M.Tech seat matrix in colleges under BPUT for the 2010-11 session

Following is obtained from http://odishajee.com/home.asp.

In addition to the above, additional M.Tech seats are available at:

  • IIIT Bhubaneswar
  • SOA University Bhubaneswar
  • KIIT Bhubaneswar
  • CIPET Bhubaneswar
  • IMMT Bhubaneswar
  • OUAT Bhubaneswar
  • IIT Kharagpur, Bhubaneswar campus
  • VSSUT, Sambalpur
  • NIT Rourkela
  • SUIIT, Sambalpur

See https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/4984 for seat matrix in the above places.

October 11th, 2010

Ph.D stipends to increase to Rs 16,000-Rs 20,000 per month

Update: The announcement is at http://www.education.nic.in/TechnicalEdu/RevratesPHD.pdf. It looks like the hike is only for Ph.D students and not for M.Tech students.

Following is an excerpt from a report in Hindustan Times.

Research scholars at the Indian Institutes of Technology and all other central science and engineering schools will soon receive a massive hike of up to 33 per cent in the monthly stipend they receive. The human resource development (HRD) ministry has communicated the decision to all central institutions including the IITs.

… Apart from the IITs, students and research scholars at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, the Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs), the National Institutes of Technology (NITs), and the Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs) will also benefit.

The HRD ministry letter to the Directors of these institutions also says the "revision in rate will be applicable to other government and government aided institutions funded by the All India Council for Technical Education and University Grants Commission."

Students who graduate from the undergraduate B.Tech programme at the IITs with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of over 8, and those who clear the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering will now receive R16,000 a month during their PG research. They receive R12,000 a month at present.

PG degree holders in the basic sciences and students who have qualified in the National Eligibility Test will get R18,000 a month till their fifth year of PhD research. Students who hold PG degrees in engineering will receive R18,000 a month during the first two years of research and R20,000 a month during the next two years.

3 comments October 5th, 2010

M.Tech programs offered by Engineering Colleges, other institutions and universities in Odisha

Following is extracted from multiple sources including http://www.aicte-india.org/excel/29jun/ORISSA.html

