Post B.Engg/Diploma programs that prepares one for a job in the power sector

Thanks to for the pointer.

OMS Power training and research institute in Bhubaneswar offers programs for people with B.engg, Diploma or ITI certificates to prepare them for jobs in the power industry. Considering the number of power plants coming uo in Odisha as well as India in general, this may be a career direction students may consider. The web page of the institute is is from its "About Us" page.

… was established in 2009 with an aim to align the talented young minds with the industrial world by equipping them with advanced technologies, enhancing their skills and in the process contribute to the qualitative growth of the power sector.

The Institute is recognized by Central Electricity Authority (CEA,, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India as Category-I Institute for imparting Power Plant Training to Degree Engineers, Diploma Engineers and ITI students as well as working Power Sector professionals in Thermal, Hydro and Power Management.

The Institute provides training for everyone working in the power sector including customized training program for government and corporate clients. The Institute is committed to provide the highest quality of services to our clients and satisfy their needs.

Following information regarding the courses it provides is from its page


Code Course Duration
OMSPTI-01 Thermal Power Plant Training – for Engineering Graduate/Diploma Holders (Self Sponsored/ Corporate Sponsored) (Classroom, In-plant and Simulator training) 26 Weeks
OMSPTI-02 Thermal Power Plant Refresher Course – for Power Plant Professionals (Corporate Sponsored) 2 Weeks / Customized as per the need
OMSPTI-03 Refresher Course on Indian Power Sector & Regulatory Affairs – for Power Plant Professionals (Corporate Sponsored) 3 Days / Customized as per the need
OMSPTI-04 Refresher Course on Power Plant Chemistry – for Power Plant Professionals (Corporate Sponsored) 1 week
OMSPTI-05 Vocational Training 4 Weeks
OMSPTI-06 Need based Power Plant training like construction management, Acts & Rules (Factory Act, Boiler Rules, and Electricity Act ) , including Training at customer’s Plant location etc. As per the need.


Course Code Eligibility
OMSPTI-01 B.E. / B.Tech, Diploma in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
OMSPTI-02 Working Professionals with at least 2 years experience in Power Sector.
OMSPTI-05 Graduate Engineering and Diploma students.
OMSPTI-06 Degree & Diploma Holders in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, civil and Instrumentation Engineering.

May 2nd, 2010

Unnamed industrial house in Bhubaneswar setting up a finishing school

For the many engineering graduates lacking the skills to get a job, finishing schools promise to hone their skills and improve their chances in finding a job. One of the well-known finishing school in India is the Raman International Institute of Information Technology (RiiiT) in Karnataka. It claims to be the first finishing school of India. So far there is no finishing school of that kind in Bhubaneswar or Odisha. (Some of the existing engineering colleges do offer professional courses that make students more prepared to find a job.) The following ad from Samaja suggests that there will soon be a finishing school in Bhubaneswar. My guess is that this will be a beginning. Soon many others will join the fray; especially since for a finishing school one does not need approval from AICTE or a university and one can charge fees as per the market.

April 23rd, 2010

IMS Center for Communications Studies in Bhubaneswar

Following is an excerpt from a report in New Indian Express.

… leading coaching institute and publishing house IMS has come up with a ‘Centre for Communication Studies’ (CCS) here, the first in the country.

The centre will basically act as a finishing school, offering a wide range of classroom programmes to students and corporate executives to develop soft skills, hone business acumen and corporate etiquette.

According to IMS, picking the city over others was a logical step towards developing a pool of industry-ready workforce in a State bursting at its seams.

"The aim was to help more and more students profit from the upcoming opportunities generated by the industrialisation drive with confidence. Hence the move," said CCS director Subrata Dey.

The programmes have been prepared by a pool of IIT and IIM graduates and take strength from the unique methodologies followed to groom students. For example, in the ‘speak e’ class, seeking to develop English communication ability, a learner is ‘immersed into a simulated real-life situation with fellow students and trainers where he/she is encouraged to communicate according to the situation’s requirement.’

Besides, the candidate is placed in a group where others have a similar level of language skills for proper coaching. The other set of programmes from CCS stable include ‘the triple module placement training workshop,’ ‘powerprep’ and ‘propahgroom.’

While the former prepares a student face group discussion and get their basics right through interventions like ‘progressive interaction and argumentation,’ the latter two have been designed keeping the corporate professionals in mind. Interestingly, Dey said, several B-schools in the city have come forward to adopt them, especially ‘powerprep’ in their course curriculum.

It aims to develop the overall communication and report writing skills of participants and make him a true professional in power point presentation.

At present, the students are a mix of job seekers, management students and freshly recruited employees of corporate houses. IIT and IIM alumni would be on faculty.

7 comments February 7th, 2008


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