Government funding for libraries: call for applications

A pdf of the above ad and the application form is available at the following locations:

The Culture department of Odisha has many other library related schemes. Following is from the page

2 Name of    Scheme Scheme Of  Matching Assistance To Public Libraries To Acquire Computer With Accessories For Library Application and TV, CD Player, DVD Player For Educational Purposes
Description The matching scheme is intended to modernize the public library with modern technology and equip them with devices so as to satisfy the ever increasing thirst technology and equip them with devices so as to satisfy the ever increasing thirst for information of the reading clientele.
Valid upto 01-01-2012
Click here for more details (64 KB)
3 Name of    Scheme Non-matching Scheme of Financial Assistance to Public Libraries towards of celebration of 50/60/75/100/125/150 years and the like
Description The objective of the scheme is to render financial support to a library towards organization of celebration of its existence of 50/60/75/100/125/150 years and the like.
Valid upto 01-01-2012
Click here for more details (64 KB)
4 Name of    Scheme Non-Matching Scheme Of Assistance Towards Establishment Of RRRLF Children Corner
Description The object of the scheme is to support and promote children libraries or children section of general public libraries all over the country to attract the children to the library for development of reading habit, to equip children with life-long learning and literacy skills, enables them to participate and contribute to the community.
Valid upto 01-01-2012
Click here for more details (42.2 KB)
5 Name of    Scheme Matching Schemes of Assistance towards Development of Rural Book Deposit enters and Mobile Library Services
Description This scheme envisages the setting up of book deposit centers and development of mobile library Services for the benefit of both urban and rural reading public. District libraries and other selected Libraries are to serve as the base libraries from which books will be circulated to the book deposit Centers or Book delivery stations. The object of the scheme is to take library services to the disadvantaged sections of the people and to development reading habit among the people. This is a matching Scheme.
Valid upto 01-01-2012
Click here for more details (40 KB)
6 Name of    Scheme Non Matching Scheme of Financial Assistance to Children’s Libraries or Children’s Section, Women Section, Senior Citizen Section, Neo-Literate Section of Generals Public Libraries
Description The objective of the scheme is to support and promote children’s libraries or children’s section, women section, senior citizen section neo-literate section of general public libraries all over the country directly by the RRRLF in order to develop reading habit among the children, women and also to provide services to the senior citizens of the society. It also aims to boost the literacy level of the neo-literates, in order to prevent possibility of regressing into the partial or total illiteracy. It is non-matching scheme.
Valid upto


Click here for more details (88.3 KB)
7 Name of    Scheme Matching Scheme Of Assistance To Public Libraries Towards Increasing Accommodation
Description The object of this matching scheme is to render matching assistance to Government run or aided libraries for increasing accommodation. This scheme is known as Matching Scheme of Assistance to Public Libraries towards increasing Accommodation.
Valid upto 01-01-2012
Click here for more details (52.5 KB)
8 Name of    Scheme Matching Scheme of Assistance forwards purchase of storage materials, reading room furniture and library equipment like card cabinet, fire extinguisher etc., including copier
Description The object of this matching scheme is to render assistance to the libraries in order to equip them with storage materials, reading room furniture and other library equipment. The scheme is know as Matching Scheme of Assistance towards purchase of storage materials, reading room furniture and library equipment like card cabinet, fire extinguisher etc., including copier.
Valid upto 01-01-2012
Click here for more details (40 KB)
9 Name of    Scheme Matching Scheme of Assistance towards Organisation of Seminars, Workshops, Training Courses (Orientation/Refresher), Book Exhibitions and Library Awareness Programmes
Description The RRRLF has recognized the fact that the content and quality of library service need regular evaluation and improvement with the changing needs of the society. To cater to this requirement the RRRLF has adopted this scheme. This is a Matching Scheme.
Valid upto 01-01-2012
Click here for more details   (37.5 KB)

July 29th, 2010

Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF)

Following is from the page

RRRLF is a central autonomous organization established and fully financed by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. RRRLF is registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961. It is the nodal agency of the Governemnt of India to support public library services and systems and promote public library movement in the country  commensurate with the objectives as embodied in its Memorandum of Association.

