Fashion and Textile design institutes and programs in Bhubaneswar

There are now several of them in Bhubaneswar. (I am starting with Bhubaneswar but will be happy to broaden this posting to rest of Odisha if people suggest pointers in the "Comments" section.)

  1. NIFT Bhubaneswar.
  2. KIIT School of Fashion Technology.
  3. NIFD Bhubaneswar.
  4. Bhubaneswar Institute of Fashion Technology.
  5. National Institute of Interior and Fashion Technology (NIIFT).
  6. Orissa Institute of Interior and Fashion Technology.
  7. ALT Training College Bhubaneswar.
  8. Institute of Interior and Fashion Technology (IIFT) Bhubaneswar.
  9. (Apparel Training and Design Center) ATDC-IGNOU Community College, Bhubaneswar and Rourkela.
  10. Satwik Institute of Professional Studies, Bhubaneswar.

2 comments July 21st, 2012

NTTF in Gopalpur offers programs at various levels (including for people with diplomas and degrees in engineering) that virtually guarantee industry jobs

The website of NTTF is at Currently it has one center in Odisha in Gopalpur. They had earlier listed a center in Kalinganagar, but it is no longer listed in  A training program, diploma or a PGdiploma from NTTF almost guarantees a job; See their campus placement data at

Recently I saw two of their ads which are given below. More and more people should consider doing a program at NTTF and Odisha government should help in the establishment of more NTTF centers in Odisha.

2 comments April 29th, 2012

Tata Motors to supply equipments to several ITIs in Odisha

Following is from Sambada.

March 4th, 2012

OUAT plans 10 agro-polytechs by next session

Following is an excerpt from an Indian Express report in

The 10 proposed agro-polytechnics by the Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology (OUAT) in the agro-climatic zones of the State would come up by the next academic session beginning July-August. These polytechnics would offer two-year diploma course for Plus-II pass-outs in the disciplines of agriculture, fisheries, animal science and horticulture. While one each polytechnic will be dedicated for horticulture, fisheries, animal science, the remaining seven will impart training on agriculture.

The polytechnics will also provide certificate courses for school dropouts in various disciplines.

… The OUAT had last year proposed to set up the polytechnics aiming to help the grassroots-level people in the field of technology transfer and guiding farmers in improving their economy.

These polytechnics would churn out agro-technicians, who can earn a living by doing agricultural jobs for the farmers on payment basis or just establishing their own ventures such as seed production, nursery management, food processing and preservation and bio-fertiliser production.

There is a great need for such intermediate-level technicians who can convince the local farmers about low-risk technologies and their applications for better yield.

V-C Ray said the agro-polytechnics would function close to agriculture research stations and Krishi Vigyan Kendras as there will be optimum utilisation of teachers, support staff, equipment and appliances and other existing facilities. “If required, additional infrastructure would be set up for the purpose,” Ray said.


December 20th, 2011

Parlakhemundi to have a mini tools and training center

November 30th, 2011

CV Raman in Odisha is one of the 11 institutions in India offering Bachelors in Marine Engineering

Following is their ad.

The complete list of 11 colleges is available via Following are screen copies.

Note that the Indian Maritime University now has a new campus in Kandla, Gujarat. The initial campuses were in Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Visakhapatnam and Kochi. The Odisha government should push for a campus in Odisha; perhaps by taking over or in adjacent to the existing Orissa maritime academy in Paradeep.

1 comment November 27th, 2011

Apollo Hospital and Medavarsity jointly offer Diploma correspondence programs in Healthcare Informatics, Clinical Counseling and Hospital Administration with contact hours at Bhubaneswar

August 21st, 2011

Update on the Construction Academy at Gopalpur: L & T to do the training

Following is an excerpt from a report in Pioneer.

Larsen and Toubro (L&T) Group has been selected for imparting skill development training as part of the capacity building scheme under the State Employment Mission, said official sources, adding that the State Government would sign an MoU with the construction major by the end of August.

… The proposed academy would be operated in the public private partnership (PPP) mode, for which the Government would provide the infrastructure support. The Works Department would be the nodal authority to run the training institute to be set up in the already built-up area on a 20 acre land. The Government has already invested `10 crore for the infrastructure to be handed over to L&T to start the training courses during the current financial year.

2 comments August 11th, 2011

Bikalananda Kar Industrial Training Centre (BKITC) at Salepur, Cuttack to offer a one-year course in sweets technology

Following is an excerpt from Shilp Sampad’s report in Telegraph.

The course has been approved by the State Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training and recognised by the Directorate of Technical Education and Training, Orissa. The department of food technology and biochemical engineering of Jadavpur University, Calcutta, will provide technical support.

“Earlier, sweets making formed a small part of training in food craft institutes, but this is for the first time in the country that an independent course in sweets technology has been introduced.

“Technology will be used right from making sweets to packaging and marketing to reduce cost of production,” said Prasanta Kar, founder of Bikalananda Kar Memorial Trust, which established BKITC.

Applications have already started trickling in and admission is expected to be completed by end of August. The intake capacity has been fixed at 64.

The minimum eligibility for the course is matriculation and the fee is Rs 15,000. However, the trust and the Paschimbanga Mistanna Byabasayee Samitee will also provide full scholarships to poor, meritorious students.

Kar said there are more than 500 types of Oriya sweets and the course would involve training in only 140 types, including 60 varieties from the neighbouring state of Bengal. “We have brought out books on these 140 kinds of sweets. The trainees would be taught making sweets using dairy products as well as agricultural products such as dry fruits, wheat, flour, gram flour and so on,” said Bibhuti Bhusan Patra, principal of BKITC. He added the course would also focus on sugar-free sweets.

