2.5 crore each to ITIs in Puri, Cuttack, Chhatrapur and Umerkote.

The following is from http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=36717.

Rajya Sabha

For upgradation of Government ITIs in the Country the Central Government has launched a new Scheme “Upgradation of 1396 Government ITIs through Public Private Partnership” : The first batch of 300 ITIs has been taken up for upgradation at a cost of Rs. 750.00 Cr. in 2007-08.

Under this Scheme an Industry Partner is associated with each ITI to lead the process of upgradation. An Institute Management Committee (IMC) is set up in the ITI with the Industry Partner or its representative as the Chairperson and the Principal of the ITI as the member Secretary. The IMC is registered as a Society and an interest free loan of upto Rs. 2.5 Cr. is given directly to the IMC Society. The loan is repayable by the IMC Society over a period of 30 years.

For 2007-08, four Government ITIs in the State of Orissa viz. ITIs at Puri, Cuttack, Umerkote (Nabarangpur dist.), and Chhatrapur (Women) have been covered under this Scheme and interest free loan of Rs. 10 Cr. has been released to them at a rate of Rs. 2.5 Cr. per ITI.

This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Shri Oscar Fernandes in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.


March 19th, 2008

Instructor wanted ad in Samaja by OP Jindal Institute of Technology and Skills in Angul

1 comment January 20th, 2008

Four ITIs to be upgraded

Following is an excerpt from a report in the New Indian Express.

The State Government and the Director- General of Employment and Training (DGE&T) have decided to upgrade four ITIs into centres of excellence with World Bank assistance.

The DGT&E has identified the ITIs at Berhampur, Hirakud, Balasore and Talcher for upgradation. While the ITI at Berhampur deals with automobile sector, the institute at Hirakud is for the process plant maintenance sector.

The ITI at Balasore deals with the electrical sector while the one at Talcher is for production and manufacturing. Though the proposal was floated in 2006-07 financial year, it could not be taken up because of delay in release of funds.

The DGE&T has agreed in principle to provide finance during the year for the project. An MoU was signed between the State Government and the DGT&E on December 17 for implementation of the scheme with World Bank assistance.

January 18th, 2008

Naveen urges industry to set up technical education institutes

Following is an excerpt from a news report in Telegraph.

Chief minister Naveen Patnaik seems to have found a magic wand to make industrialisation acceptable to masses: bring more youngsters under the technical education umbrella.

“I want each of the industry and corporate houses in our state to have a greater involvement in the technical education sector. The greater the mass of technically qualified manpower, the more will be the demand for industrialisation from the common people. It will make industrialisation a more widely acceptable way of improving life and enhancing regional growth,” Naveen said, …

Stating that he has a vision of establishing at least one industrial training institute in each block of the state, Naveen urged the industry captains to choose any zero-ITI block of their choice and immediately start the establishing an ITI offering trades that they think have market demand.

He advised the industries department to facilitate the process and guide the industrial and corporate houses in this regard.

Stressing the theme of this year’s event — “Building People, building Orissa” — the chief minister said meeting mandatory stipulations under different laws or complying with the guidelines of the resettlement and rehabilitation policy is just one small component of the corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Perhaps keeping the resistance by the locals to several industrial projects in mind, the chief minister advised the industries to have good relationship with the people and entities around their plants.

December 7th, 2007

ITI/ITC proposals forwarded to the center

Following is an excerpt from a report in Statesman.

A shortlist of 134 proposals received by the State Directorate of Technical Education and Training (DTE&T) for establishing Industrial Training Centres (ITCs) in various parts of the state has been sent to the Union government for final approval.

The new proposals would add ITI capacity to 52 new blocks. It may be noted that Mr Patnaik had suggested the establishment of at least one Industrial Training Institute (ITI) or Industrial Training Centre (ITC) in each of the 314 blocks in December, 2006. The chief minister also suggested the upgrading of the technical education sector.

Following is Dharitri’s take on this.

1 comment October 31st, 2007

RSP expansion and adoption of ITIs in Sundergarh district by RSP

Following is from http://rc.orissa.gov.in/index3.asp?linkid=30&sublinkid=232.

Shri S.K.Roongta, Chairman, SAIL along with Shri B.N.Singh, M.D. Rourkela Steel Plant called on the Chief Minister at Orissa Bhawan. They briefed the Chief Minister about the expansion plans of Rourkela Steel Plant.  He intimated that it has been decided to increase the capacity of Rourkela Steel Plant from 2.1 million tonnes to 4.5 million tones hot metal with an approximate investment of Rs 10,000 Crore. He agreed to the suggestion of the Chief Minister to adopt the existing ITIs of the Sundergarh District and also launch Mobile Medical Vans for each block of the Sundargarh District to deal with the common medical ailments like Malaria. Chief Minister also asked the Chairman, SAIL to take up afforestation in the periphery area of the RSP in a big way.