College M.Tech branch Number of Seats
Mahavir Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar (36) Computer Science & Engg 18
  Electrical & Communication 18
DRIEMS, Cuttack (90) Computer Science 18
  ECE 18
  EE (Power) 18
  Electronis & Instr 18
  IT 18
Synergy, Dhenkanal (72) Computer Science & Engg 36
  Electrical & Comm. (VLSI & Embeded System) 18
  Electrical & Electronics (Power Electronics & Drives) 18
Majhighariani, Rayagada (36) BioTechnology 18
  Mechanical Engineering 18
East, Bhubaneswar (36) Computer Science & Engineering 18
  Electronics & Telecommunication 18
CIPET, Bhubaneswar (54) Material Sc & Technology  (M.SC) 18
  Plastic Engineering (M.Tech) 18
  Polymer Nano Technology 18
Orissa Engineering College, Bhubaneswar  (36) Computer Science & Engineering 18
  Mechanical System Design 18
IIIT, Bhubaneswar (25) Computer Science & Engineering 25
Krupajal, Bhubaneswar (72) Computer Science & Engineering 18
  Power Electronics & Drives 18
  Communication Engineering 18
  Heat Power Engineering 18
CEB, Bhubaneswar (54) Computer Science & Engineering  18
  Electrical & Communication 18
  Thermal Engineering 18
C V Raman, Bhubaneswar (180) Industrial Engineering 18
  Chemical Engineering 18
  Computer Science & Engineering 36
  Electrical (Power System) Engg 18
  Electronics and Communication 36
  Heat Power Engineering 18
  IT 18
  Mechatronics 18
Konark Institute, Bhubaneswar (36) Computer Science & Engineering  18
  Electrical & Communication 18
NM Institute, Bhubaneswar (36) Power Electronics & Devices 18
  Mechanical Engineering 18
Techno, Bhubaneswar (36) ECE 18
  EEE 18
Gandhi Engineering College, Bhubaneswar (36) Computer Science & Engineering 18
  Electrical & Communication 18
GITA, Bhubaneswar (36) Electrical / Electrical & Elex 18
  Mechanical Engineering 18
Silicon, Bhubaneswar (72) Computer Sc & Engineering 18
  Electrical / Electrical & Elex 18
  Electronics &Telecommunication 36
GIET, Gunupur (144) Applied Elex & Instrumentation 18
  Computer Science & Engineering 18
  Machine Design 18
  Thermal Engineering / Heat Power Engg. 18
  CAD/CAM 18
  Electronics & Comm. Engg. 18
  Industrial Engineering 18
  Power Electronics Engg. 18
IMIT, Cuttack (18)  IT 18
NIST, Berhampur (54) VLSI & Embedded System Design 18
  Wireless Communication Technology 18
  Electronics & Communication Engineering 18
IIPM, Kansbahal (0)
Production Management  
IMMT Bhubaneswar (10)
Material Research Engineering 10
IIT Kharagpur, Bhubaneswar Center (50) Electrical Engineering  (3yr weekend and after hrs M.Tech) 25
  Electronics & Communication Engineering  (3yr weekend & after hrs M.Tech) 25
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar (30*) Computer Science 30
  M.E in Computer Sc and Eng with specialization in Knowledge Engineering *
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar (144*) Water Resource Engineering – Civil 18*
  Construction Engineering & Management 18*
  Electrical  18*
  Mechanical 18*
  Computer Science 18*
  Electronics & Telecommunication 18*
SOA University, Bhubaneswar (144*)
Computer Science & Eng. 18*
  Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. –  VLSI Design & Embedded System) 18*
  Mechanical Engg. – Thermal Engineering 18*
  Electrical Engg. — Power Electronics & Drives 18*
  Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. – Telecommunication System Engineering 18*
  IT 18*
CET, Bhubaneswar (107)
Computer Science & Engg 13
  IT 18
  Industrial Engineering & Management 18
  Structural Engineering 18
  VLSI & Embedded Systems 10
  Mechanical System Design & Dynamics 10
  M.Architecture 20
ABIT, Cuttack (20)
M.Architecture  20
NIT Rourkela (288)
Biotechnology & Medical Engineering 18
  Ceramic Engineering 18
  Chemical Engineering 18
  Civil Engineering – Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engg 18
  Civil Engineering – Structural Engineering 18
  Computer Science & Engineering- Computer Sc 18
  Computer Science & Engineering- Info. Security 18
  Electrical Engineering – Electronics Systems & Communication 18
  Electrical Engineering – Power control & Drives 18
  Electronics & Communication Engineering – Telematics & Signal Processing 18
  Electronics & Communication Engineering – VLSI Design & Embedded Systems 18
  Mechanical Engineering – Machine Design & Analysis 18
  Mechanical Engineering – Production Engineering 18
  Mechanical Engineering – Thermal Engineering 18
  Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 18
  Mining Engineering 18
VSSUT, Burla (152)
Communication System 18
  Heat Power Engineering 12
  Hydraulic & Irrigation Engineering 18
  Machine Design & Analysis 12
  Power system Engineering 18
  Production Engineering    12
  Structural Engineering 13
  Transportation Engineering     13
  Computer Science & Engg 18
  Manufacturing Systems 18
IGIT Sarang (54*)
Electrical – Power Electronics & Drives 18*
  Civil – Environmental Science & Engineering 18*
  Mechanical – Mechanical System Design 18*
OUAT, Bhubaneswar (*) Agricultural Engineering  *
Sambalpur University (20) Food Science & Technology 20
SUIIT, Sambalpur (24) Computer Science 24

The * implies that I am not sure of the number. The number I have in that case may be a few years old. The above adds up to 1830+372* seats total. Out of which 1112+318* seats are in the greater Bhubaneswar (including Dhenkanal) area.

My guess is that majority of these M.Tech’s (at least 50-60%) would go into teaching. This should definitely help the faculty quality of the engineering colleges and programs in Odisha. In a few years IIT Bhubaneswar is going to start M.Tech. That would help the situation further.

3 comments July 16th, 2010

IIPM Kansbahal to start M.Tech in Production Management; first such M. Tech in Odisha

Following is an excerpt from a report in Pioneer.

Indian Institute of Production Management (IIPM) located in Kansbahal, Sundergarh, has scored a first in the State by starting an MTech programme in Production Engineering. Classes are expected to start from July 10, 2010. The course will be conducted by the Wellteach University of Chennai and 25 students will be taken in through a Joint Entrance Examination to be conducted by the university in June. The course fee for the 2-year course has been pegged at Rs 2 lakh.