The syllabus will cover trade theory such as preservation of food and sweets, process technology (good manufacturing practice), quality control in food processing, food microbiology and contaminants, wastewater treatment, sanitation and hygiene standards, food safety and practical-oriented training.

Talking about the employment prospects, Patra said there is a dearth of skilled labour in the confectionery industry and it would not be difficult for the trainees to secure jobs.

2 comments August 4th, 2011

Latest list of private diploma (in engineering) schools in Odisha that are member of OPESA

The complete list of 90 diploma schools (both private and government) is at

July 20th, 2011

CDAC offers free courses for women with family income of less than 2 lakhs per annum at its satellite center in Bhubaneswar

The course advertised below is part of ACTS (Advanced Computer Training School) of CDAC. Its website is Following are excerpts from its web page.

C-DAC’s Advanced Computing Training School (ACTS) is dedicated to creating high quality manpower for C-DAC in particular and the IT industry in general through the designing and delivering various courses. The courses are offered through a network of Authorized Training Centres (ATC’s) as well as C-DAC’s own centers. Around quarter million students passed out since inception in last decade and a half. They are today successful employees of many Multinational and Premier Indian IT companies, and many of them have become successful entrepreneurs.

1 comment July 19th, 2011

Ministry of MSME to establish a Footwear Training Institute in Barang: Samaja

Currently MSME has two central footwear training institutes in Chennai and Agra. Their websites are:

The Ministry of commerce also has similar institutes which are called Footwear design and development institute. The HQ is in NOIDA with campuses in Noida, Fusatganj, Chennai, Kolkata, Rohtak, Chhindwara & Jodhpur. The one in Jodhpur is a recent one; announce in March 2011.

While the Footwear training institutions focus on manufacturing the FDDIs focus on design and management. The former offers short term and diploma courses while the latter offers B.Sc and M.Sc programs.

June 28th, 2011

ATDC-IGNOU Community Colleges at Bhubaneswar and Rourkela; other ATDC centers at Cuttack, Berhampur, Baripada and Sambalpur (two of them)

June 15th, 2011

Odisha mulling a construction skills development center in collaboration with L & T

Following is an excerpt from a report in Daily Pioneer.

… the State Government on Monday decided to set up a Construction Skills Training Institute (CSTI) in Bhubaneswar under the Odisha State Employment Mission scheme.

The L&T group has evinced interest for the mega training institute to be set up in the PPP mode in the infrastructure development sector and the negotiation is in an advanced state, said Chief Secretary Bijay Patnaik, adding that the Government would provide the infrastructure support to the L&T.

He said that besides the main campus to be located in Bhubaneswar, the institute would have three sub-centers in the tribal areas, one each at the district headquarters of Koraput, Kandhamal and Mayurbhanj. The sub-centers would act as feeder units for the main CSTI, Bhubaneswar. The concerned district Collectors have already been directed to identify suitable sites for the sub-centers.

The Bhubaneswar institute will be located at the Industries Department premises in the Sailashri Vihar area. Training will be imparted in construction-related trades like masonry, bar bending and carpentry. Training will be meant for school dropouts and the training period will be three months. The training and lodging will be free of cost and L&T will extend stipend of `2,000 per month. According to sources, since the training programme is placement-linked, L&T will offer placement in its own construction sites both within the State and outside.

The Chief Secretary also said after a high-level meeting on the activities of the State Employment Mission held under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik that it was decided to provide skill development training to an estimated 10 lakh unemployed youth during the next three years under the Employment Mission.

He said a number of sectors like retails, housekeeping, food and beverage, customer relations, front office management, telecom sales, driving, computer and photo shops, nursing and debt recovery agents would be taken up for skill development.

Meanwhile, on the request of the State Government, the National Skill Development Corporation has agreed to undertake skill mapping in order to identify the demand-driven sectors with special emphasis on an in-depth study in tribal areas.

1 comment June 8th, 2011

OP Jindal-IGNOU community colleges in Angul and Barbil

These will be the first institutes in Odisha labelled as community colleges. The one in Angul is already operating. Its web page is

3 comments May 13th, 2011

Which branch to take for Engineering Diploma in Odisha?

These days many students after their Class X exam instead of joining a +2Sc/Arts/Commerce program enroll in an engineering diploma program. The reason being:

(a) They can avail of lateral entry to the 2nd year of B.E program if they have "Pass in 3 years diploma course in Engineering with at least 50% ( 45% in case of candidate belong to SC / ST category) marks in aggregate from State Council of Technical Education and Training (SCTE&VT)". For them there is a reservation of "Upto a maximum of twenty percent of sanctioned intake capacity of 2010-20 11 in appropriate discipline of engineering (these seats will be over and above the intake capacity) and carry forward vacant seats of first year of engineering (as per list submitted by JEE-2010) will be available for lateral entry at third semester level."

(b) They can also join the first year of B.E program if they wish to do that.

Now when choosing what branch in Diploma they should pursue they should look at the following table from the JEE prospectus. It will tell them from which diploma branch they can join "laterally" (i.e, to the second year) to which B.E. branch .

As per the JEE 2011 stipulations, the most flexible branch seems to be "Mechatronics" as it allows them to pursue Mechanical Engineering as well as several Electronics related branches.  (This may change in the future. So students need to check the latest JEE prospectus.)



1 comment May 9th, 2011

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