October 18th, 2007

A private engineering college being made in Talcher

Following is an excerpt on it from Pioneer. (My understanding is that it is not yet an engineering college, but is on its way to become one.)

… former Union Minister Devendra Pradhan.

Inaugurating the first session of the Pabitra Mohan Institute of Technology (PMIT) at Talcher on Tuesday, he said local people are not getting proper employment opportunities as they do not have the required technical education. Pabitra Mohan Institute of Technology, which is named after the great freedom fighter and former Deputy Chief Minister, would solve this problem, he said.

Local MLA Mahesh Sahu also emphasised the need of technical education in the area. He criticised the vested interests who are opposing the establishment of the only private engineering college at Talcher.

Among others, the meeting was addressed by Atul Ku Sahu, Principal, Orissa School of Engineering, Bichhand Pradhan, freedom fighter, LD Nayak, Principal, PMIT,  …

8 comments October 3rd, 2007

Adopt an ITI scheme

Sify.com reports on a central govt. proposal encouraging various companies to adopt ITIs. In particular, it mentions that:

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd has plans to adopt the ITI at Talcher in Orissa …

October 2nd, 2007

Wipro and KIIT will join hands to offer short-term post graduate courses

Following is an excerpt from a Statesman report.

Under the partnership programme, short-term postgraduate courses spanning six months to one year in Technology Infrastructure Service (TIS) will also be offered.

These courses will cater to the growing demand of skilled manpower in the IT infrastructure management service (IMS).

It is becoming a real challenge for all the IT companies in India to get manpower with the right skill for IMS.

These courses will be conducted as per as the customised course curriculum prepared by Wipro.
Trainers will be arranged by Wipro to train the teachers of KIIT for successfully conducting these courses with the aim to prepare the IT industry ready for IMS practice.

The KIIT University has also signed another MoU with Wipro, under which diploma students of KIIT will be trained in the English language communication skills with a customised course curriculum to make them industry ready in IMS practice.

Apart from this initiative, Wipro will also conduct a recruitment drive for the diploma students of the university every year

September 6th, 2007

Plan for vocational training of 20,000 – Samaja

September 5th, 2007

Short term training programs in hardware: ad in Samaja

August 30th, 2007

Statesman: Orissa needs to set right its technical education

Following are some excerpts from a Statesman article by Jitu Mishra.

Orissa … has now become the most favoured destination for global investors attracting the likes of POSCO, Arcelor Mittal, Sterlite, Vedanta, Tata’s etc.

Backed by its abundant mineral resources it has already signed over 60 MoUs in steel, aluminum, power and other sectors ensuing an investment to the tune of Rs 4 lakh crores.

As stated recently by Industry secretary Mr. Ashok Dalwai, various project proposals including those of POSCO and Arcelor Mittal are at different stages of implementation and the government is hopeful that within the next 8-10 years, these plants would be commissioned.
The problem, however, is the non-availability of enough manpower with the specific skills which will be heavily required by these industries which are both technology and labour intensive, observe educationists and industrial circles here.

Despite some initiatives the state by and large seems completely un-prepared for meeting the demand for the manpower that will be required as these projects roll out.

The question is, how the state, which ranks 2nd in the country in terms of unemployment growth rate (as per NSSO report ’07) and home to around 10 lakh unemployed people, would cope up with the situation.

A glimpse at the projected employment opportunities to be created by of some of these mega projects reflects the huge gap.

According to a Social Cost Benefit Analysis of the proposed 12 MTPA integrated Greenfield Steel Project of POSCO-India, prepared by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), the project would create 18,000 direct employment opportunities in iron & steel production sector while simultaneously generating 15,000 employments in iron ore mining sector over a period of 30 years.

The report also says that if all these direct & indirect employment opportunities of the project including the ones that will be generated as linkage effect in the manufacturing, trade, construction, agro-based businesses such as farming, animal husbandry etc., hospitality & services sectors are taken into account the employment effect of the project will be 8.7 lakh person-years over the period of 30 yrs.
Arcelor Mittal which also proposes to set up a steel plant of similar capacity though has assigned MN Dastur & Co. for preparation of the comprehensive study report, the preliminary estimates say that the project would create 20,000 direct and indirect employment opportunities.
Apart from these two companies, there are several others in the fray and some of them have even started initial or trial production.
If we go by the simple ratio of production output and employment generation put up by NCAER; the crude steel sector would generate 0.692 person-years of employment per Rs 1 lakh of output while iron ore sector would create 0.354 person-years for the same output.
More over, realization of all these projects will stimulate other industries in the state, as a Linkage Effect, which will impact job creation in related sectors.

