Foundation stone laying of ICAR Foot and mouth disease (FMD) lab
Update:Following is an article from Dharitri about what Foot and Mouth disease is.
1 comment July 6th, 2009
Update:Following is an article from Dharitri about what Foot and Mouth disease is.
1 comment July 6th, 2009
April 27th, 2009
Following is from the PIB release
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs had decided to set up three apex tribal research institutes for undertaking research on ground and to suggest application oriented projects for tribal development. These institutes to be set up at Orissa, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh will also suggest action plans for the promotion of culture and language of tribal communities, conduct research and evaluation studies. Briefing the Members of the Parliamentary Consultative Committee attached to his Ministry here today, Shri P.R. Kyndiah, Minister for Tribal Affairs said that his Ministry is actively considering 100% Central government’s funding for setting up these institutes.
Highlighting his Ministry’s initiatives for tribal welfare, Shri Kyndiah said efforts were being made to reorient the functioning of the 18 tribal research institutes already working in the various parts of the country. Now onwards, only those research studies would be allowed at these centres, which would have direct impact on the life of tribals. The institutes would also be asked to suggest activities creating economic opportunities direct or indirect for the tribals. Experts would be involved to suggest projects to promote traditional art and craft of tribals.
Participating in the discussion, Shri Rameshwar Oraon, Minister of State for Tribal Affairs stressed the need for strengthening existing tribal research institutes, he said that these institutes should work in fields to study tribal issues closely and suggest effective measures for inclusion in Government’s programmes and policies. He said that libraries at these centers to be strengthened to provide rich study material for research in tribal related issues.
Participating in the meeting, Members of the Parliamentary Consultative Committee were of the view that Tribal Research Institutes should open their branches in tribal dominated pockets and their activities should be linked with the practical projects for economic and social development of the tribal people. Members also suggested there should be strict monitoring to see whether tribal welfare funds were being used genuinely. They also suggested speedy implementation of the Forest Rights Act. The meeting was attended by S/Shri Giridhar Gamang, Baliram Kashyap, Baju Ban Riyan, Rajesh Kumar Manjhi and V. Kishore Chandra S. Deo (all Members of Parliament).
June 30th, 2008
Following is an excerpt from a report in New Indian Express. (See for other ICAR labs/institutes in Orissa and India.)
The International and National centre on FMD would be set up by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at Jatni about 25 kms from here. The State Government has already identified 116.325 acre of land for the Rs 400 crore Central Government sponsored project.
The state-of-the art facility with Bio Safety level (3+) standardisation will work for control and containment of virulent, pathogenic and mutagenic FMD virus. The disease in endemic to India and manifests itself across regions round the year.
The lab would receive samples from the country as well as abroad for identification, characterisation of the biological pathogens that caused the disease. It will also act as a repository for various serotypes.
Telegraph also reports on this.
2 comments April 26th, 2008
The following list is from See also
Following is the list at also
ADE- Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore
ARDE- Armament R&D Establishment, Pune
ASL- Advanced Systems Laboratory, Hyderabad
CAIR- Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Bagalore
CFEES- Centre for Fire, Explosives & Environmental Safety, Delhi
CVRDE- Combat Vehicles R&D Establishment, Chennai/Avadi
DARE- Defence Avionics Reseach Establishmnet, Bangalore
DARL- Defence Agricultural Research Laboratory, Pithoragarh
DEBEL- Defence Bioengineering and Electrochemical Laboratory, Bangalore
DEAL- Defence Electronics Applications Laboratory, Dehradun
DESIDOC- Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre, Delhi
DFRL- Defence Food Research Laboratory, Mysore
DIPR- Defence Institute of Psychological Research, Delhi
DIPAS – Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Sciences, Delhi
DLJ – Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur
DLRL – Defence Electronics Research Laboratory, Hyderabad
DMRL- Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad
DMSRDE- Defence Materials & Stores R & D Establishment, Kanpur
DTRL – Defence Terrain Research Laboratory
DRDL – Defence Research & Development Laboratory, Hyderabad
DRDE – Defence Research & Development Establishment, Gwalior
DRL- Defence Research Laboratory, Tezpur
FRL – Field Research Laboratory, C/o 56 A.P.O.
