The details of the course is at http://www.immt.res.in/academic/. It looks like a very good program to pursue and should lead to jobs in the various mining and mineral processing plants (including steel and aluminum plants) in Orissa. Following is the program structure.
Duration : The PG Diploma programme will be of one year duration, consisting of two semesters. Both theory classes and practical demonstrations will be taken up during the 1st semester for six courses. During the 2nd semester, the students will be carrying out project work.
1st Semester:
Subject Code |
Subject Title |
ME-01 |
Characterisation Techniques |
ME-02 |
Comminution, Classification & Agglomeration |
ME-03 |
Separation Processes |
ME-04 |
Surface Phenomena & its Application |
ME-05 |
Environment & Waste Treatment and Corporate Social Responsibility |
ME-06 |
Computer Application in Mineral Processing |
Practical Demonstration:
Mineralogical characterisation |
Agglomeration |
Magnetic Separation |
Jigging |
Fluidisation |
Comminution |
Dewatering |
Specific Area Measurement |
Tabling |
Electrostatic separation |
Size separation |
Flotation |
Pychnometry |
Process Simulation |
Fine particle separation |
2nd Semester:
Project work to be carried out either at IMMT for students enrolled in ‘non-sponsored’ category or at respective industries for students enrolled in ‘Sponsored’ category.
May 5th, 2009
Sambada reports that Enrepreneurship development Institute (EDI) of India located at Ahmedabad is interested in opening a branch in Orissa and has asked for 15 acres of land near Bhubaneswar. This is a great institute and the Orissa government should help them and get them as soon as possible. Following is Sambada’s report.

Samaja has a different take on the news. It says the central government wants to establish an EDI in Orissa.

June 29th, 2008
Following is an excerpt from a report in ibnlive.com.
The three-year Bachelor of Science course could soon be phased out across the country and replaced by a four-year BS course based on the American model.
In the new course, students in the first year will study core science subjects.
From the second year they will specialise and choose their electives.
The Bangalore-based Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institutes of Technology could be the first ones to introduce the four-year programme.
The proposal is the brainchild of the National Knowledge Commission, which is headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
May 13th, 2008
Following is an excerpt from a report in New Indian Express.
Leading business weekly ‘Dalal Street Investment Journal’ (DSIJ) has zeroed in on city-based Asian School of Business Management to launch a post-graduate programme in investment portfolio management, the first of its kind in the country.
The journal, owned by Ramdeo Media Enterprises, will provide the course content and other expertise. ASBM … Both the organisations signed an MoU on Thursday to launch the course. It would first be offered in ASBM’s upcoming Hyderabad campus and later on here.
… the magazine had approached ASBM to leverage on its core strength and run the programme which would eventually meet the increasing demand for qualified professionals in the expanding equity market. A recent report by the journal had, in fact, highlighted the acute shortage of managers in handling the swelling base of investment portfolio.
Signing the agreement, director (marketing) Deepak Jhangiani too highlighted the manifold growth of the investment community in the country which has expanded to the tune of 3.2 million within a short period.
As per prediction, about 1,000 mutual fund companies are expected to come up in the subcontinent. The course will stretch over 18 months and have six months of internship programme in investment firms.
April 4th, 2008
Following is an excerpt from a report in Hindustan Times.
The government has now allowed leading institutes — both, government-run and private — like the Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institutes of Management to offer their courses through distance learning programmes as well as classroom education.
The University Grants Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Distance Education Council (DEC) jointly decided to allow all educational institutions to offer distance education courses.
Institutes that want to set up distance learning programmes will need to get the approval of a joint committee of that the three regulatory bodies decided to set up earlier this month. The committee will help establish a ‘single window’ approach for institutes. “It is a big leap forward for high quality distance education,” said a UGC member.
“The mechanism would be in place in few months so that institutions can start offering online courses from the next academic year,” added another UGC official.
The AICTE has been entrusted with the job of monitoring distance education courses offered by institutions offering technical education whereas UGC will monitor universities, including deemed universities. The DEC will be the overall regulatory body for open education.
According to UGC, the committee will evolve a mechanism to monitor institutions conducting courses in distance learning.
It would identify thrust areas and develop curriculum and learning methods to bring uniformity to distance learning by laying down quality guidelines.
March 26th, 2008
Following is an excerpt from a report in New Indian Express.
… leading coaching institute and publishing house IMS has come up with a ‘Centre for Communication Studies’ (CCS) here, the first in the country.
The centre will basically act as a finishing school, offering a wide range of classroom programmes to students and corporate executives to develop soft skills, hone business acumen and corporate etiquette.
According to IMS, picking the city over others was a logical step towards developing a pool of industry-ready workforce in a State bursting at its seams.
