Past, present and future plans of Utkal University; Engineering college from next year
Following is from Samaja.
Following is from Sambada.
November 28th, 2011
Following is from Samaja.
Following is from Sambada.
November 28th, 2011
Following are some of the highlights mentioned in the above article.
November 27th, 2011
The 30.5 lakh sq feet is equivalent to 2,83,355.4066 sq meters and is equivalent to 70.0158 acres. As a comparison:
November 20th, 2011
This ranking seems to be mainly based on perception and seems to me that the comparative assessment for Utkal University is a fair one and matches with my perception of the success achieved by Utkal University graduates.
1 comment September 21st, 2011
Updates on July 19 2011:
Article started on June 25 2011:
Following are some numbers related to how many students pass Matric exam, the number of seats and colleges available at the plus 2 level, and the number of seats and colleges available at the degree level. (We don’t have all the numbers yet. So this is a work in progress.) Several of these numbers are from
July 19th, 2011
Following is an excerpt from Shilpi Sampad’s report in Telegraph.
A university official said the sale of forms have soared this time as compared to previous years. Around 6,100 forms have already been sold at the two counters as against 7,000 last year. “We are expecting 2,000 more forms to come in. There has been an increase in sale of forms probably because more students are now opting for traditional and regular subjects,” the official said …
Following is an excerpt from a report in Times of India.
While there is just one applicant for statistics, which has 16 seats, there are very few aspirants for anthropology, food technology, bioinformatics electronics and home science.
Tripathy said there are very few colleges offering statistics at the graduation level. Hence, very few students want to pursue post-graduation in statistics. On the other hand, there are 66 applicants for 16 seats in MA or MSc mathematics.
The home science department this year has just four applicants for 16 seats. "This may be because the course had a new nomenclature this year. It was earlier called MA/MSc in home science. From this year, the varsity has changed it to MA/MSc home science (nutrition and human development) ," Tripathy said.
The varsity has got a record 250 applications for MSc Physics which has 24 seats. Some of these students will be given option to take admission in MSc electronics which has received around 10 applications for 20 seats.
The Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology, which offers the bioinformatics and electronic courses, said students who have applied for MSc life sciences but failed to secure a seat will get a chance to take admission in MSc bioinformatics.
… Besides physics, departments of chemistry, English, sociology and political science also have received huge number of applications.
The varsity has got over 230 applications for 24 chemistry seats and 88 applications for 24 English seats. The varsity has got around 1800 applications this year for various PG courses compared to 1500 applications last session, varsity officials said.
3 comments June 29th, 2011
The following is from
June 11th, 2011
The interview is at Following are some excerpts.
Q-The University is often in the news for the wrong reasons like mismanagement, student unrest, etc. What is your plan to bring Utkal University back on track?
A-I want Utkal University to be a centre of excellence and lead centre in research and consultancy works both at the national and international-levels. I studied here. I also taught here. I have a vision. I will try my best in making positive contribution towards achieving the goal during my tenure.
A-Actually we have to develop inter-disciplinary teaching and research. There is a need to restructure the post-graduate programme. One person cannot do this. Hence, I stress upon team work. In other words, different departments ought to sit together, discuss what is being taught to students and their relevance and, if required, redesign them. The changing scenario also warrants the university to reorient its focus, to be collaborative with industries which will eventually benefit the students and the institution as well.
Q-Any specific plan?
A-Professional and job-oriented courses are the need of the time. I have plans to open such programmes like fashion technology, geo-informatics and environment science. I will discuss with my colleagues and explore possibilities of opening other relevant courses.
Q-But Utkal University already has a number of such courses. Don’t you think before going for new ones those already there need to be reviewed to find out the net benefits they are giving to the students?
A-Sure, I agree the course module has to be so designed that students taking admission must not feel they are wasting their time and that they become truly employable. We have a lot of self-financing courses. I will review the course curriculum through experts and go for changes wherever necessary.
Q-Any move for foreign tie-up?
A-That is very much there in my mind. I will explore the possibility of Utkal University undertaking research or launching new course programmes in collaboration with foreign universities. The university has to have linkages with industries. This will go a long way in helping students. I will try to set up some school of studies. For example, management, economics, commerce and personnel management and industrial relations (PMIR) could jointly become a school of studies for the purpose of research and other academic activities.
… I am also a product of the IIM-Ahmedabad. I know management. Utkal University requires a professional and qualified vice-chancellor. I fit the bill.
Q-A good library has always been the most attractive place for students. Do you believe the Parija Library meets expectations?
A-A library is the mirror of any educational institution. I have taken it as my priority to improve the quality of the library in the campus. I will try to equip it with latest technology so that students could use it round-the-clock. I have already had a word with the chief librarian. I have sought for a wish list, to be submitted to me soon. Accordingly, we will proceed.
Q-There are also allegations of financial irregularities against the university. What are you going to do with that?
A-I am a professor of finance. I will streamline it.
Q-What about modernizing the administrative apparatus?
A-That is going to happen. There will be an academic calendar, to be followed religiously. The examination system will be completely computerized. On the whole, there will be greater use of information technology in the functioning of the university. Times have changed. We have to tune ourselves so as not to fall behind.
Q-Just buildings or computers do not foster the right kind of academic atmosphere in a university. That is why many educational institutions in India and abroad give stress on creating greenery in their campuses. Utkal University campus pathetically looks desolate.