Announcing this to the media in a meeting organised here on Sunday, Director Prof MR Nayak emphasised that even though the institute does not have any BTech course on offer it has ventured to conduct the MTech course because of its close to three decades of experience in training and consulting activity in the field of production engineering which has seen over 30,000 trainees pass through its portals including 1,400 persons from abroad. Because of its uniqueness of expertise and experience it has been included as an approved training institute under the Colombo Plan and the international trainees are sent here for training after selection by the Ministry of External affairs of the Government of India.

Last year it created a school of management and started an MBA program.

May 18th, 2010

Application form for PG Diploma in Public Health Management at IIPH Bhubaneswar, Delhi, Gandhinagar and Hyderabad: Deadline May 31st 2010

The following is a jpg version of the application form found at http://www.phfi.org/downloads/pdf/Application%20form%20-%20PGDPHM.pdf.

See http://www.phfi.org/downloads/pdf/ for various other PHFI and IIPH documents and forms. They are not properly linked from the homepage.

6 comments May 16th, 2010

IIT Kharagpur to start 3 year executive MBA in Bhubaneswar and Kolkata

Following is an excerpt from a report in pagalguy.com.

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur’s Vinod Gupta School of Management is starting two MBA programs for working executives at it Kolkata and Bhubhaneswar campuses. Working on a 3-year structure that will allow participants to work while they study, the courses are largely targeted towards the local population of each city they shall function in. While the Executive MBA at the Kolkata campus has a general management bent the Knowledge Industries MBA (KIMBA) at the Bhubhaneswar campus would focus on the IT and ITES sectors, explained EMBA coordinator Prof Gautam Sinha.

The intakes for both the programs would be 15 to 30 students each while the minimum eligibility will be three years of work experience and either an engineering education or post-graduate education in commerce, science or economics. More about the application system to the courses on the VGSoM website.

Prima facie, there are few differences between the EMBA and KIMBA except for a couple of core courses. The IT/ITES focused KIMBA has courses such as Technology Management and Services Management, which in the EMBA are replaced by International Management and IT & Business Applications Laboratory. Interestingly, the KIMBA has two courses on Financial Accounting while the EMBA has none. Both courses cost Rs 6 lakhs in fees, including a one-year international immersion program, which according to Prof Sinha may be carried out with one of IIT Kharagpur’s 99 tie-ups with various international institutions.

While both the courses look similar to 3-year part-time MBA courses in structure and content, Prof Sinha argues that several executive MBA courses across the world follow the part-time model. While that may be true, popular executive MBA programs in the USA or Europe wrap up in an year’s time, recognizing that the opportunity cost for working executives to stay away from work is high. To that extent, VGSOM’s Executive programs seem like 3-year part-time MBAs that give you an Executive MBA degree at the end, thus keeping you away from the stigma attached to the ‘part-time’ bit of part-time MBA.

Prof Sinha defends the three-year pattern of VGSOM’s Executive MBAs saying, “One-year or two-year programs are high pressure situations which might not be conducive for people with families.”

The links for the two programs are:

  1. E-MBA at Kolkata  for all industries
  2. KI-MBA at Bhubaneswar  for knowledge industries like Information Technology sector.

Note that earlier IIT Kharagpur also introduced 3 year weekend and after hours M.Tech programs in both cities. See https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/4118.

1 comment May 12th, 2010

IIPH Bhubaneswar starts with a 1 yr PG Diploma in Public Health Management

Note that currently this program (PG Diploma in Public Health Management) is not offered by AIPH Bhubaneswar. Currently AIPH offers a certificate in Public Health Management, PG Diploma in Public Health Informatics and MPH (in collaboration with Ravenshaw University).

May 4th, 2010

CIPET ad for M.Tech and Ph.D at its Bhubaneswar center: Samaja

May 3rd, 2010

Post B.Engg/Diploma programs that prepares one for a job in the power sector

Thanks to tathya.in for the pointer.

OMS Power training and research institute in Bhubaneswar offers programs for people with B.engg, Diploma or ITI certificates to prepare them for jobs in the power industry. Considering the number of power plants coming uo in Odisha as well as India in general, this may be a career direction students may consider. The web page of the institute is http://omstraining.net/.Following is from its "About Us" page.

… was established in 2009 with an aim to align the talented young minds with the industrial world by equipping them with advanced technologies, enhancing their skills and in the process contribute to the qualitative growth of the power sector.

