IIIT Bhubaneswar gets AICTE approval to start M.Tech from its first year itself

Following are excerpts from Tathya.in which seems to have broken this news.

… the institute has received green signal from the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) to start M-Tech classes.

… So he along with his colleague Professor A K Das impressed upon the AICTE authorities about the requirement of the state vis-à-vis its ever growing engineering colleges, which are facing dearth of qualitative faculties.

S.N.Tripathy, Secretary IT and Vishal Dev, Director IT also extended their support in this regard.

Overwhelmed by the initiative the AICTE has allowed the IIIT-Bh to go for M.Tech and research initiatives in the first year itself.

“Now it has been decided to enroll 60 students in M. Tech courses in computer science”, said Prof.Nayak.

He said that a committee headed by Professor S.Sadagopan, Director IIIT Bangalore will soon finalize the admission criteria of students, syllabus and fee structure. …

The institution is also in the process of blending both experienced and renowned professors along with young and energetic talents as faculty members, said Prof.Nayak.

At the first place at least 6 professors and associate professors will be roped in and later more will be joining the institution, said he.

Harping on the vision, Prof. Nayak said that IIIT-Bh will be an unique institute imparting education, training, research, and consulting in technology and related fields to develop human resources who will lead the economy and the society in the coming decades.

He said the mission of IIIT-Bh is to be a knowledge seeking Institution of higher learning that will educate students in technology and other disciplines of scholarship.

According to Prof. Das the software major Infosys has agreed to set up a Chair with a rolling fund of Rs.1 crore and TCS is also inclined to support the institute in a big way.

The Institute will work closely with the Industry and other users of the technology including the state government to develop and deliver technological solutions to enhance their competitive position, said the Director.

The IIIT-Bh, which has 23 acres of land in the outskirts of the Capital City is also eying for another big patch of land adjacent to the allotted site as it is planning to go for a deemed university status for operational autonomy. …

68 comments August 3rd, 2007

M.Tech and M.Arch programs in Orissa

Update on Sept 29 2007: CEB will offer M. Tech in Computer Sc. & Engg.

Update on Aug 10 2007: Krupajal to offer M.Tech in Computer Science (16 seats), Electronics & Telecom (16 seats)


Until recently NIT Rourkela and UCE Burla were the only places in Orissa that offered M.Tech programs in engineering disciplines. Now several other colleges also offer M.Tech programs. BPUT has advertised for these programs and that ad contains the full list, except for IIIT, Utkal, KIIT and NIT RKL. We reproduce that list for convenience. In Bhubaneswar area:

  • IIIT Bhubaneswar – Computer Science (60) – added on 2nd August 2007
  • Utkal University – Computer Science (30)
  • KIIT, Bhubaneswar – Civil with WRM (Water Resource Engineering) (18), Civil with CEM (Construction Engineering & Management) (18), Electrical (18), Mechanical (18), Computer Science (18), Electronics & Telecommunication (18)
  • ITER, Bhubaneswar – Computer Science & Eng. (18), Mecanical Eng. (18), Electrical Eng. (18), Electronics and Telecommunication Eng. (18).
  • CV Raman, Bhubaneswar – Mechatronics (18 seats), Heat power engineering (18 seats)
  • CET, Bhubaneswar – Computer Science & IT (13 seats), Industrial Engineering & Management (18 seats), Structural Engineering (18 seats), M. Arch (20 seats)
  • CIPET, Bhubaneswar – Plastic Engineering (18 seats)
  • ABIT, Cuttack – M. Arch (20 seats)


  • NIST Berhampur- Electronics and Communication Eng. (18)
  • GIET Gunupur – Computer Science & Eng. (18), Industrial eng. (18), Electronics & Communications eng. (18).
  • NIT Rourkela – Ceramic Engineering, Chemical Engineering (Including Biochemical Engineering& Bio technology), Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering (Including Instrumentation Engineering), Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Mining Engineering
  • UCE Burla – Communication System Engineering (18), Heat Power Engineering (12), Hydraulic & Irrigation Engineering (18), Machine Design & Analysis (12), Power system Engineering (18), Production Engineering (12), Structural Engineering (13), Transportation Engineering (13)
  • IGIT Sarang – As commented by Shishir, IGIT’s web site mentions that it offers M.E in Power Systems since 2002. But this is not advertised by BPUT, nor is it in AICTE’s list.

55 comments June 9th, 2007

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