A-Yes, that is a point no one should forget. I am taking steps. There will be a change.
I will add my thoughts on this soon. Please add your thoughts in the comments section. Please be polite.
My thoughts:
7 comments May 6th, 2011
The following is compiled from various pages of
Departments | Faculty | Program offerings and seats |
Analytical and Applied Economics. |
Professors: 1) Dr. (Mrs.) P. Mishra – Mathematical Economics, Regional Economics & Environmental Economics 2) Dr. K. B. Das – Regional Economics, Mathematical Economics 3) Dr. Bhabes Sen – Quantitative Techniques, Econometrics, Mathematical Economics, Statistics Reader 1) Dr. (Mrs.)Mitali Chinara – Mathematical Economics & Econometrics Lecturer 1) Mrs. Aparajita Biswal – Econometrics, Mathematical Economics 2)Shri Alok Ranjan Behera – Financial Institution & Markets 3) Shri Amarendra Das – Environmental Economics, Natural Resource Management |
M.A. –88, M.Phil – 10 |
Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology |
Professors 1) Dr. Sadasiba Pradhan : Ancient Indian History, Art History & Archaeology
Reader Dr. Sanjay Acharya – Ancient Indian History, Art and Archaeology.
Lecturer 1. Mr. Anam Behera – Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology. 2. Dr. Sushanta Ku. Patra – |
M.A. –32, M.Phil –10 |
Anthropology |
Professors 1. Dr. P. K. Nayak – Social Anthropology, Development Anthropology 2. Dr. P. K. Das – Physical Anthropology & Human Genetics 3. Dr. J. Dash – Social Anthropology 4. Dr. K. K. Basa(On Lien) – Pre-historic Archaeology
Readers 1. Dr. (Mrs.) R. Mohanty – Population Studies, Biological Anthropology 2. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Acharya – Social Anthropology. 3. Dr. (Mrs.) U. Aparajita – Social Anthropology & Development Anthropology.
Lecturer 1. Mr.D. Sahoo – Pre-historic Archaeology. |
MA/MSc- 32, MPhil –10 |
Biotechnology |
Reader Dr. Jagneshwar Dandapat : Cell & Molecular Biology, Immunology |
M.Sc – 10 |
Botany |
Professors 1. Dr. H. K. Patra – Environmental Science(Environmental Physiology) 2. Dr. P. K. Chand – Cytogenetics, Genetic Engineering. 3. Dr. S. P. Adhikari (on lien) – Physiology, Biochemistry & Ecology of Cyanobacteria.
Readers 1. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Sahoo – Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2. Dr. P. K. Mohapatra (on lien)– Ecotoxicology 3. Dr. K.B. Satapathy – Lecturer 1. Dr. Chinmay Pradhan |
M.Sc. –32 M.Phil –10 SF – M.Env Sc. – 16 SF – M. Applied & Ind. Microbiology – 16 |
Business Administration |
Professors Readers
Sr. Lecturer |
SF – 5yr Integrated MBA – 60 SF – 3yr part-time MBA – 40 |
Center for Agri-Management |
Professor Prof. (Dr) Benudhar Bhuyan, Dr P K Sahoo, Dr N C Kar, Dr P K Mohanty, Dr B K Mangaraj, Dr J K Panda Reader Er P C Rath, Dr B B Mishra Sr. Lecturer Dr M Kalyani, Dr B Jena Lecturer Mr Sukant Kumar Samal, Mr Manoj Bal, Ms Anuradha Mishra, Dr D Sahu |
MBA in Agribusiness |
Chemistry |
1. Dr. S. Jena – Organic Chemistry 2. Dr. P. Mohanty – Inorganic Chemistry 3. Dr. S. P. Rout – Analytical Chemistry 4. Dr. G. C. Pradhan – Inorganic Chemistry 5. Dr. P. K. Sahoo – Organic / Polymer Chemistry Readers 1. Dr S.K. Badmali – Physical Chemistry Senior Lecturer 1. Dr. (Mrs.) Jasoda Kumari Behera– Inorganic Chemistry Lecturer 1. Mrs. B. Jena – Physical Chemistry
M.Sc.-28, M.Phil-10 |
Commerce |
Professors Dr. S. Moharana – Business Finance and Small Industries Development. Dr. R. K. Bal – Accounting, Corporate Financial Reporting and Banking Dr. J. K. Parida – Tax Law and Practice and Computer, Business Environment Readers Dr. P. K. Pradhan – General Management and Organic Behaviour Dr. P. K. Hota – Operation Research and Business Statistics and Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Dr. M. Sahu – Marketing, Financial Services, Merchant Banking Dr. K.B. Das – Managerial Economics, Insurance Lecturer Dr. A. K. Swain – Accounting, Finance & Insurance Dr. S.K. Digal – E-Commerce, International Finance and Financial Management and Entrepreneurship Mr. R.K. Swain – Accounting
M.Com – 48 M.Phil – 10 SF – M. Finance & Control. – 30+10 |
Computer Science and Applications |
Professors 1. Dr. A.K. Bisoi – Computer Graphics & Fractal Modeling, Software Engineering 2. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Mohanty – Image, Speech & Natural Language Processing Reader Dr. S. K. Pradhan(on lien) – Parallel Processing, Neural Computing SG. Lecturers Mr. B. K. Ratha – Image Processing Dr. P. K. Behera – Mobile Computing Sr. Lecturer Dr. B. N. B. Ray – IP Telephony |
MCA – 30 ME in CSE with Sp. in Knowledge Eng.- 15 SF– 5 yr integrated MCA – 60 SF– 2 yr M.Tech in CS – 30 SF-2 yr M.Sc in Comp. Sc. – 30 The SF courses are jointly with Math and Stat. dept.
