MOU signed for a Vedic University in Banki

Update: The university is to be called Jagadguru Kripalu University. The blog gives day to day information on Kripaluji Maharaj’s activities across the globe.

Following is an excerpt from a report in Financial Express.

The Orissa government and the Krupaljimaharaj Trust on Monday signed an MoU to set up a Vedic University in the state. This is the fourth MoU the government has signed in the higher-education sector.

Earlier, the government had signed MoUs for Vedanta University, ICFAI University and Ravisankar University.

The Vedic University will impart education in Vedic science, Ayurveda and Naturopathy, besides the professional courses in MBA and basic degrees in science, commerce and humanities.

The Krupaljimaharaj Trust has applied for 50 acres of land in Banki tehsil area for the university. In the absence of Swami Mukundananda, who is now in the US, his nominee Ajit Kumar Kar signed the MoU on behalf of the Trust. The state higher education secretary, PK Mohapatra, signed the papers for the state government.

Meanwhile, the state government has prepared the draft bills for the other three universities for which it has signed MoUs. …

The state higher education minister, Sameer Dey, said the bills for Vedanta Unviersity, ICFAI University and Ravisankar University will be tabled in the coming session of the Orissa Assembly.

Deepikaglobal has a report with some more detailed information on this.

The Jagadguru Kripal Yoga Trust (JKYT), a New Delhi-based organisation, has planned to set up a world class Yog and Spiritual Science University in Orissa.

The proposed University would be set up in Mouza Banara under Banki Tahasil of Cuttack district over 250 acres of land at an estimated cost of Rs 200 crore.

… As per the MoU, the trust would pay for the land and bear all the expenses of the university, while the government would only extend the facilities like power and water supply.

The proposed university, scheduled to be completed in five years from the possession of land, had planned to impart courses in 21 disciplines.

The courses included graduation in Naturopathy, Yogic Sciences, Rural economics, Rural Development on Health, Hygiene, Homes, Human Values and Harmony in Diversity, Rural Management, Social work, Arts, Business Administration, Computer Application,Oriental learning, Science, Engineering and Yoga Therapy.

The proposed university would also impart post graduate courses in Business Administration, Oriental learning,Social work and other courses which would be added from time to time based upon the needs of the students and job opportunity.

The university would have a sports complex, recreational facilities, utility centres, mediation halls and laboratories and would develop related projects like health care system, Yogashram, Hospital, Old Age Home and cultivate medicinal plants in the alloted land.

As per the agreement the government would provide 110 acres of land in the first phase and the rest 140 acres in the second phase.

… The government has a right to cancel the lease if the land was used for the purpose other than that for which it had been sanctioned.

1 comment July 15th, 2008

Andhra Pradesh to have one university in each district: Orissa should have one in each of its undivided districts

Various news reports mention that Andhra Pradesh will be having 6 six new universities so that each of its districts have a university. They have budgeted 16 crores for that.

Orissa should follow this lead and have one university in each of its undivided districts.  The undivided 13 districts of Orissa were: Puri, Cuttack, Sundargarh, Baleswar, Sambalpur, Bolangir, Kalahandi, Koraput, Phulbani, Dhenkanal, Kendujhar, Ganjam and Mayurbhanj. Among those the six districts Bolangir, Kalahandi, Koraput, Phulbani, Dhenkanal and Kendujhar do not have a university. The Orissa government should take advantage of the central government’s offer and set up a university in each of these districts.

4 comments June 22nd, 2008

Deemed University applicants from Orissa: current status

Following is from

1. Krupajal Engineering College, Pubasasan, Kausalya Ganga, Bhubaneshwar – 2, Orissa.

F. 9-17/2007- U.3 (A); dated 15th March, 2007; withdrawn. Fresh proposal received under De-Novo Category. No. F.9-27/2008 dt. 15.4.08

The Institute has withdrawan the proposal under General Category. No. F. 35-7/2007 (CPP-I) Proposal for De-Novo Category is under process.

