Update on May 9th 2010: Following is from a report in Daily Pioneer.
The Food Craft Institute, Balangir, has been awarded as the best food craft institute all over India for its excellent all-round performance. Established jointly by the Union Ministry of Tourism and State Department of Tourism, this institute offers diploma courses in Food Production, Food and Beverages Service, Front Office Operation and House Keeping Operation. … The institute is going to be upgraded as a State Institute of Hotel Management. Recently, a Central inspection team visited the campus.
Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard.
… the state government has sought the conversion of the status of Food Craft Institute at Bolangir into an Indian Institute of Health Hotel Management (IIHM). The state government would provide additional land for it. Besides, the government has also urged the Centre to set up a IIHM at Rourkela, Mishra added.
Note that the Institute of Hotel Management in Bhubaneswar started as a Food Craft Institute in 1973. It became a centrally funded Institute of Hotel Management in 1984.
March 27th, 2010

March 20th, 2010
UCE Burla becoming VSSUT and the hiring of dynamic vice Chancellors at VSSUT (Prof. D K Tripathy from IIT Kharagpur) as well as at Sambalpur University (Prof. Arun Pujari from the University of Hyderabad) has given a huge momentum in making the Sambalpur area a knowledge hub and together with similar progress at Rourkela a western knowledge corridor is now in the making. In this write-up we will focus on the greater Sambalpur area ranging from Bargarh in the west of Sambalpur to Jharsuguda and Sundergarh in the north and north east.
- Universities: Two exists; 2 more in the making
- There are two universities with dynamic leadership at their helm: VSSUT and Sambalpur University
- Sambalpur University has received approval and funding for a SU-IIT (Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology) and is pursuing a sports institute.
- VSSUT has significant expansion plans.
- There is a proposal to upgrade GM college to a unitary university.
- The health minister had announced to upgrade VSS Medical College to a university.
- Branch of OUAT in Chipilima.
- Engineering Colleges: Besides VSSUT, there are five more engineering colleges in the area. 2 in Baragarh, 1 in Jharsuguda, 1 in Sundergarh and 1 in Sason (Silicon West).
- Management Institute: XIMB plans a campus in this area.
- Centrally funded Institutes: IIHT (Indian Institute of Handloom Technology) in Baragarh.
- Research Institute: CIFT Burla.
- Other Colleges: Panchayat College Baragarh, NSCB College Sambalpur, Govt. Womens College Sambalpur, Govt. College Sundergarh and Govt. Womens College Sundergarh.
- Demography: See https://www.orissalinks.com/orissagrowth/archives/2715
- Infrastructure:
The above gives the current status of this area. In addition to the efforts mentioned above, following should also be pursued.
- The VSSUT must be upgraded to a national level institute such as an IIEST (Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology)
- An STP must be established in Sambalpur.
- Operationalization of Jharsuguda airport must be expedited.
- One of the central government departments such as CSIR, DAE, Sc & Tech, etc. needs to open a research center here.
- The Orissa government should push to upgrade the VSS Medical College to the AIIMS level.
- Establishment of private medical colleges in this area must be encouraged.
- The OUAT college in Chipilima needs to upgraded and expanded
- A regional university (similar to the old regional engineering colleges, with 50-50 partnership between the state and the central govt.) should be established in Jharsuguda. (This could be part of the 12th five year plan starting from 2012.)
- A state university should be established in Jharsuguda during the 13th plan. (by 2020)
- A state university should be established in Baragarh during the 13th plan. (by 2020)
- Considering the rapid industrialization of the area, the Govt. Engineering School in Jharsuguda should be upgraded to an engineering college, perhaps as a constituent college of VSSUT.
NOTE on Comments: Only constructive comments will be allowed. Please do not submit comments that advocate separatism, conspiracy theories, shifting, badmouthing, etc.
March 14th, 2010
Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard on the 22 new polytechs.
… These polytechnics would come up in those districts which are not yet served by the government polytechnics. The districts include Boudh Gajapati, Nabarangpur, Bolangir, Kalahandi, Koraput, Kandhamal, Mayurbhanj and Balasore to name a few.