English |
Professor 1. Dr. H. S. Mohapatra – Critical Theory, Fiction 2. Dr. J. K. Nayak – British Fiction Translation, Comparative Literature Sr. Lecturer 1. Dr. D. Naik (On Lien) – Fiction, Literary Theory 2. Dr. A. J. Khan (On Lien) – Commonwealth Literature |
MA – 40 M.Phil – 10 |
Geography |
Professors 1. Dr. G. K. Panda – Geomorphology,Environmental Geography, Remote Sensing and G.I.S. 2. Dr. P. K. Kara – Applied Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, Population Geography. Readers 1. Dr. K. M. Sethy – Urban and Regional Planning, Economic Geography, Remote Sensing and G.I.S. 2. Dr. K. C. Rath – Urban and Regional Planning, Remote Sensing and G.I.S., Social Research Method. 3. Dr. D. Panda – Environmental Geography, Geomorphology, Agriculture Geography, Medical Geography, Remote Sensing and G.I.S. Lecturer Dr. Ranjana Bajpai – Political Geography & Environmental Geography |
MA/MSc.-24 M.Phil-10. RS & GIS-20 SF – PGDip in Remote Sensing & GIS – 20 |
Geology |
Professors 1. Dr. H.K. Sahoo, – Hydro Geology, Economic Geology, Geo chemistry, Environmental Geology 2. Dr. P. Behera – Coal Geology, Hydro Geology, Sedimentology,Environmental Geology 3. Dr. (Mrs.) M. Das – Igneous Petrology, Hydro Geology, Ore Geology, Environmental Geology 4. Dr. P. P. Singh – Ore Geology, Structural Geology 5. Dr. R. N. Hota – Sedimentology, Geo-statistics, Hydro-Geology Readers 3. Dr. D.S. Pattnaik – Coal Geology, Hydro Geology 4. Dr. B. K. Ratha – Economic Geology, Engineering Geology, Geo-chemistry, Environmental Geology Lecturer 1. Dr. D. Beura – Economic Geology, Environmental Geology |
M.Sc.-25, M.Phil-8 |
History |
Professors 1. Dr. A.K. Pattnaik – International Affairs, Foreign History, Modern Indian History, Historiography. Readers 1. Dr. Amal Kumar Mishra – Modern Indian History, World History, Regional History. 2. Dr. Basanta Kumar Mallik – Medieval Indian History, World History Regional History, Historiography. 3. Dr. Jayanti Dora – Ancient History |
M.A.-64, M.Phil-06 |
Law |
Professors 1. Dr. Pradip Kumar Sarkar – Commercial Law 2. Dr. Prafulla Ch. Mishra – Family Law(Personal Law) 3. Dr. Prabir Kumar Pattnaik – Criminal Law, Commercial Law Reader 1. Dr. M.S. Dash – Commercial Law 2. Sri Durgesh Chandra Mahapatra – Criminal Law and Commercial Law |
LL.M – 25 |
Library and Information Science |
Professor 1. Dr. Manoranjan Mohapatra : Classification Information Storage & Retrieval Readers 1. Dr. (Mrs.) Puspanjali Jena – Foundation of Library & Information Science Research Methodology & Statistical Techniques, Internet & CD ROM Database Serchey. 2. Dr. K.C. Das – Digital Library, Information Technology & Networking Lecturer 1. Sri Kunwar Singh – Management of Library & Information Centre, Library Automation and Software package. |
M.Lib. & Inf.Sc. – 24 |
Mathematics |
Professors 1. Dr. S. Padhy – Parallel Algorithm, Numerical Analysis and Fluid Dynamics, Computational Finance, Bio-informatics 2.Dr. B. K. Nayak – Theory of Relativity, Differential Geometry 3. Dr. J. Patel – Complex Analysis Readers 1. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Dutta – Functional Analysis 2. Dr.(Mrs.) N. Das – Analysis |
MA/MSc -64 M.Phil -10 SF– 5 yr integrated MCA – 60 SF– 2 yr M.Tech in CS – 30 SF-2 yr M.Sc in Comp. Sc. – 30 The SF courses are jointly with Comp. Sc. and Stat. depts. |
Odia |
Professors 1. Dr. (Mrs.) Sanghamitra Mishra -Drama, Morden Literature 2. Dr. Bijaya Kumar Satapathy – Drama, Modern Literature 3. Dr. Sarat Chandra Rath – Religious Trends of Odia Literature, Mediaval Literature 4. Dr. Narayan Sahoo – Drama, Comparatvie Literature 5. Dr. Udayanath Sahoo –
Reader 1. Dr. Santosh Ku.Tripathy – Modern Literature, Comparative Literature, Poetics, Grammar & Language, 2. Dr. (Mrs.) Lipi Hembram – Religious Trends of OdiaLiterature, Drama 3. Dr. Bishnupriya Otta – |
M.A.-64, M.Phil-10 |
Personnel Management and Industrial Relations |
Professors 1. Dr. B.N. Mishra – Organisational Behaviour, Industrial Sociology & Social Security 2. Dr. S. K. Tripathy – Human Resource Management, Organisational Behaviour. Readers 1. Dr. K. M. Sahoo – Human Resource Management . 2. Dr.(Mrs.) K. Mohanty – Man Power Planning Lecturer Ms. S. Murmu – Industrial Relations |
MPMIR-32 M.Phil-8 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences | SF – B. Pharm (4 yrs) – 45 (Lateral entry allowed in 3rd semester) | |
Philosophy |
Professors 1. Dr. A. K. Mohanty – Philosophy of Language (Western and Indian), Analytical Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Value Philosophy of Religion, Indian Philosophy, Philosophy of Value, Analytical Philosophy 2. Dr. Sarat Ch. Panigrahi – Indian Philosophy, Analytical Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Political Philosophy. Philosophy of Religion, Indian Philosophy, Analytical Philosophy. 3. Dr. Ramesh Chandra Das – Logic, Philosophy of Value, Analytical Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind Lecturer Mr. S. Jally – Adaita Bedanta Dr. Alakananda Parida |