2. College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar, Under Nabadigant, Educational Trust, Plot No. 1, Sector – 3, Chandaka Nucleus
Industrial Complex, Patia, Bhubaneswar – 751 024, Orissa. De-novo

F.9-30/2007-U.3 (A) dated 15th May, 2007

The Institute has been asked to comply with the deficiencies vide UGC Letter No. F. 35-3/2007 (CPPI) dated 27th August, 2007

3. Asian School of Business Management Bhubaneswar, Orissa. De-novo

F.9-45/2007-U.3 (A) dated 18th September, 2007

Letter for State Govt.’s Views has sent. The file is in process vide UGC File No. F. 35-5/2007 (CPP-I)

4. Vidya Bharti University, Gunupur, Distt. Rayagarha, Orissa

F.9-60/2007-U.3(A) dated 28.11.2007

The Institute has sent the compliance to this office letter dt 28.1.08 and the file is under process. F. 35-6/2007 (CPP-I)

5. Koustav Institute of Self Domain Patia, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. (DE-NOVO)

F. 9-68/2007- U.3(A) dated 9th January, 2008

Information has been called in checklist proforma vide UGC Letter F. 35-1/2008 (CPP-I) dt. 4.2.2008.

6. HI-TECH University, Plot No. A-170, Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

F. 9-4/2008-U.3(A) dated 15th January, 2008

Information has been called in checklist proforma vide UGC Letter F. 35-2/2008 (CPP-I) dt. 6.2.2008.

7. C.V. Raman University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

F. 9-67/2007- U.3(A) dated 9th January, 2008

The Institute has been asked to comply with the deficiencies vide letter dt. 30.4.08 F. 35-4/2008 (CPP-I)

3 comments June 17th, 2008

IIT in Orissa, a world class central university and another central university (hopefully in KBK) announced by the center : PIB

Following is from a PIB press release


11:55 IST

The 11th Five Year Plan, endorsed by the National Development Council in December, 2007, envisages, inter-alia, establishment of the following new higher education institutions in the Central sector:

A          Technical Education Institutions

·         8 Indian Institutes of Technology

·         7 Indian Institutes of Management

B          Central Universities

·         14  Universities aiming at world class standards

·         16  Universities in States which do not have a Central University at present


2.         Out of the above new institutions, location decisions had already been taken in the case of 4 IITs and one IIM. Hon’ble Prime Minister has since approved the proposals made by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, for the location of the remaining institutions as per the details given below.

Location of new IITs/ IIMs.

3.         Location of 4 IITs  (in Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and Himachal Pradesh),  and one IIM (at Shillong) have already been announced. The Central Government has now decided to locate the remaining 4 IITs and 6 IIMs in the following States :

IITs   Orissa, Madhya Pradesh (Indore), Gujarat and  Punjab

 IIMs    Tamil Nadu, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh (Raipur), Uttarakhand and Haryana In addition, it is also proposed to convert the Institute of Technology of the Banaras Hindu University   into an IIT.  Admission to this Institute is already based on the  IIT – Joint Entrance Examination.

Location of 14 World Class Universities

4.         As regards 14 Central Universities aiming at  world class standards, it has been considered necessary that these are located in or near selected large cities which would automatically have the kind of connectivity and infrastructure  which such universities would need.  Accordingly, it has been decided  to locate one such University in each of the 14 States/Region  as shown  in the  enclosed List, and to request concerned State Governments to identify adequate land in or near the  selected  cities.

Location of 16 Central Universities in Uncovered States        

5.         16 States which do not have a  Central University at present, and which will get one  Central University each  in the  11th Plan are  Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Goa.   Of these, in three States, existing State Universities will be taken over by the Central Government and converted into Central Universities. These   three Universities are   Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University, Sagar (in Madhya Pradesh), Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur (in Chhattisgarh), and Goa University.

6.         Establishment of IITs, IIMs and Central Universities in the above States is subject to State Governments offering adequate   land at suitable locations, free of cost, for the purpose.  Each of the concerned State Government is being requested to offer land accordingly.  Actual establishment of these institutions would however depend, among other things, on how quickly the concerned State Governments respond  by allotting adequate land at suitable locations.