… It may be noted that 13 government engineering schools and polytechnics are already functioning in Orissa under the state industries department.
… A single patch of land spread over 10 acres has already been identified by the state government in each of the districts.
Out of Rs 12.3 crore sanctioned for each polytechnic, Rs eight crore will be spent on civil works and Rs 4.3 crore will be spent on equipment, machinery, furniture and learning resource material.
With the opening of these 22 polytechnics, every district in the state will have at least government polytechnic providing quality education.
Following is excerpt from a different report in Business Standard on the 91 new ITIs and 415 new Skill Development Centers (SDCs).
The Ministry of Labour and Employment of the Government of India has decided to set up 91 new ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes) and 415 Skill Development Centres (SDCs) in Orissa on the public-private partnership (PPP) mode.
While the Orissa government would provide basic infrastructural support for these ITIs and SDCs including free land with proper power, water and road connectivity, the Centre would provide Viability Gap Funding.
The proposed ITI s would have a strength of 250 trainees per shift running about 10 demand driven trades. An estimated Rs six crore would be spent towards infrastructural development on each of these ITI s.
The proposed SDCs would be smaller centres of vocational training with seating capacity of about 300 persons per shift per annum to meet the skill training needs of the locals.
About Rs 50 lakh would be invested on equipment and machineries for these SDCs.
Expressions of Interest would be invited from the training providers to operationalize these proposed ITI s and SDCs on the PPP mode.
… About 3-5 acres of land need to be identified for the establishment of ITI s at the unrepresented block headquarters while 500 sq m of land is needed for setting up the SDC at the gram panchayat headquarters.
Moreover, the Government of India has decided to upgrade 1396 government ITI s across the country on the PPP mode through an interest free loan of Rs 2.5 crore.
Nine ITI s in the state at Puri, Cuttack, Chhatrapur, Umerkote, Barbil, Dhenkanal, Barbil, Baripada, Baripada and Malkangiri are covered under this initiative.
February 26th, 2010
The advertisement http://www.cipet.gov.in/pdfs/advt.2010.pdf mentions that CIPET is upgrading its centers to High Learning Centers to impart B.Tech, M.Tech and Ph.D programs with exclusive R & D hubs ARSTPS & LARPM. (Note: I think LARPM was the first R & D hub to be created by CIPET and was mentioned in a Jan 2009 PIB report. But both were also mentioned in a May 2008 Economic Times article.)
As per http://www.cipet.gov.in/research.html:
Technology innovation through dedicated research work by a Core team has been the philosophy of CIPET, which led to the establishment of 02 R&D centres – Laboratory for Advance Research in polymeric Materials (LARPM) & Advance Research School for Technology & Product simulation (ARSTPS) at CIPET Bhubaneswar & Chennai respectively. …
The vision for these R&D Centres have been conceived with objectives of transforming CIPET as a Global research Centre on Polymeric Materials as well as a Resource centre for newer concept development & conversion of concept into reality by Product development on commercial scales. Technology transfer, creation of Intellectual Property (IP), knowledge base with validated documentation would be the key aspects of functioning of R&D entities.
The significance of LARPM & ARSTPS is evident from the fact that they will be chaired by Director General and functioning independently under the Technology & Business development department of Corporate Office. The targets for both R&D centres have been set to pursue the objectives in mission mode. The experienced & competent faculties have been drawn from the existing pool of CIPET along with newly inducted researchers.
Operating model of LARPM & ARSTPS would be influenced with 03 “Rs”- Relevance to industry needs, Result-oriented output, Resourceful base to operate as ‘Centre of excellence”. It is worth mentioning that LARPM has already been sanctioned 03 sponsored projects from Funding agencies of Govt. of India. Similarly, ARSTPS has already initiated industry sponsored projects for Automotive, Medical & Aerospace Industries.
The identified focus areas of LARPM & ARSTPS are as follows:
Biopolymers |
Innovative Product Design for Medical, Automobile, Aerospace and Packaging Industries |
Polymer Composites & Nanocomposites |
Product and Tool Design Conceptualization (modeling, analysis, process optimization & simulation approach ) |
Functional Plastics, Carbon nanotubes |
E- Manufacturing of Prototypes.