M.A.-64, M.Phil-10 |
Physics |
Professors 1. Dr. N. C. Mishra – Electronics & Condensed Matter Physics 2. Dr. D. K. Basa – Solid State Electronic Materials and Devices 3. Dr. K. Maharana – Particle Physics, Gravitation & Cosmology 4. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Mahapatra – Particle Physics, Gravitation & Cosmology Lecturer Sri P.K. Samal – Cosmology
M.Sc.-30, M.Phil-10 |
Political Science |
Professors 1. Dr. B. Satapathy – International Politics, Political Thought, Modern Political Analysis, Research Methodology 2. Dr. N. Gaan – International Politics Lecturer(S.G) Dr.(Smt.) Smita Nayak – State Politics in India, Political Process in Orissa, Public Administration. Lecturer 1. Dr. A.K. Mohapatra – International Relations, Indian Govt. & Politics, Comparative Politics 2. Dr.(Mrs.) S. Mallik – International Politics, Political Theory |
M.A.-64, M.Phil-10 SF – PGDip in Chinese studies – 16 SF – MA in Women’s studies – 20 SF – M in Dev. Journalism & Elect. Comm. – 20 |
Psychology |
Professors 1. Dr. P. K. Mishra – Organisational Industrial & Social Psychology. 2. Dr. S. K. Patra – Comparative & Physiological Psychology 3. Dr. N. C. Pati – Comparative & Educational Psychology Readers 1. Dr. P. K. Ratha – Psychometric Assessment, Social and Personality. 2. Dr. (Mrs.) N. Patanaik – Educational & Counseling Psychology Sr. Lecturer Mrs. N. Das – Educational & Developmental Psychology |
M.A.-48, M.Phil-16 SF – PGDip in Early Childhood Ed – 16 |
Public Administration |
Professor Dr. (Mrs.) B. Mohanty : Local Administration & Development Administration |
M.A.-32, M.Phil-8 |
Sanskrit |
Professors 1. Dr. G. K. Dash – Classical Literature, Vedic, Epic & Puranic Literature. 2. Dr. P. K. Mishra – Poetics. Literary Criticism & Vedic Studies 3. Dr. R. N. Panda – Classical Literature & Sanskrit Literature of Orissa 4. Dr. R. M. Dash – Grammar & Linguistics Readers 1.Dr. (Mrs.) P. M. Rath (On Lien) – Vedic and Classical Sanskrit Literature. Lecturer (S.G.) Dr. S. C. Dash – Indian Philosophy |
M.A.-64, M.Phil-10 SF – PG Dip. Yoga Education – 16 |
Sociology |
Professors 1. Dr. (Mrs.) Rita Ray – Indian Social System, Gender Studies 2. Dr. Anup Kumar Dash – Studies in Voluntary Sector 3. Dr. D.N. Jena – Rural Development 4. Dr. B.G. Baboo(On leave) – Studies in Rehabilitation Reader Dr. M.G. Bage – Tribal Sociology Lecturers (Selection Grade) 1. Mr. B.K. Behera (On lien) – Medical Sociology Sr. Lecturer Mr. R. Garada – Development induced displacement and Rehabilitation & Resettlement |
M.A.-48, M.Phil-8 SF – M. Rural Dev. – 32 SF – PGDip in Rural Dev. – 32 |
Statistics |
Professors 1. Dr. G. Mishra – Sample Survey Theory and Methods, Bio-Statistics 2. Dr. L. N. Sahoo – Sample Survey Theory & Methods, Econometrics. Readers 1. Dr. P. K. Tripathy – Operations Research, Demography. 2. Dr. K.B. Panda – Survey Sampling Lecturer Dr. R.K. Sahoo – Survey Sampling |
MA/MSc -32 M.Phil-6 SF– 5 yr integrated MCA – 60 SF– 2 yr M.Tech in CS – 30 SF-2 yr M.Sc in Comp. Sc. – 30 The SF courses are jointly with Comp. Sc. and Math. |
Zoology |
Professors 1. Dr. S. Das – Endocrinology, Neuroendocrinology of Birds 2. Dr. A.K. Patra – Environmental Studies on water, air, and land systems, wild life conservation and Fisheries & Aquaculture. 3. Dr. P.K. Mohanty – Cytogenetics and Silk Worm Ecology Reader Dr.(Mrs.) P.K. Mohapatra – Developmental Biology, Developmental Studies in amphibia, Regeneration in animals. |
M.Sc. – 32, M. Phil. – 10 SF – M.Sc in Fisheries & Aquaculture – 12 |
The self finance courses (marked by SF above) that are offered and links to them are as follows:
SL. No. | COURSES | Schools /Departments |
01 | 5 Yr. Integrated Master in Computer Science & Application | School of Math.-Stat-Computer Science. |
02 | M. Tech. in Computer Science | School of Math.-Stat-Computer Science. |
03 | P.G. Course in Environmental Science | School of Life Science (Department of Botany) |
04 | P.G. Course in Applied & Industrial Micro Bio. | School of Life Science (Department of Botany) |
05 | Master of Rural Development | Department of Sociology |
06 | P.G Diploma in Yoga Education | School of Languages |
07 | Master in Finance & Control | Department of Commerce |
08 | 5Yr.Integrated Course in M.B.A. | Dept. of Business Administration |
09 | Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy | University Department of Pharmaceutical Science |
10 | Master in Pharmacy | University Department of Pharmaceutical Science |
11 | Lateral entry into B.Pharma(3rd. semester) | University Department of Pharmaceutical Science |
12 | P.G. Diploma in Early Childhood Education | Department of Psychology |
13 | P.G. Diploma in Chinese Studies | Department of Political Science |
14 | M.A. in Women Studies | School of Women Studies (Political Science) |
15 | P.G. Diploma in Remote Sensing and GIS | Department of Geography |
16 | P.G. Diploma in Rural Development | Department of Sociology |