The ancillary and downstream industries and infrastructure development sector also promise a lot many employment opportunities and scope for entrepreneurship for the unemployed in the state.

Opportunities of such huge number of employment are to benefit both the technical as well as the non-technical workforce, in the state, which is presently characterized by abundant manpower but plagued by the problems of unemployment, underemployment and migration of labour.
Human resource development experts feel that the government should develop an action plan with the help of companies and technical institutions to groom the manpower so that maximum number of talents from Orissa get employment by the time the projects start operating.
As said by Infosys BPO Chairman Mr. Mohandas Pai during his recent visit, Orissa should first put efforts to build a pool of skilled professionals in the state if it wishes to capitalize on the employment opportunities.

The government decision to open a branch of Central Tool Room & Training Centre at Kalinga Nagar Industrial Complex, in Jajpur District, POSCO-India’s Human Resource Development Training Centre on 7 acres of land and the Tata Steel’s Technical Training Center at Gopalpur are some noticeable efforts in enhancing the employability of the local people.

But, more & more companies need to be encouraged to set up technical institutes such as ITIs & ITCs to prepare manpower as the annual turn out out of such skilled workforce in the state is 21,912 from out of 24 Govt. & 152 private ITIs & ITCs in the state (As per Govt. of Orissa data for the year 2004-05).

But the fact is that many of them, around two-third pass outs even lack of technical skills, practical exposure as well as domain knowledge and fail to meet the industry standards, as pointed out by a leading automobile manufacturer.

The need of the hour is to improve on the standard of the present technical education in the state and strengthening the industry-institution linkage. Maximum advantage needs to be taken from the Biju Pattnauk National Steel Institute (BPNSI), set up by Ministry of Steel at Puri. Sensing the huge requirement of technical manpower and the urgent need of reviving the technical education, initiatives need to be started immediately to set right the technical education scenario in the state.


3 comments August 29th, 2007

Analyzing the educational aspect of the PM’s independence day speech and its implication to Orissa

The PM’s independence day speech will be remembered for a long time for its groundbreaking educational steps. Here, we analyze them vis-a-vis Orissa.

  • K-12
    • "We will support 6,000 new high quality schools — one in every block of the country"   [Orissa has 314 blocks. Currently the central govt has three kinds of schools: Kendriya Vidyalayas, Navodaya Vidyalayas and Ekalabya Vidyalayas. My guess is these will be Navodaya Vidyalayas. Until now, Navodaya Vidyalayas were being made one per district. Extending it to one per block will do wonders.]
  • Higher education
    • "We will also ensure that adequate numbers of colleges are set up across the country, especially in districts where enrollment levels are low. We will help States set up colleges in 370 such districts."  [Orissa has 30 districts. As per the NSSO study of 2004-2005, Table 3.14.1 shows that in the 15-19 age group 29% people in Orissa are attending school/college and in the 20-24 age group this number for Orissa is 6.1%. (Both numbers are lowest among all but the small states/UTs of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu and Lakshadweep.) For the Scheduled Tribe population these numbers are 17.1% for the 15-19 age group and 4.1% for the 20-24 age group.]
    • "We will set up thirty new Central Universities. Every state that does not have a central university will now have one." [Orissa does not have one so it should get one. But considering that there are 23 other existing central universities, making it a total of 53 central universities, Orissa should get two.]
    • "we are setting up five new Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research" [The five IISERs are at Pune, Kolkata, Mohali, Bhopal, and Trivendrum. A NISER is being set up in Bhubaneswar.]
    • "eight new Indian Institutes of Technology" [Three of these IITs are announced to be in Bihar, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh. Orissa should get one of the other five IITs.]
    • "seven new Indian Institutes of Management" [Announcements have been made with respect to Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Shillong. If Orissa gets a new IIT then its chance of getting a new IIM this round is much less. Orissa should try though.]
    • "twenty new Indian Institutes of Information Technology." [There will be one in each main states, including Orissa, which does not have one. Existing ones are at Allahabad, Amethi, Jabalpur, and Gwalior and a new one is being established at Kanchipuram. ]
  • Vocational Education
    • "We will soon launch a Mission on Vocational Education and Skill Development, through which we will open 1600 new industrial training institutes (ITIs) and polytechnics, 10,000 new vocational schools and 50,000 new Skill Development Centres."
    • "We will ensure that annually, over 100 lakh students get vocational training – which is a four-fold increase from today’s level."
  • More scholarships
    • "We should seek not just functional literacy, but good quality education – education that is affordable, accessible, equitable – and available to every boy and girl who seeks to study. For the needy we will provide more scholarships."