Polymer Membranes, Conducting polymers
Reverse Engineering for metal and conventional
material substitution.
Development & Characterization of Engg.
Polymers, Blends/Alloys |
– |
The home page of LARPM is http://cipet.gov.in/cipetr&d/. As per http://cipet.gov.in/pdfs/research.pdf there are already 5 students pursuing Ph.D at LARPM. Following are concept drawings of their upcoming building.

The 2010-2011 admission ad shows the B.tech and M.tech programs that will be offered in 2010-2011. The program that will be offered at CIPET Bhubaneswar are:
- B.Tech in Plastics Engineering/Technology (Bhubaneswar, Ahmedabad, Chennai , Lucknow, Haldia – proposed)
- B.Tech in Manufacturing Engineering & Technology – proposed (Bhubaneswar, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Lucknow)
- M.Tech in Plastics Engineering/Technology (Bhubaneswar, Chennai , Lucknow, Hajipur)
- M.Tech in Polymer Nano Technology (LARPM – Bhubaneswar)
- M.Sc M.Tech in Material Science & Engineering (Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Lucknow).
The only program not listed to be offered at Bhubaneswar, but offered elsewhere, is
- M.Engg in CAD CAM (ARSTPS – Chennai)
Besides the above; all the 15 CIPET centers offer the following diplomas and PG Diplomas:
- Diploma in Plastic mould technology (3 yrs)
- Diploma in Plastics technology (3 yrs)
- PG Diploma in plastic mould design (1 yrs)
- PG Diploma in plastic processing & testing (1.5 yrs)
Finally, the Mancheswar branch of CIPET offers the following programs:
- ITI-Fitter, ITI-Electrician, ITI-IT&ESM and ITI-Welder
- and various short term courses and CAD/CAM courses.
From the above it looks like CIPET Chennai and Bhubaneswar are among the leaders. However neither Odisha nor Tamil Nadu have a NIPER. (The original NIPER is near Mohali and Chandigarh. As part of the 11th plan, new NIPERs were made in Hyderabad, Kolkata, Hajipur, Ahmedabad, Guwahati and Rae Bareli.) I hope Odisha pursues and gets one during the next five year plan.
February 20th, 2010
Following is an excerpt from a report in Financial Express.
Patnaik said that the Union secretary also said the Centre is willing to set up a branch of the CIPET (Cental Institute of Plastic Engineering Tehncology) at Balasore in the state. For the institute, the state government has agreed to provide 15 acres of land, he disclosed.
The information regarding the other two Odisha campuses of CIPET are in the following web sites.
The proposed 3rd campus in Balasore is mainly due to the efforts of Central Minister and Balasore MP Srikant Jena. The other campuses of CIPET in the rest of India are shown in this map.
February 20th, 2010
Following is from PIB http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=55194.
There is no shortage of manpower of required qualification in any category, technical or non-technical in the country considering the numbers passing out of the existing schools, colleges and other institutions each year. However, there are shortcomings in the skill set of ITI trained skilled workers for utilization of their services in the power sector. To overcome these, Ministry of Power and Central Electricity Authority (CEA) have taken initiative under “Adopt an ITI” scheme since July 2007. Under this scheme, ITIs are being adopted by power sector CPSUs and Private Project developers under Public Private Partnership scheme of the Directorate General of Employment and Training, Ministry of Labour and Employment to invest in augmentation and up-gradation of the training assets of ITIs around their project areas, especially in respect of trades that are relevant to the power industry.
This information was given by Shri Bharatsinh Solanki, Minister of State, Ministry of Power in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.
Orissa should take advantage of this scheme.
December 4th, 2009
Following is from http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=54595.
Rajya Sabha
In compliance of the announcement of Hon’ble Prime Minister on 15th August, 2007 to set up 1600 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) & Polytechnics and 50,000 Skill Development Centres with active help of the private sector, DGE&T, Ministry of Labour & Employment has undertaken a project titled “Kaushal Vikas Yojana” to set up 1500 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) & 5000 Skill Development Centres (SDCs) in Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode in the country at locations identified by the State Governments. ITIs are proposed to be set up in unserviced blocks (blocks where no ITIs/ITCs exist) & SDCs in a cluster of about ten villages.