17 | M.A. in Development Journalism & Electronic And Communication | Post-Graduate Council (Political Science). |
18 | M.Sc. in Computer Science | Dept. of Computer Sc.& Application |
19 | 3 Year Part Time M.B.A. | Dept. of Business Administration |
20 | M.Sc. in Fisheries and Aquaculture | School of Life Science (Zoology) |
The total number of faculty listed below is around 155 (without double counting faculty that are listed both in the Business Administration department and the Center for Agribusiness.) In February 2008, Utkal had a faculty of 169. In March 2008, it was mentioned in Samaja that in Utkal University only 187 out of 340 faculty positions were filled. I wonder if Utkal still has 340 positions or if the government reduced or increased that number.
April 17th, 2011
Following is an excerpt from a report in Telegraph.
The ministry of science and technology, under its promotion of university research and scientific excellence (Purse) programme, has selected the Utkal University for an incentive of Rs 9 crore for research and development as grant.
“The department started the Purse programme in 2009. Based on studies carried out by the National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), New Delhi, the department will support 29 universities for the research and development grant under the Purse programme. The grant will be spread over three years,” said in-charge of research and development, Utkal University, S Jena.
“This is supposed to be the single biggest grant that the university has received in its history.
… In 2009, the grant was provided to 14 universities, based on their publications as per the Scopus international database for 1996-2006,” Jena said.
“Similar studies were being carried out by the NISTADS in the current year using the Scopus database on publications output for 1998-2008,” reads a letter from the ministry.
Based on the study, the department of science and technology will support 29 more universities for the research and development incentive grant under the Purse programme, it reads.
This is great news. I hope this provides a big boost to Science programs at Utkal University. We found a bit more about the PURSE grants from the site Following are some excerpts from that site.
With a view to promote scientific research in our universities, the Ministry of Science and Technology has proposed a special scheme named Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE). I am very happy to have launched this new scheme, which provides an incentive grant to performing universities based on scientific publications in Science Citation Indexed Journals. I sincerely hope that many more universities would enroll into scientific research and become qualified for such recognitions and incentive grants.
I am pleased and delighted that recent data shows that publications in Science Citation Journals of the world from India have been registering an annual growth of about 10% during the last few years. A total of 14 universities are among the 35 high productivity S&T institutions of the country whose contributions figure significantly in such publications during the last ten years.
For a country with our vast underlying scientific potential, these should be seen as rather modest gains. We should think big and act purposefully towards more ambitious goals.
Unlike other major scientific nations, India has a young population. If we can get our act together, this favourable demographic profile can be exploited enormously to make India a key knowledge supplier in the global economy in the next few decades.
December 14th, 2010
Following is an excerpt from a report in Telegraph.
Utkal University and the Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology (Cipet) are all set to launch a collaborative course in material science engineering.
Billed as the only one of its kind in the country, the five-year integrated MSc technology course in material science engineering will be open for plus II science students.
“An all-India entrance test will be conducted by the Cipet corporate at Chennai. Twenty-five selected candidates will be taught by faculty members from the department of chemistry of Utkal University and Cipet, Bhubaneswar,” said S. Jena, the in-charge of research and development department of Utkal University.
… The new course will have everything, from faculty exchanges, joint tie-ups in inter-research programmes and collaborative funding to development of high-performance polymer blends and alloys in the future.
“Most importantly, the station will also help other science students of the university to explore various courses. The involvement of Cipet with the state’s oldest university will also help its students inculcate various entrepreneurship skills so that they can also start their own units if they want to,” he said.
I wonder if this is the first 5 yr intergated program in a science subject under Utkal university.