5 comments August 16th, 2007

PM’s Independence day speech: 30 new central universities, 8 new IITs, 7 new IIMs

Following are the relevant excerpts from the Prime Minister’s independence day speech(TOI) (Hindu)(PIB)

Towards this end, our Government has decided to invest in setting up good quality schools across the country. We will support 6,000 new high quality schools — one in every block of the country. Each such school will set standards of excellence for other schools in the area.

As our primary education programmes achieve a degree of success, there is growing demand for secondary schools and colleges. We are committed to universalizing secondary education. An extensive programme for this is being finalized.

We will also ensure that adequate numbers of colleges are set up across the country, especially in districts where enrolment levels are low. We will help States set up colleges in 370 such districts.

The University system, which has been relatively neglected in recent years, is now the focus of our reform and development agenda. We will set up thirty new Central Universities. Every state that does not have a central university will now have one.

In order to promote science and professional education, we are setting up five new Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research, eight new Indian Institutes of Technology, seven new Indian Institutes of Management, and twenty new Indian Institutes of Information Technology. These will generate new educational opportunities for our youth. I am sure that, working together, we can ensure that at least a fifth of our children go to college as compared to one-tenth now.

The vast majority of our youth seek skilled employment after schooling. Last year I spoke the need for a Vocational Education Mission. Such a Mission is ready to be launched. We will soon launch a Mission on Vocational Education and Skill Development, through which we will open 1600 new industrial training institutes (ITIs) and polytechnics, 10,000 new vocational schools and 50,000 new Skill Development Centres.

We will ensure that annually, over 100 lakh students get vocational training – which is a four-fold increase from today’s level. We will seek the active help of the private sector in this initiative so that they not only assist in the training but also lend a hand in providing employment opportunities.

We should seek not just functional literacy, but good quality education – education that is affordable, accessible, equitable – and available to every boy and girl who seeks to study. For the needy we will provide more scholarships.

I wish to see a revolution in the field of modern education in the next few years. It is my fervent desire that India becomes a fully educated, modern, progressive nation. From this historic Red Fort, I would like this message to go to every corner of India – we will make India a nation of educated people, of skilled people, of creative people.

This is the first time eight new IITs have been formally and officially mentioned. Three of these were previously announced to be in Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Bihar. So it would be a shame if Orissa does not get one of the remaining five.

1 comment August 15th, 2007

Farmer training institute in Orissa

Hindu reports that IFFCO will set up a farmers training institute in Orissa. Following are excerpts from that report.

Indian Farmers’ Fertiliser Co-operative Ltd (IFFCO) plans to set up a farmers training institute in Orissa.

Director of the farmers’ cooperative’s Paradip unit K L Singh …

"The farmers of Orissa will be given training on best crop practices in cereals, pulses, oilseeds, horticultural crops, fruit preservation, fish farming, dairy and poultry, maintenance of agricultural equipment and bee keeping," Singh said.

The training institute would have boarding and lodging facilities. Farmers would be provided free of cost facilities here, he said.

The director said the cooperative aims to train at least 50,000 farmers a year, which would be increased to 1,00,000 in a phased manner.

"IFFCO will do extensive analysis of soil samples through this institute for improving soil health and productivity of crops with balanced and integrated use of nutrients," Singh said.

The activities will include farmers’ meetings, field demonstrations, crop seminars, soil testing campaign, seed multiplication programme and sugarcane development programme, he added.

Currently there exists a farmer training institute in Nagpur (operated by RCF) and another one in Phuplur (near Allahabad) operated by IFFCO.

12 comments August 7th, 2007

Institutions with Nontraditional programs – a dated list

Following is a list of institutions with non-traditional programs that I compiled earlier. They are categorized as follows: Arts and Crafts, Design, Teachers training, Diploma in Engineering, ITIs, Film and TV, Homeopathy and Ayurveda, Hotel management, Journalism, Law, Library Science, Performance arts, Physical Education, Sanskrit and Social work.

Continue Reading 6 comments June 8th, 2007

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