State Governments have been requested to identify locations where free of cost land and basic infrastructure such as power, water, road, etc. are available.
Establishment of such institutes involves three partners (i) Private Training Provider playing the leading role (ii) State Government providing land free of cost and basic infrastructural support and (iii) Central Government providing Viability Gap Funding (VGF), if needed. Depending on the locations, various options are proposed to be explored. Funding pattern may vary from place to place.
The Govt. is in the process of preparing Detailed Project Report with the help of a Transaction Advisor and obtaining mandatory approvals. The project is likely to be rolled out in the next financial year.
This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Labour & Employment Shri Harish Rawat in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.
Following is from another PIB http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=54594
Rajya Sabha
A project titled “Kaushal Vikas Yojana” has been taken up to set up 1500 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) & 5000 Skill Development Centres (SDCs) in Public Private Partnership (PPP). These ITIs are proposed to be set up in unserviced blocks (blocks where no ITIs /ITC s exist) & SDCs in a cluster of about ten villages.
The purpose of setting up these institutions is to provide access to vocational training facilities to youth in rural, hilly, border & difficult areas. It is expected to provide opportunities of Skill development at door step of youth. Participation of private sector is expected to increase the number of vocations; impart quality & relevant training according to requirement of different sectors of economy and seek their assistance in placement of skilled youth.
This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Labour & Employment Shri Harish Rawat in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.
November 25th, 2009
Following is from Today’s Dharitri.

November 12th, 2009
Following is an excerpt from a PTI report in Hindu Business Line.
At least three more Apparel Training and Design Centres (ATDC) will be set up in Orissa. The proposed centers will be set up jointly by the Apparel Export Promotion Council (APEC) under union ministry of textiles and state government at Baripada, Cuttack and Sambalpur very soon.
…according to handlooms and textile secretary, Ms Arati Ahuja.
The APEC is now running three ATDCs at Bhubaneswr, Berhampur and Rourkeal with 100 per cent placement guarantee.
… Almost all the students who passed out from the Bhubaneswar centre have got placement, said Ms Lopamudra Das, head of the Bhubaneswar center.
The placement was made in reputed garment companies, she said.
In a related news in Expressbuzz, the recently established Indian Institute of Handloom Technology at Baragarh seems to be going through teething problems. Following is an excerpt.
… The IIHT was established here after much struggle last year as there was an inordinate delay in identifying and handing over the land for the institute. As work on the required infrastructure is far from over, it is now being mooted to hold the final year classes for the IIHT course at Salem. Ever since its inception, the IIHT has been operating on Panchayat College premises here.
As required by the IIHT officials, the institute was provided with classrooms, hostel for students besides four staff quarters. It was hoped that the infrastructure would be readied soon and the institute would be shifted to its new premises at Bhatli Road. But more than a year has passed and only a boundary wall has come up.
… Meanwhile, District Collector Suresh Prasad Padhy has apprised the Secretary, Higher Education of the slow pace of work at IIHT which is likely to be completed by 2013. …
November 10th, 2009
Following is an excerpt from a report in expressbuzz.com.
The Centre has sanctioned funds for establishment of Government polytechnics in 14 districts of the State.
Each of the institutes will receive a one time grant of Rs 12.30 crore from the Centre for infrastructure development while the State Government will take care of the recurring expenditure, including staff salary and administrative expenses.
The Government polytechnics will be located in districts having no such institutes.
Orissa has 13 technical institutes including three women polytechnics offering diploma courses in various trades. However, these institutes are limited to only nine districts and most of them are located in coastal region.
The new polytechnics will be opened in seven Naxal-affected districts of Malkangiri, Nabarangpur, Gajapati, Sambalpur, Jajpur, Nayagarh and Deogarh.
The other districts selected for the Centrally assisted technical institutes are Boudh, Nuapada, Kalahandi, Kendrapara, Jagatsinghpur, Puri and Sonepur.