5 comments December 8th, 2010
Following is from a Business Standard report in
The Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University (SOAU) in Bhubaneswar has set up a new Law Institute from the 2010-11 academic year following permission given by the Bar Council of India. …
The new institute will be known as SOA National Institute of Law (SNIL) which will have thrust on quality education in law keeping in view the contemporary society with semantic human resources, curriculum and co-curriculum aspects and will offer Five-Year Integrated Law studies in three different streams such as BA LLB, BBA LLB and B.Sc LLB besides Post-Graduation in Law and Ph.D. in Law.
The SNIL proposes to introduce several career oriented course in Intellectual Property Rights, Information and Technology, Labour-Man Power related Industrial Law, Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, International Trade Laws, Competition Laws, Space Law, Biomedical Law, Bio-ethics and Law, International Advocacy, Arbitration as a mode of Alternate Dispute Redressal Mechanism, e-Governance, e-Commerce and Corporate Law.
With this program Odisha will have three places with 5 yr programs that will take students nationally. They are:
I was told by reader Debi Sarangi (Thanks!) that Madhusudan Law College in Cuttack and University Law College Bhubaneswar also have 5 yr law programs. I am not sure if the other universities, especially Sambalpur and Berhampur, have such programs. If not they should. In addition I hope VSSUT starts a graduate program in Intellectual Property Law (similar to the one in IIT Kharagpur) and all the universities in the state have 5-yr integrated courses in law as well as sciences.
5 comments September 21st, 2010
Earlier we reported on the shortage of Math Ph.D’s in India. Slowly the Bhubaneswar area is emerging as a center for Mathematics starting from mentoring at the high school level (at IMA) to pursuing Ph.D at NISER, IIT, Utkal and Ravenshaw. There is also a good chance that one of the proposed 10 science magnet high schools will be established in this area. (The top Math center in India is Chennai which has IIT Madras, Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Chennai Mathematical Institute.) Below we list Math faculty (mostly with Ph.Ds) in institutes and universities in the Bhubaneswar area.
Related pointers from the past:
August 4th, 2010
Following is an excerpt from a report in Telegraph.
The varsity has received 802 applications for 48 seats in commerce, implying that as many as 16 aspirants are vying for each seat.
… In the last academic session, the department had received 580 applications. The choice of course has got its own reasons. One of the most important and visible reasons has been the on-campus placement. Students are offered jobs even before they appear for their final examination.
Employers in the banking, insurance and other financial sectors are quite keen to take students, said senior officials in the department. …
… “We restructure the syllabus every three years, keeping up with the latest trends and demands in the market. “In fact, many of those who wish to pursue a course in cost accountancy and chartered accountancy can be seen attending commerce classes for they are significantly similar,” said A.K. Swain, a lecturer in the department.
An M.Com course currently includes in its syllabus, management concepts and practices, marketing managements, corporate financial accounting, financial management, accounting for decision making, statistical analysis, business environment, insurance management, organisation behaviour, and computer application in business.
It also includes managerial economics, corporate tax planning, entrepreneurship development, e-commerce, advance accounting, services marketing, advertising and sales management, financial institutions, markets and international accounting, strategic management, economic analysis of decision-making, and corporate legal framework.
2 comments July 20th, 2010
1 comment May 17th, 2009
Following is from
1 |
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5 |
01. |
B.J.B.College, |
1957-58 1999-2000 |
+3 Arts, Sc. Comm, PG.. |
Govt. |
02. |
1979-80 |
+3 Arts Sc. |
Pvt. |
03. |
1982-83 |
+3 Arts |
Pvt. |
04. |
B.P.College of Science & Education, |
1991-92 |
+3 Arts, Sc. Comm. |
Pvt. |
05. |
1989-90 |
+3 Arts, Sc. Comm. |
Pvt. |
06. |
1979-80 |
+3 Arts, Sc. Comm. |
Pvt. |
07. |
Godavarish Mahavidyalaya, Banpur |
1963-64 |
+3 Arts Sc. |
Pvt. |
08. |
1989-90 |
+3 Arts, Comm. |
Pvt. |
09. |
1978-79 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
10. |
1959-60 |
+3 Arts, Sc. Comm. |
Pvt. |
11. |
K.B.College, Baranga |
1979-80 |
+3 Arts, Sc. Comm. |
Pvt. |
12. |
K.N. Womens’ College, |
1979-80 |
+3 Arts, Sc. |
Pvt. |
13. |
1982-83 |
+3 Arts, Sc. Comm. |
Pvt. |
14. |
Maharshi Womens’ College (W), BBSR |
1993-94 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
15. |
1983-84 |
+3 Arts Sc. |
Pvt. |
