padma Vibhusan Dr. Valiathan presented the key note address in the national seminar “Optimum Medical Education and Ethics in clinical Practice”.
Padma Bhusan Dr.Ganguly dwelt upon issues like immunology, biotechnology and public health.
The VUP has already initiated research program on interventions needed for prevalence of anemia in infants and children of the state led by Dr.Dipika Mohanty.
Telegraph also reports on this.
April 6th, 2009
Following is from a report in Pioneer.
In the first phase of the Vedanta University Project, a 500-bed super-specialty hospital and a medical college of international standard will be built which will be later expanded to 1,000-bed capacity. The super facilities that are planned cardiology, endocrinology and intensive care while paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology will be added in the next phase.
Besides providing highest quality health care, it will be a ‘Research-cum-Teaching hospital’. An advisory committee will decide on the vision and scope of the medical centre comprising health-care, teaching and research facilities with distinguished medical professionals and academicians from India and abroad.
The Vedanta University Project also announced that director of Medical Education and senior cardiologist of Apollo Hospital KP Mishra and ex-director of the Institute of Immunohaematology and winner of the Biju Patnaik Award for Excellence in Science and Technology Dipika Mohanty had joined as advisors to guide regarding the development of the hospital.
Mohanty, on behalf of hospital, will initiate a major research project in the areas for infants and children having anaemia as well as an identification and treatment for sickle cell anaemia which is more prevalent in Orissa.
The hospital and medical college are part of the first phase of the Vedanta University Project that will include a core campus with colleges for humanities, sciences, engineering and business. The academic session is likely to start in 2010.
The exact press release of Vedanta University is at It says the following:
- Super specialty 500 bed hospital and medial college.
- To be upgraded to 1000 bed later.
- Super specialties in Cardiology, endocrinology and acute care.
- Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology to be added later.
- Advisory committee with experts from India and abroad being formed.
- Noted Oriya Cardiologist, Dr. K.P.Mishra of Apollo fame and Dr. Dipika Mohanty, former Director of Institute of Immuno-haematology (ICMR) already joined as advisors.
- Major research projects in interventional treatment of anaemia/iron deficiency and sickle cell anaemia being initiated.
- The first phase of proposed Vedanta University will also include colleges of Humanities and Sciences, Engineering and Business.
- Academic session scheduled to start in 2010.
Puri, August 19, 2008: In the first phase of the Vedanta University project, a 500 bed super specialty hospital and medical college of international standard will be built. This will be expanded to 1000 bed Hospital in the next phase. The super specialties that are planned in the Vedanta Hospital are cardiology, endocrinology and acute care. In the next phase, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology will be added. This Hospital will answer a long standing need for providing comprehensive and specialized patient care and health services for the population of the region and will be a beacon of hope for the common man.
The Hospital is being designed in line with the highest standards set for the Vedanta University Project, and it will be a Research cum Teaching hospital besides providing highest quality patient care. The Hospital will benefit from the highly qualified faculty of the proposed medical college and will be managed by well trained professionals. An advisory committee, comprising distinguished medical professionals and academicians from India and abroad, will be formed to decide on the vision and scope of the medical center consisting of hospital, teaching and research facilities.
Vedanta University Project is pleased to announce that Dr. K. P. Misra, MD, FACC, FRCP, the distinguished Oriya Cardiologist and Director, medical education and Senior Cardiologist (retd) Apollo Hospital, Chennai, and Dr. Dipika Mohanty, MD, Ph.D. FRCP, Ex Director Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR) and 2006 winner of the Biju Patnaik award for Excellence in Science and Technology, have joined as Advisors to guide setting up the hospital, medical college and medical research centers. On behalf of the Vedanta University Project, Dr Mohanty is initiating a major research project in the areas of interventional treatment of anaemia/iron deficiency in infants and children in Orissa as well as identification and treatment of sickle cell anaemia, which has a double incident rate in Orissa compared to other states where it is prevalent.
The Hospital and Medical College will form part of the first phase of Vedanta University Project that will include a core campus with colleges for Humanities & Sciences, and schools of Engineering and Business. The first academic session is planned to start in 2010.
The Vedanta University will be a world class multidisciplinary University of global scale that will promote greater learning, cutting-edge research and socio-economic development.
For further details contact:Mr. Kishore Chandra Das
Head, Communications
Anil Agarwal Foundation
Vedanta University Project, Puri
Mobile No. : 91-9437012258
August 20th, 2008
The following is from
Subject : Expression of Interest for the planning and design of A 1600 bed teaching Hospital and Medical college
In 2006, the Anil Agarwal Foundation entered in to an MOU with the Orissa Government to set up the Vedanta University, a ‘not-for-profit’ initiative along the picturesque Puri- Konark marine drive in Orissa. The University and associated townships are on a 6300 acre campus, master planned by Ayers Saint Gross, the notable university architects and planners from Baltimore, Maryland USA.
The university is planned to have an ultimate strength of 100,000 students of International and Indian backgrounds studying around 95 diverse streams of learning. The university is planned to start intake of its first batch of students in 2009.
As part of the first Phase, we will build about 2.5 million square feet of academic buildings which include Humanities, Science, Engineering, Architecture, Business and Law colleges, the mail University library along with residences for about 3500 students and 700 faculty and staff. In Phase 1, we will also build the hospital with residences for staff, with the Medical College to follow subsequently.
The hospital is envisaged as a 1600 bed teaching hospital which will be build in phases. An initial phase may comprise about 250 to 300 beds. The hospital should have super specialty streams which are needed both in the region and nationally. The hospital will have both paying and nonpaying patients, with the exact mix to be determined by the business model of building a self sustaining hospital.
Keeping all this in mind, we seek experts who can advise us on the way forward to make our Chairman’s vision into reality by helping us
a) Solidify our mission statement and also develop a business model for the same.
b) Provide us with detailed project report and space programs for the hospital and medical college.
c) Review the architectural plan for functionality and adherence to program.
d) Additionally we are seeking hospital design consultants who will develop building concepts and detailed architectural, structural and MEP drawings for tender. This would be a separate component.
Kindly let us know if your are interested in participating in this project. Interested parties may send us details of past performance in similar projects along with a list of key personals by 30th October 2007.
Thanking you
for Anil Agarwal Foundation
C. Joseph
Associate GM (Projects)
PS. Kindly send your reply along with necessary documents to
VU / Hospital / 10 /07
Vedanta University Project
C/o Anil Agarwal Foundation
232, Solitaire park
Andheri -Kurla link road.
Chakala, Andheri East.
Mumbai 400093
Phone +91 22 40058000
Fax +91 22 40058021
December 9th, 2007