Sites for the proposed polytechnics have been selected in respective district headquarters.
The Government will provide at least 10 acres of land for each of the polytechnics free of cost.
The new polytechnics will start functioning from the next academic session. …
According to a conservative estimate, each polytechnic will have at least 50 staff. The Government will take a decision on recruitment of staff on permanent or contractual basis.
The Government had already submitted a proposal to the Centre for financial assistance for opening Government polytechnics in the remaining seven districts.
October 29th, 2009
The web page of this institute is http://www.orissamaritime.com/. Following is an excerpt from its page http://www.orissamaritime.com/course.htm
The curriculum has been designed to impart an integrated and comprehensive training as per the standard of International Maritime Organization and guidelines issued by the Director General of Shipping, Government of India. The course has covered all aspects of seafaring profession to Deck and Engine Ratings.
Apart from the theory and in-house practical classes, the trainees are exposed to extensive practical training onboard Port crafts, Marine Workshop, Electrical Workshop of Paradip Port Trust as per convenience of Paradip Port Authority. The trainees are also given physical, parade and swimming training. The Academy organizes a number of ships’ visit to different types of ships berthed at Paradip Port. The medium of instruction is in English only. The trainees have to undergo the following STCW (Standard of Training Certification and Watch-keeping) courses during the training period at their own cost.
- Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF)
- Elementary First Aid (EFA)
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR)
- Oil Tanker Familiarization Course (OTFC) optional
Course offered:
Pre-sea General Purpose Rating Training.(Ship’s crew) Duration: 6(six) months, compulsory residential.
Educational qualification:
Pass in 10th standard from a recognized Board with Science, Mathematics and English as subjects. Candidates should have 40% in aggregate in 10th standard and (40% in English either in 10th or in +2 levels.)
Must have completed 17½ years and must be below 25 years of age as on date of commencement of course.
Medical standard:
All the candidates should be physically fit for the sea service as per Merchant Shipping Act (Medical Examination for Seafarers) Rules, 2000. Eyesight should be 6/6 with normal vision – no colour blindness and height – 158 cm, weight – 48 kgs.
How to apply:
Application forms and prospectus are to be downloaded from our website www.orissamaritime.com and completed application forms should be submitted to the Academy along with a demand draft of Rs.100/-(one hundred) and attested xerox copy of relevant documents.
Selection procedure:
The intake capacity of the Academy is 40(forty) per batch. In case eligible candidates do not receive any call letter prior 10 days before commencement of the course, they should contact the Academy over telephone to inquire about the status of their application form. The training commences on 1st of January and 1st of July every year.
The short listed (eligible) candidates will be called to the Academy for selection. In the selection procedure, the candidate has to undergo a medical test. In order to ascertain the merit of the candidates, the Academy may conduct a written and viva-voce test in English. The applicant will have to attend the above tests at their own expenses at Paradip.
The selection will be on strictly merit basis. There will be a reservation of 15% of seats for SC/ST candidates and 10% for the children of Paradip Port Trust employees. However, if the number of required candidates in the above categories is not available, the vacancy will be offered to the general candidates.
Course fees:
The course fees is Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only). The entire fee is payable in one installment in shape of a demand draft drawn in favour of “Orissa Maritime Academy” payable at Paradip on the date of admission. The course fee includes tuition fees, uniform, boarding and lodging during the stay in the academy.
No stipend is payable during the training period. As per D.G Shipping orders, 50% discount in course fees will be given to female candidates.
The candidate has to deposit caution money of Rs.5000/- (Rupees five thousand only), which will be refunded to him/her without any interest after adjusting the claim of the Academy towards any loss/damage/fine for any indiscipline act. The course fees for five STCW courses are extra to be borne by candidates.
Hostel facility:
The Academy has got its own hostel inside the premises, which provides lodging and boarding. Each trainee will be provided with a cot, cupboard, bed sheet, mosquito net, pillow with cover, mattress, utensils etc.
After completing the Pre-Sea Training (G.P.) and STCW’95 Basic Safety Courses, the successful trainees are eligible to obtain the Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC) from the Shipping Master, Government of India. The Academy will provide required assistance to the individual candidates to obtain the CDC.