16. |
Autonomous |
1959-60 2006-07 |
+3 Arts, Sc. Comm. |
Pvt. |
17. |
P.S.College, Balakati |
1983-84 |
+3 Arts, . |
Pvt. |
18. |
1982-83 |
+3 Arts, Sc. |
Pvt. |
19. |
1991-92 |
+3 Arts, Sc. |
Pvt. |
20. |
R.D.Womens’ College, |
1964-65 1999-2000 |
+3 Arts, Sc. Com.&PG |
Govt. |
21. |
1973-74 |
+3 Arts, |
Govt. |
22. |
Ramamani Mahavidyalaya, Kantabad, Khurda |
1982-83 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
23. |
1991-92 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
24. |
Ramchandi Mahavidyalaya, Gadamantri |
1982-83 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
25. |
S.A.Mahavidyalaya, Balipatna |
1980-81 |
+3 Arts, Sc. |
Pvt. |
26. |
1980-81 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
27. |
Sri Jayadev College of Education & Tech., Naharkanta |
1982-83 |
+3 Arts Sc. Comm. |
Pvt. |
28. |
1989-90 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
29. |
Womens’College, Khurda(W) |
1982-83 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
30. |
City Womens’ College, Siripur (W), BBSR |
1994-95 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
31. |
RMD. College of Science & Education, Patia, BBSR |
1994-95 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
32. |
1994-95 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
33. |
S.H.Mahavidyalaya, Madanpur |
1995-96 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
34 |
1994-95 |
+3 Arts |
Pvt. |
35 |
2005-06 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
36 |
2000-01 |
B.Sc.(Hon. Bio-tech, M.Sc.Bio- Tech.M.Sc. Bio-Infor. |
Pvt. |
37 |
2000-01 |
Pvt. |
38 |
961(A), |
2000-01 |
Pvt. |
39 |
Mind Mart, C-43, |
2000-01 |
Pvt. |
40 |
Academy of Management & Infor.Tech.(AMIT), 205, Bapujee Nagar, BBSR |
2000-01 |
BCA, BBA, MJMC, B.Sc.(Hon), BioTech., M.Sc. Bio-Tech, Bio-Inf. |
Pvt. |
41 |
2000-01 |
Pvt. |
42 |
Plot No.18,Sec-A, Zone-8, Mancheswar Indu.Est., BBSR |
2000-01 |
Pvt. |
43 |
2000-01 |
Pvt. |
44 |
Ganesh Insti. of Engineering & Tech., 561-562, Ekamra Vihar, Khurda |
2001-02 |
Pvt. |
45 |
2001-02 |
Pvt. |
46 |
NIIS Insti. of Infor. Science, Plot No.171, Sec.A, Zone-8, Mancheswar Indu.Estate, BBSR |
2001-02 |
Pvt. |
47 |
Nehru Inst. Of Infor.Sci. & Tech., Plot No.126, Mancheswar Indu. Estate, BBSR |
2002-03 |
Pvt. |
48 |
National Institute of Social Work & Social Sci, BBSR |
1983-84 |
Pvt. |
49 |
Centre for Dev. Edu.& Communication, C.S.Pur, BBSR |
1996-97 |
M.A Soc. Comm. |
Pvt. |
50 |
1981-82 |
B.Lib.& Inf. Science |
Pvt. |
51 |
1999-2000 |
Pvt. |
52 |
2001-02 |
Pvt. |
53 |
Indira Gandhi Memorial Aurvedicm, |
1990-91 |
Pvt. |
54 |
Dr. A.C Homeopathic |
1977-78 |
55 |
2003-04 |
B.Sc., Hons Bio .Tech. M.Sc. Bio. Tech. |
Pvt. |
56 |
NaliniDevi Women’s |
1980-81 |
B.Ed.M.Ed |
Govt. |
57 |
Regional |
1963-64 |
B.A.,B.Ed. B.Sc.,B.Ed M.Ed. |
Govt |
58 |
1980-81 |
BPEd. MPEd |
Govt |
59 |
English Language of Teaching Intitute, Orissa Plot No.2/8/,2/9, Maitri Vihar C.S Pur |
1997-98 |
PGDTE (P.G. Teac.Eng.) |
Govt |
60 |
Vivekananda Institute of Social work and Social Science,(VISWASS),237, Bapujinagar, |
2004-05 |
Pvt. |
61 |
Nabakrishna Choudhury, Centre for development Studies, BBSR, Khurda |
1999-2K |
M.Phil. (Eco.) |
Govt |
62 |
1997-98 |
Pvt. |
63 |
Nilachal Inst, of Medical Science,(NIMS) Behin Ram Mandir, Unit -3 BBSR khurda |
2004-05 |
BPT B.Sc. (Hons) Bio Tech. M.Sc. BioTech BSc. Nursing |
Pvt. |
64 |
Rayal |
2005-06 |
B.Sc. Hons) Bio Tech. MSc. Bio Tech M.Sc. Bio.Inf. |
Pvt. |
65 |
2005-06 |
Pvt. |
66 |
Hi-Tech Medical College & Hospital, Pandara, BBSR |
2005-06 |
Pvt. |
67 |
Regional College of Bio-Engg. & Management, Kesora, BBSR |
2005-06 |
B.Sc. Hons, Biotech, BBA, BCA |
Pvt. |
68 |
2005-06 |
Pvt. |
69 |
2006-07 |
B.Sc.(Hons) Math. With Computing MA/M.Sc. Comp. Finance |
Govt. |
70 |
Biju Patnaik Computer Academy BBSR |
2005-06 |
Pvt. |
71 |
2004-05 |
B.Sc. Nursing |
Pvt. |
72 |
2006-07 |
Pvt. |
73 |
Sarat Paikaray Mayavidyalaya, Aragul, Khurda |
2006-07 |
+3 Arts |
Pvt. |
74 |
Inst. Of Manage & Adv. Global Excellence, (IMAGE), Plot.302, Image Campus, Rasulgarh, BBSR |
2006-07 |
BCA, BBA, B.Sc. (BT), M.Sc. (BT) |
Pvt. |
75 |
Chakradhar Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, F-10, BJB Nagar, BBSR |
2005-06 |
Pvt. |
76 |
2006-07 |
+3 Arts |
Pvt. |
77 |
Bauri Bandhu Mahavidyalaya, Chhatabar |
2006-07 |
+3 Arts |
Pvt. |
78 |
Jayadev Centre for Biosciences, Plot.125, C.S.Pur, BBSR |
2006-07 |
B.Sc(BT) |
Pvt. |
79 |
2005-06 |
B.Sc. Nursing |
Pvt. |
80 |
Kabi Prasanna Patsani Anchalik Degree Mahavidyalaya, Malipada |
2007-08 |
+3 Arts |
Pvt. |
81 |
Biju Patnaik Institute of Information Tech. & Mang. Studies, BBSR |
2007-08 |
Pvt. |
82 |
ASBM Institute of BBA, Siksha Vihar, Bhola, Chandaka, BBSR |
2007-08 |
Pvt. |
83 |
2007-08 |
Pvt. |
84 |
2007-08 |
Pvt. |
85 |
Satyananda Institute of Management & Information Tech., C.S.Pur, BBSR |
2007-08 |
Pvt. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1 |
B.S.College, Dasapalla |
1979-80 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