The Institute is recognized by Central Electricity Authority (CEA, www.cea.nic.in), Ministry of Power, Govt. of India as Category-I Institute for imparting Power Plant Training to Degree Engineers, Diploma Engineers and ITI students as well as working Power Sector professionals in Thermal, Hydro and Power Management.

The Institute provides training for everyone working in the power sector including customized training program for government and corporate clients. The Institute is committed to provide the highest quality of services to our clients and satisfy their needs.

Following information regarding the courses it provides is from its page http://omstraining.net/courses_offered.php.


Code Course Duration
OMSPTI-01 Thermal Power Plant Training – for Engineering Graduate/Diploma Holders (Self Sponsored/ Corporate Sponsored) (Classroom, In-plant and Simulator training) 26 Weeks
OMSPTI-02 Thermal Power Plant Refresher Course – for Power Plant Professionals (Corporate Sponsored) 2 Weeks / Customized as per the need
OMSPTI-03 Refresher Course on Indian Power Sector & Regulatory Affairs – for Power Plant Professionals (Corporate Sponsored) 3 Days / Customized as per the need
OMSPTI-04 Refresher Course on Power Plant Chemistry – for Power Plant Professionals (Corporate Sponsored) 1 week
OMSPTI-05 Vocational Training 4 Weeks
OMSPTI-06 Need based Power Plant training like construction management, Acts & Rules (Factory Act, Boiler Rules, and Electricity Act ) , including Training at customer’s Plant location etc. As per the need.


Course Code Eligibility
OMSPTI-01 B.E. / B.Tech, Diploma in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
OMSPTI-02 Working Professionals with at least 2 years experience in Power Sector.
OMSPTI-05 Graduate Engineering and Diploma students.
OMSPTI-06 Degree & Diploma Holders in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, civil and Instrumentation Engineering.

May 2nd, 2010

CSIR Post Graduate Research Program in Engineering – 10 seats at IMMT Bhubaneswar

April 26th, 2010

Unnamed industrial house in Bhubaneswar setting up a finishing school

For the many engineering graduates lacking the skills to get a job, finishing schools promise to hone their skills and improve their chances in finding a job. One of the well-known finishing school in India is the Raman International Institute of Information Technology (RiiiT) in Karnataka. It claims to be the first finishing school of India. So far there is no finishing school of that kind in Bhubaneswar or Odisha. (Some of the existing engineering colleges do offer professional courses that make students more prepared to find a job.) The following ad from Samaja suggests that there will soon be a finishing school in Bhubaneswar. My guess is that this will be a beginning. Soon many others will join the fray; especially since for a finishing school one does not need approval from AICTE or a university and one can charge fees as per the market.

April 23rd, 2010

IIT Kharagpur offers 3 yr weekend and after hours M.Tech in Bhubaneswar and Kolkata for faculty

The deadline for the coming year is past. But one can get the details for future years from http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/downloads/mtech_new1.pdf. Following is information from that page.

The following two M. Tech programmes will be offered for faculty members of AICTE-recognized programmes of Engineering Colleges:

1. M. Tech in Electrical Engineering
2. M. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering

The programmes will be offered from January 2010.

Programme Features

The features of these programmes and the mode of delivery are elucidated below.

• Each programme will be of three-year duration.

• These programmes will be offered in the holidays and beyond office hours on weekdays to facilitate the teachers employed in the engineering colleges to attend the classes.

• The programme may be offered during summer vacation.

• Since the potential student base for these programmes exist in Kolkata and Bhubaneswar, these programmes will be offered in the Extension Centers of the Institute at Kolkata and Bhubaneswar.

• A mixed mode of teaching through video-conferencing and face-to-face interaction will be adopted in these programmes.

• A faculty will deliver a lecture at any of the locations (primarily Kharagpur) and the students at Kolkata and Bhubaneswar will be able to attend the lecture and interact with the faculty through video-conferencing.

• The tutorials, seminars, and comprehensive viva-voce examinations will be conducted also in the above-stated mode, as and when required.

• The recorded lectures, tutorials, and interactions will be recorded in the two Extension Centres and will be stored at the library of each extension center. They will be available to the students for study during specified hours.

• Students cannot copy these recorded lectures.

• The recorded lectures, tutorials, and interactions will not be used in subsequent semesters as a substitute for live presentations.