… The Foundation works in close association and active cooperation with different State Govts. and Union Territory Administrations through a machinery called State Library Planning Committee (SLPC/SLC) set up in each State at the instance of the Foundation. To participate in Foundation’s programmes, a State Government/U.T. is required to contribute a certain amount fixed by the Foundation.

Since 2005-06 the Foundation has also taken up the initiative to develop the District Youth Resource Centre (DYRC) in collaboration with Nehru Yuvak Kendra Sangathana, an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Sports & Youth Affairs.

The objectives of RRRLF, as listed in are as follows:

RRRLF function as a promotional agency, an advisory and consultancy organisation a funding body for public library developement in India. Some important objectives are :

to promote library movement in the country ;

to enunciate a national library policy and to help build up a national library system ;
to provide financial and technical assistance to libraries ;
to provide financial assistance to organisations, regional or national engaged in the promotion of library developement ;
to publish appropriate literature and to act as a clearing house of ideas and information on library developement in India and abroad ;
to promote research in problems of library developement ;
to advise the government on all matters pertaining to the library developement in the country.

 As per Odisha collaborates with RRRLF for its libraries.

4 comments April 25th, 2010

Libraries in Odisha

The following list is from

Continue Reading 2 comments March 29th, 2010

Manuscript Resource Centres and Manuscript Conservation Centres in Odisha

There are 48 manuscript resource centres and 33 manuscript conservation centres in India. The list is given at The ones in Odisha are as follows:

Two manuscript resource centers:


Orissa State Museum Museum Building, BhubaneswarOrissa



Sanskrit Academy of Research for Advanced Society Through Vedic & Allied Tradition of India (SARASVATI),Sarasvati Vihar, Barpada, Bhadrak – 756 113 Orissa.

Three manuscript conservation centers:


INTACH ICI Orissa Art Conservation Centre, Orissa StateMuseum Premises Bhubaneswar – Orissa-751 014



AITIHYA Plot No. 4/330, 1st Floor, Raghunathpur, P.O.Sisupala Gada (Near Gangua Bridge, Puri Road), Bhubaneswar-2 Orissa



Sambalpur University Library Sambalpur University Burla – 768001

February 6th, 2010

Setting up public libraries across the country

Following is from the PIB


The Government is in the process of working out an Implementation Plan for the recommendations of the National Knowledge Commission, which envisage, inter-alia, development of modern Libraries across the Country. 

This was stated in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today by the Minister of State for Planning and Parliamentary Affairs Shri V. Narayanasamy. 


The National Knowledge Commission’s recommendation on development of modern Libraries across the Country is at and . The annexures in the later has details.

It is a good document and talks about the staffing level of various levels of libraries and what services they should offer, but it does not come out and clearly emphasize that libraries should be made at state level, district level, block level etc. and a funding scheme should be devised for that.


1 comment November 26th, 2009

Dharitri article on status of libraries in the silk city Berhampur

August 31st, 2009

Srujanika has electronic compilation of major Oriya dictionaries

The web site of Srujanika is

August 10th, 2009

Bakul Children’s library now with a computer lab and free Internet (courtsey SUN microsystems)

Following is an excerpt on this from a report in New Indian Express.

… library now has a fullfledged computer lab with free access to the children. The lab with computer systems donated by international IT major SUN Microsystems would facilitate use of interactive multimedia resources for educational purposes. "It would be fun and learning for the children, making their visits more exciting," said Bakul Foundation ( secretary Sujit Mohapatra.

On the occasion, Krutibas Biswal of SUN Microsystems said, "It is the first time SUN has donated to an organisation in Orissa. The company is quite impressed with the work Bakul has been doing and decided to support it."

… Started as a small step towards getting a library done through individual contribution under "Donate Books: Build a Library" programme, Bakul has come a long way since inception in April this year.

Today, it is … with over 7,000 books including some of the most interesting educational resources of children available in the world. The library does not charge any money from the children.

October 4th, 2007

Orissa to develop 600 new libraries : Samaja

September 15th, 2007

The story of Udaipur library and the man behind it: help needed


July 12th, 2007


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