2 |
1993-94 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
3 |
Bansidhar Mahavidyalaya, Itamati |
1992-93 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
4 |
1961-62 2006-07 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Urban |
Permanent |
5 |
Dr.R.C.Samantaray Inst. Of Sci. & Tech, Gania |
1992-93 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
6 |
Neelamadhab Mahavidyalaya, Kantilo |
1980-81 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
7 |
Prajamandal Mahila Mahavidyalaya (W) |
1982-83 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Urban |
Temporary |
8 |
P.S.College, Khandapada |
1982-83 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Urban |
Permanent |
9 |
1992-93 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
10 |
1980-81 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
11 |
1979-80 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
12 |
1979-80 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
13 |
1979-80 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
14 |
Sri Sri Raghunath Jew Mahavidyalaya, Odagaon |
1991-92 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
15 |
Dadhibaman Jew +3 Mahavidyalaya, Bahadajhola |
1994-95 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
16 |
Womens’ College, Khandapara(W) |
1994-95 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Urban |
Temporary |
17 |
2001-02 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
18 |
Sukra Behera +3 Degree College, Kendudhipi |
2001-02 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
19 |
Gatiswar +3 College, Malisahi |
2001-02 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
20 |
2001-02 |
Pvt. |
Urban |
Temporary |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1 |
A.D.Mahavidyalaya, Brahamgiri |
1981-82 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
2 |
1989-90 |
+3 Arts, Sc.Comm. |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
3 |
1990-91 |
+3 Arts, Sc. |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
4 |
Govt. Womens’ College (W), Puri |
1961-62 |
+3 Arts, |
Govt. |
Urban |
Permanent |
5 |
1992-93 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
6 |
1981-82 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
7 |
1990-91 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
8 |
Konark Bhagabati Mahavidyalaya, Konark |
1982-83 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Urban |
Temporary |
9 |
1990-91 |
+3 Arts, Sc. |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
10 |
Mangala Mahavidyalaya, Kakatpur |
1981-82 |
+3 Arts, Sc.,Comm. |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
11 |
M.G.College of Edu. &Tech., Astaranga |
1990-91 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
12 |
1963-64 |
+3 Arts, Sc.,Comm. |
Pvt. |
Urban |
Permanent |
13 |
Nigamananda Mahila Mahavidyalaya (W), Charichhak, Puri |
1989-90 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
14 |
Netrananda Sahu Womens’ College (W), Kakatpur |
1992-93 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
15 |
1981-82 |
+3 Arts, Sc. |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
16 |
1991-92 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
17 |
S.C.S.College, Puri (Autonomous) |
1944-45 1992-2000 |
+3 Arts, Sc.,Comm. PG. |
Govt. |
Urban |
Permanent |
18 |
1980-81 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
19 |
UGS Mahavidyalaya, Sakhigopal, |
1977-78 |
+3 Arts, Sc.,Comm |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
20 |
Sastri Smruti Mahavidyalaya, Balipatna |
1994-95 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
21 |
I.G.Womens’ College, Nimapara (W) |
1998-99 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Urban |
Temporary |
22 |
1997-98 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
23 |
1999-2000 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
24 |
Konark Womens’ College (W), Sarada, Konark |
1999-2000 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
25 |
1999-2000 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
26 |
1999-2000 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
27 |
Chaudamauza Bidyul Mahavidyalaya, Chaudamauza |
1999-2000 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
28 |
2000-2001 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
29 |
Brahmeswar Mahavidyalaya , Dharmakirty, puri |
2000-2001 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
30 |
R.D.Chilika Mahavidyalaya, Chilika, Nuapada, |
1990-91 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Permanent |
31 |
2006-07 |
+3 Arts, |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
32 |
Mangala Institute of Tech., Astarang |
2001-02 |
Pvt. |
Rural |
Temporary |
33 |
Gopabandhu Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya, |
1974-75 |
BA, M.S, PG |
Govt. |
Urban |
Permanent |
2 comments December 23rd, 2008
M | T | W | T | F | S | S |
1 | 2 | |||||
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 |