• Laboratory classes will be conducted in one weekend of every month at IIT Kharagpur campus at Kharagpur.

• Laboratory classes may also be conducted at the respective extension centers in virtual mode, depending on the availability of the required facilities.

• Projects and supervisors will be assigned to the students by the Programme Coordinator after the completion of first two semesters.

• Students will carry out their project work at their institutions and have to be in constant touch with their supervisors. The sponsoring organizations are required to provide laboratory facilities to the students to carry out their M.Tech project works.

• There will be two class tests in every subject. The class tests will be conducted at Kharagpur when the students come to the Institute during the last weekend of a month for the laboratory class.

• Mid-Semester and End-semester examinations will be conducted at the respective Extension Centers with faculty members as invigilators.

• Comprehensive Viva-Voce will be conducted through video-conferencing.

Number of Students to be Admitted

• Twenty-five in each programme at each Extension Center.

Programme Fee

• Fee for each programme is Rs.2 lakh for each student to be paid in two instalments – the first instalment of Rs.1 lakh to be paid at the time of admission and the second instalment of Rs.1 lakh to be paid one year after the admission. The programme fee includes the tuition fee and the examination fee.

Eligibility for Admission :

• Faculty members associated with the AICTE-recognized programmes of engineering colleges are eligible for admission into the programmes.

• An applicant must have passed B. Tech in appropriate branch with a minimum of 60% marks in the final qualifying examinations (for SC/ST candidates it is 55%).

Application Fee

• The Application Fee of Rs. 2,000.00 for general candidates and Rs. 1,000.00 for SC/ST candidates should be payable by Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘IIT Kharagpur’ on any nationalized bank payable at Kharagpur.

Undertaking from the Sponsoring Institution

The sponsoring engineering college must give an undertaking that the college will upgrade its own facility (such as laboratories, computer facilities, and library) to enable the sponsored student to carry out his/her M. Tech thesis work in that college.

Selection of Candidates

The candidates will be asked to appear at a written test and an interview to be held at each Extension Center.

Some time back we had suggested something similar. See https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/501. Even with the IIT Kharagpur’s program there is need for more such programs. Perhaps IIIT Bhubaneswar and BPUT can make efforts in this direction.

1 comment March 29th, 2010

IISERs will have their own aptitute test on July 18 2010

(Thanks to the Suryanarayanan’s comment number 147 in https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/285).

The IISER admission site at http://www.iiser-admissions.in/ says that there will be three ways to get admission in the IISERs: (i) KVPY (ii) IIT JEE and (iii) Direct.

But by "Direct" they mean through an aptitude test that will be held on July 18 2010. They say: 

Direct Admission is open to applicants who have Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and/or Biology in their class 12 board examination. Aptitude Assessment consists of a written test. It will have multiple choice questions on Physics Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology based on CBSE syllabus up to class 12.

The NISER NEST exam will be on June 6th. Details at http://www.nestexam.in/index1.php

IISERs and NISER should have co-ordinated to have a single test. It does not make sense to have separate tests for admission into similar programs. Such lack of co-ordination and foresight is what encourages the government to interfere and issue diktats.

4 comments March 15th, 2010

22 new Polytechs, 91 new ITIs and 415 new Skill Development Centers to come up in Odisha

Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard on the 22 new polytechs.

… These polytechnics would come up in those districts which are not yet served by the government polytechnics. The districts include Boudh Gajapati, Nabarangpur, Bolangir, Kalahandi, Koraput, Kandhamal, Mayurbhanj and Balasore to name a few.

… It may be noted that 13 government engineering schools and polytechnics are already functioning in Orissa under the state industries department.

… A single patch of land spread over 10 acres has already been identified by the state government in each of the districts.

Out of Rs 12.3 crore sanctioned for each polytechnic, Rs eight crore will be spent on civil works and Rs 4.3 crore will be spent on equipment, machinery, furniture and learning resource material.

With the opening of these 22 polytechnics, every district in the state will have at least government polytechnic providing quality education.

Following is excerpt from a different report in Business Standard on the 91 new ITIs and 415 new Skill Development Centers (SDCs).

The Ministry of Labour and Employment of the Government of India has decided to set up 91 new ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes) and 415 Skill Development Centres (SDCs) in Orissa on the public-private partnership (PPP) mode.