October 22nd, 2009
The following list is based on the information in the page http://sctevtorissa.in/collegedetail.aspx?Cid=2 extracted today.
Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Khurda-Puri area:
- BOSE, Cuttack
- DRIEMS, Tangi
- ITT, Choudwar
- Dhabaleswar Institute of Polytechnic, Athagarh
- Gurukrupa Technical School, Narsinghpur, Cuttack
- Kalinga Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar
- Nilachal Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar
- Women’s Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar
- Krupajal Engineering School, Bhubaneswar
- CV Raman Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar
- Koustav School of Engineering, Bhubaneswar
- CIPET, Bhubaneswar
- Bhubaneswar Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar
- Nalanda Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
- Suddhananda Residential Polytechnic, Phulnakhara
- Ganesh Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar
- Swami Vivekenanda School of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar
- Ideal School of Engineering, Retang, Khurdha
- Puri Engineering School, Puri
Berhampur area:
- SMIT, Ankuspur
- UCPES, Berhampur
- Women’s Polytechnic, Berhampur
- BSET, Berhampur
- Gandhi School of Engineering, Berhampur
- Aumasi Institute of Technical Education, Berhampur
- Kalam Institute of Technology, Berhampur
Koraput-Jeypore area:
- IEM, Jeypore
- Hi-Tech Institute of Information Technology, Jeypore
- Jeypore School of Engineering & Technology, Jeypore
- Siddhartha Institute of Engineering & Technology, Koraput
- SCSITM, Semiliguda
Rourkela area:
- Purusottam School of Engineering & Technology, Rourkela
- RIT, Kalunga
- SKDAV, Rourkela
- UGIE, Rourkela
Angul-Talcher-Dhenkanal area:
- IGIT, Saranga
- Pabitra Mohan Institute of Technology, Talcher
- KIMET, Chhendipada, Angul
- Women’s Polytechnic, Dhenkanal
- Orissa Institute of Engineering & technology, Dhenkanal
- Pathani Samanata Institute of Engineering & Technology, Dhenkanal
Jharsuguda-Sambalpur-Baragarh-Sundergarh area:
- JES, Jharsuguda
- BDSE, Brajarajnagar
- SES, Sundergarh
- PKAIET, Baragarh
Rayagada area:
- UGMIT, Rayagada
- BSET, Barapada (Bhadrakh)
- BSE, Balasore
- MSE, Baripada
- SITE, Bolangir
- Kalahandi School of Engineering & Technology, Bhawanipatana (Kalahandi)
- Biju Patnaik Institute of Technology, Phulbani (Kandhamala)
- OSME, Keonjhar
- Sri Polytechnic, Komonda, Nayagarh
- Mahamaya Institute of Medical & Technology Science, Nuapada
October 11th, 2009
Following is an excerpt from a report in thaiindian.com.
The Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Textile Management in Coimbatore will be upgraded and renamed Indian School of Textiles, the government announced Thursday.
“The school will engage itself in research and will also undertake comprehensive consultancy services for the industry,” Textiles Minister Dayanidhi Maran told reporters here.
Orissa should keep a watch on similar upgradations and make a case for upgradation of similar institutes in Orissa. Some of the institutes that come into mind are:
- Food Craft Institute Balangir – Should be upgraded to Indian Institute of Hotel Management
- Biju Patnaik National Steel Institute, Puri – Should be upgraded to Indian Institute of Steel
- IIMC Dhenakanal branch – Should be upgraded to an independent IIMC
- IITTM Bhubaneswar branch – Should be upgraded to an independent IITTM
If I am missing something, please add in the comments.
September 10th, 2009
Our sister site in Twitter is http://twitter.com/orissalinks. (Often when we are busy or do not feel like writing a full posting here, we post a micro-blog in our Twitter sister site. The Twitter sister site also automatically adds the headline from this site and the orissagrowth site. Once in a while we will collect those headlines here. But readers wanting a broader and more immediate coverage should consider following our Twitter site at http://twitter.com/orissalinks.) Following are some selected items from that site since July 12th.
August 20th, 2009
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