"The aim was to help more and more students profit from the upcoming opportunities generated by the industrialisation drive with confidence. Hence the move," said CCS director Subrata Dey.
The programmes have been prepared by a pool of IIT and IIM graduates and take strength from the unique methodologies followed to groom students. For example, in the ‘speak e’ class, seeking to develop English communication ability, a learner is ‘immersed into a simulated real-life situation with fellow students and trainers where he/she is encouraged to communicate according to the situation’s requirement.’
Besides, the candidate is placed in a group where others have a similar level of language skills for proper coaching. The other set of programmes from CCS stable include ‘the triple module placement training workshop,’ ‘powerprep’ and ‘propahgroom.’
While the former prepares a student face group discussion and get their basics right through interventions like ‘progressive interaction and argumentation,’ the latter two have been designed keeping the corporate professionals in mind. Interestingly, Dey said, several B-schools in the city have come forward to adopt them, especially ‘powerprep’ in their course curriculum.
It aims to develop the overall communication and report writing skills of participants and make him a true professional in power point presentation.
At present, the students are a mix of job seekers, management students and freshly recruited employees of corporate houses. IIT and IIM alumni would be on faculty.
February 7th, 2008
Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard. (Thanks to Deba Nayak for the pointer.)
The Retailers Association of India (RAI) has selected NSHM Knowledge Campus Kolkata and Durgapur and IMIS in Bhubaneswar in eastern region to offer the 18-month post graduate programme in retail management (PGPRM).
NSHM’s campuses in Kolkata and Durgapur, and IMIS, Bhubaneswar are three of the 15 B-schools chosen by RAI for the PGPRM programme.
RAI has also introduced the Common Admission Retail Test (CART) to screen candidates interested to pursue the PGPRM course.
According to Gibson G Vedamani, CEO of RAI, “The objective of the PGPRM programme is to provide students with a high level of knowledge and understanding of the concepts and processes involved in retailing. The course will also equip them with the operational and analytical skills necessary for a [professional career in the retail sector. CART will ensure that we get the best of talents.”
The CART exam will be conducted at over 25 centres in India on January 27.
IIM-Indore has joined hands with RAI to develop the course content and teaching methodology. The 18-month PGPRM course costs close to Rs 4 lakhs.
December 20th, 2007
Following is an excerpt from a report by Chetan Chauhan in Hindustan Times on this.
The HRD ministry will soon seek Union Cabinet’s approval to set up a statutory body to recognise and regulate all distance education and all online courses in the country.
The body will also monitor courses being provided by foreign education providers through the Internet. The ministry has prepared a draft law to provide legal backing to the Distance Education Council (DEC), at present a body under Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).
… The proposed law is based on the recommendations of a committee appointed by the ministry last year. The committee had felt that regulation of online and distance education is imperative as in the next five years admissions in online courses will double with increase in internet connectivity.
December 6th, 2007
Following is an excerpt from an Economic Times report on this.
If you figure in the list of meritorious 1 lakh students, you will get Rs 1 lakh annually for pursuing university education in science stream and the amount may continue up to five years. The government is planning to institute scholarships to encourage education in science and technology. While modalities of selecting meritorious students are yet to be worked out, it is proposed that the future scientists would be caught young in the 12th class itself.
The financial assistance would be given to such students while pursuing BSc and MSc courses. “We have proposed to give adequate financial support to sufficient number of students to foster talent in scientific research. The government is considering to award 1 lakh scholarships of Rs 1 lakh each.
Meritorious students pursuing university education in science stream would be eligible for the award. The proposal is expected to be incorporated in the 11th Five-Year Plan, and expected to be announced in the forthcoming National Development Council (NDC) meeting,” a source in the government said.
It is understood that the proposed scholarship would be modelled on the line of INSPIRE programme mooted by the department of science & technology (DST).
INSPIRE stands for innovations in science pursuit for inspired research. The programme aims at reaching out to the young talent and help them to pursue their interest in science.
“It is also an intervention devised to redress low entry of students into science and technology streams,” a DST source said. After the programme would get a formal approval, the selection procedure for the meritorious students would be announced.
… It is expected that the budget allocation of scientific departments would be enhanced significantly in the 11th Plan. The plan allocation has been doubled from about Rs 12,000 crore in the 9th Plan to about Rs 25,000 crore in the 10 Plan and it is planned to increased it approximately four fold in the 11th Plan, official sources said.
October 26th, 2007
The details are extracted from the following documents
* D.S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowships (18-22 thousands/month)
* Research Fellowship in Sciences for Meritorious Students (8 thousands/month)
Continue Reading October 15th, 2007