While the Orissa government would provide basic infrastructural support for these ITIs and SDCs including free land with proper power, water and road connectivity, the Centre would provide Viability Gap Funding.

The proposed ITI s would have a strength of 250 trainees per shift running about 10 demand driven trades. An estimated Rs six crore would be spent towards infrastructural development on each of these ITI s.

The proposed SDCs would be smaller centres of vocational training with seating capacity of about 300 persons per shift per annum to meet the skill training needs of the locals.

About Rs 50 lakh would be invested on equipment and machineries for these SDCs.

Expressions of Interest would be invited from the training providers to operationalize these proposed ITI s and SDCs on the PPP mode.

… About 3-5 acres of land need to be identified for the establishment of ITI s at the unrepresented block headquarters while 500 sq m of land is needed for setting up the SDC at the gram panchayat headquarters.

Moreover, the Government of India has decided to upgrade 1396 government ITI s across the country on the PPP mode through an interest free loan of Rs 2.5 crore.

Nine ITI s in the state at Puri, Cuttack, Chhatrapur, Umerkote, Barbil, Dhenkanal, Barbil, Baripada, Baripada and Malkangiri are covered under this initiative.

February 26th, 2010

Kompass Aviation Training Center coming up in Bhubaneswar: Samaja

1 comment November 16th, 2009

Polytechnics in Orissa that grant diploma in various engineering subjects

The following list is based on the information in the page http://sctevtorissa.in/collegedetail.aspx?Cid=2 extracted today.

Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Khurda-Puri area:

  1. BOSE, Cuttack
  2. DRIEMS, Tangi
  3. ITT, Choudwar
  4. Dhabaleswar Institute of Polytechnic, Athagarh
  5. Gurukrupa Technical School, Narsinghpur, Cuttack
  6. Kalinga Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar
  7. Nilachal Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar
  8. Women’s Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar
  9. Krupajal Engineering School, Bhubaneswar
  10. CV Raman Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar
  11. Koustav School of Engineering, Bhubaneswar
  12. CIPET, Bhubaneswar
  13. Bhubaneswar Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar
  14. Nalanda Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
  15. Suddhananda Residential Polytechnic, Phulnakhara
  16. Ganesh Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar
  17. Swami Vivekenanda School of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar
  19. Ideal School of Engineering, Retang, Khurdha
  20. Puri Engineering School, Puri

Berhampur area:

  1. SMIT, Ankuspur
  2. UCPES, Berhampur
  3. Women’s Polytechnic, Berhampur
  4. BSET, Berhampur
  5. Gandhi School of Engineering, Berhampur
  6. Aumasi Institute of Technical Education, Berhampur
  7. Kalam Institute of Technology, Berhampur

Koraput-Jeypore area:

  1. IEM, Jeypore
  2. Hi-Tech Institute of Information Technology, Jeypore
  3. Jeypore School of Engineering & Technology, Jeypore
  4. Siddhartha Institute of Engineering & Technology, Koraput
  5. SCSITM, Semiliguda

Rourkela area:

  1. Purusottam School of Engineering & Technology, Rourkela
  2. RIT, Kalunga
  3. SKDAV, Rourkela
  4. UGIE, Rourkela

Angul-Talcher-Dhenkanal area:

  1. IGIT, Saranga
  2. Pabitra Mohan Institute of Technology, Talcher
  3. KIMET, Chhendipada, Angul
  4. Women’s Polytechnic, Dhenkanal
  5. Orissa Institute of Engineering & technology, Dhenkanal
  6. Pathani Samanata Institute of Engineering & Technology, Dhenkanal

Jharsuguda-Sambalpur-Baragarh-Sundergarh area:

  1. JES, Jharsuguda
  2. BDSE, Brajarajnagar
  3. SES, Sundergarh
  4. PKAIET, Baragarh

Rayagada area:

  2. UGMIT, Rayagada


  1. BSET, Barapada (Bhadrakh)
  2. BSE, Balasore
  3. MSE, Baripada
  4. SITE, Bolangir
  5. Kalahandi School of Engineering & Technology, Bhawanipatana (Kalahandi)
  6. Biju Patnaik Institute of Technology, Phulbani (Kandhamala)
  7. OSME, Keonjhar
  8. Sri Polytechnic, Komonda, Nayagarh
  9. Mahamaya Institute of Medical & Technology Science, Nuapada

1 comment October 11th, 2009

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