Higher Education dept. of Orissa formally proposes an education city in Naraj

Today’s New Indian Express and Samaja report that the higher education department has proposed setting up of an education city around Naraj. As we wrote earlier several universities are coming up in this area. This includes a university by Sri Sri Ravishankar’s Art of Living, Ravenshaw university’s second campus and proposed National Law Institute. The higher education department has identified additional available land in the area and according to the above reports it is recommending that the government reserve this land for additional higher education institutions.

1 comment April 26th, 2007

Mail to CMO: looking out for all of Orissa in the HRD front

Dear Friends:

Its time to convey to the Orissa government that they need to look out for all of Orissa and not just BBSR/CTC/Puri areas.

Following is a draft letter that one can send to the CM (cmo at ori.nic.in) about developing higher education and medical opportunities outside of the BBSR/CTC/Puri area. This is a draft. Please make changes to your liking.

If I missed your favorite location, please add them in your letter.

best regards

Continue Reading 9 comments April 11th, 2007

Letter to the CM: expediting establishment of National Law University in Orissa

Update: Tathya.in on 5th April 2007 has a detailed article on this issue.

(Note: Please send a similar letter to the CM at cmo@ori.nic.in)

Dear Hon’ble Chief minister:

For a couple of years we have been hearing about the establishment of a National Law University in Orissa.

Our state has been moving much slower than the other states with respect to this, as already 6 such institutes are there in other states and according to http://www.dnaindia.com/report.asp?NewsID=1056807
the HRD ministry in Delhi called the directors of the existing National Law Institutes for discussing a common entrance exam.

I think soon the HRD ministry may consider partially funding these existing law institutes and since the one in Orissa is not yet established, we may lose out. Once such a chance is missed it would be very difficult to make the Law institute in Orissa to be funded by UGC or MHRD.

We request that you take immediate steps towards the establishment of this planned law university in Orissa at the earliest.

If there is a delay at the Higher Education and/or Law department office, please push them to expedite on this matter. If the delay is in your office, please consider this at the earliest.

Chitta Baral

April 5th, 2007

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