GTRE – Gas Turbine Research Establishment, Bangalore
HEMRL – High Energy Materials Research Laboratory, Pune
IAT – Institute of Armament Technology, Pune
INMAS – Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Research, Delhi
IRDE – Instruments R& D Establishment, Dehradun
ISSA- Insttitue of Systems Studies and Analyses, Delhi
ITM- Institute of Technology Management, Mussoorie
LASTEC- Laser Science & Technology Centre, Delhi
LRDE – Electronics and Radar Development Establishment, Bangalore
MTRDC – Microwave Tube R&D Centre, Bangalore
NMRL – Naval Materials Research Laboratory, Ambernath
NPOL – Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi
NSTL _ Naval Science & Technological Laboratory, Visakhapattanam
PXE – Proof & Experimental Establishment, Chandipur, Orissa
RCI – Research Centre Imarat, Hyderabad
R&DE – Research & Development Engineers, Pune
SASE – Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Chandigarh
SAG – Scientific Analysis Group, Delhi
SSPLDA- Solid State Physics Laboratory, Delhi
TBRL – Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory, Chandigarh
VRDE – Vehicles research & Development establishment, Ahmednagar
58 comments April 23rd, 2008
The following list is from Orissa does not figure in that list. In 2005 Orissa was trying for one. See But nothing seems to have happened since then. (Orissa does have the "Institute of Life Sciences" which is funded by the Department of Biotechnology, which is under the Ministry of Science of Technology.)
The Department of Biotechnology labs are listed in They are:
Centre For DNA Fingerprinting And Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad (
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), Imphal, Manipur (
Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar (
National Institute Of Immunology, New Delhi ( )
National Centre For Plant Genome Research (NCPGR), JNU, New Delhi (
National Brain Research Centre (NBRC), Gurgaon (
National Centre for Cell Sciences, Pune ( )
April 23rd, 2008
The following list is from
101 comments April 23rd, 2008
Following is an excerpt from a report in Kalinga Times.
A high security laboratory, which would be one of its kind in Southeast Asia, will be set up in Orissa this year to fight foot and mouth disease that affects about 470 million domestic livestock annually.
"The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), an autonomous national organisation under the central government, recently approved the establishment of the laboratory at Jatani on the outskirt of the capital city Bhubaneswar," director of the state animal husbandry department Bishnupada Sethi told IANS Sunday.
It is going to be the first such centre of India and one of its kind in Southeast Asia with the Bio Safety Level (3+) facilities which will work for proper control and containment of virulent, pathogenic and mutagenic foot and mouth disease viruses, he said.
Bio-safety Level 3 facility expands the capability of researchers to conduct research on potential viral agents that do not currently have vaccines or therapies.
… People working in laboratory wear special protective suits with filtered air supply and work within airtight cabinetry.
Foot and mouth disease is endemic in India. It is present almost in all parts of the country and occurs round the year. It also hits free-living and captive ungulates and elephants.
… The disease samples will be received from the entire country as well as from abroad for proper identification and characterisation of the biological pathogen that caused the disease.
It will also serve as a repository unit for various serotypes – a grouping of viruses of the foot and mouth disease, Sethi said.
The research will help in manufacturing of foot and mouth disease vaccine through proper inclusion of emerging strains of concerned virus, he added.
… The state government has already identified an area of 116.325 acres located 25 km away from the state capital to be given to ICAR for the laboratory.
The centre, which will also serve as a referral laboratory for the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), will be more technologically advanced than the High Security Animal Disease Laboratory at Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, said B. Patnaik, a scientist.
April 1st, 2008
Following is an excerpt from a news report in New Indian Express.
The National Research Institute of Ayurveda Drug Development (NRIADD) would establish its own complex over three acres of land in the city.
… The institute was earlier functioning as the Central Research Institute (Ayurveda). Das, speaking on the occasion, stressed the importance of standardisation of medical research. She said that ayurvedic research should be upgraded by application of latest knowledge and should be linked to modern medical sciences for advancement.
On the goals of the institute, she said, it should develop into a centre of excellence in ayurveda where integrated team approach by the staff is important.
3 comments March 27th, 2008
4 comments March 17th, 2008
1 comment March 15th, 2008
Following is from Volume 2 of the expenditure of Budget 2008-09.
February 29th, 2008
In 2005 our CM had proposed the central takeover/adoption of the Institute of Material Sciences (IMS) in Bhubaneswar (68/1, Laxmi Vihar, Bhubaneswar – 751005 ) to make it a National Institute for advanced materials and applications. In this, ex-IIT Khragpur director Prof. K. L. Chpora, a recent Padma shri award winner, was involved. But besides the following news report from 2005 nothing much has happened.
February 3rd, 2008
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