State-wise List of Cities Identified for locating 14 Central Universities during the  XIth Plan  which would aim to achieve  world class  standards

State                                        City

1.         Maharashtra                            Pune

2.         West Bengal                            Kolkata

3.         Tamil Nadu                               Coimbatore

4.         Karnataka                                Mysore

5.         Andhra Pradesh                        Vishakapatanam

6.         Gujarat                                     Gandhinagar

7.         Rajasthan                                 Jaipur

8.         Bihar                                        Patna

9.         Madhya Pradesh                       Bhopal

10.        Kerala                                      Kochi

11.        Punjab                                     Amritsar

12.        Orissa                                      Bhubaneshwar

13.        Uttar Padesh                            Greater NOIDA

14.        North Eastern Region    Guwahati


Department of Higher Education, Ministry of HRD

PIB, New Delhi; Chatra 08, 1930,March 28, 2008


5 comments March 28th, 2008

Status of land acquisition for Vedanta University

Following is an excerpt from a report in Pioneer.

The State Government has so far been provided 1418.10 acre of land to the management of the upcoming Vedanta University near Puri. Out of this 264.27 acre are Government land and the rest 1153.83 acres of land are private land, said Revenue Minister Manmohan Samal.

In response to a question of BJD member Baidhar Mallick, Revenue Minister Samal said 1257 acres of land have been acquired from the 13 mouzas. "Government will acquire another 443.26 acre of government land and 4,288.37 acre of private lands for this purpose," he said. He further informed the House that 707.52 acre of lands and 5545.38 acres of private land private lands are there in the 18 mouza of this area.

February 20th, 2008

Samaja op-ed on Vedanta University

The following op-ed in Samaja restates most of the points made in the recent Hindu article titled "Vedanta University: a flawed pipe dream,"  written by Philip G. Altbach. Readers should read my rejoinder to that article.

September 19th, 2007

Sambada: ITER’s parent organization “Sikshya O Anusandhan” becomes a deemed university

Sikshya O’ Anusandhan, under which comes ITER, has been granted deemed university status. Following is Sambada’s news item on this.


The various institutions under this society are:

  •  Institute of Technical Education & Research (ITER)
  •  Institute of Business & Computer Studies (IBCS)
  •  School of Computer Application, ITER (SCA)
  •  School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ITER (SPS)
  •  School of Hotel Management, ITER (SHM)
  •  Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS)
  •  SUM Hospital (SH)
  •  SUM Nursing College (SNC)
  •  SUM Nursing School (SNS)

Some, or all of them will become part of the deemed university.

7 comments July 17th, 2007

Groups interested in setting up of private universities in Orissa; land provided by Orissa to various universities

Pioneers reports on a reply in the Orissa state assembly regarding groups interested in setting up of private universities that have contacted the state government. Following are some excerpts.

The State Government on Thursday said the Government has already received proposals to set up six private universities in the State. These universities included the Vedanta University, Ravishankar University, ICFAI University, Barrister Ranjit Mohanty Law University, Amity University and SBM University.

… Higher Education Minister Samir Dey said Government is planning to introduce a bill to regulate the activities of the private universities.

He further said that all the private universities have to arrange the land for setting up their own campus. But in few cases, the State Government will provide lands to the private universities. He further said that 398.811 acres of land has been provided to Utkal University. Similarly, 250 acre of land to Berhampur University, 573.11 acre to Sambalpur University, 80.73 acre to FM University, 98.02 acre to North Orissa University, 1,674 acre to Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology and 100 acres of land have been provided to Jagannath Sanskrit University.

1 comment July 6th, 2007

Mail to CMO: looking out for all of Orissa in the HRD front

Dear Friends:

Its time to convey to the Orissa government that they need to look out for all of Orissa and not just BBSR/CTC/Puri areas.

Following is a draft letter that one can send to the CM (cmo at about developing higher education and medical opportunities outside of the BBSR/CTC/Puri area. This is a draft. Please make changes to your liking.

If I missed your favorite location, please add them in your letter.

best regards

Continue Reading 9 comments April 11th, 2007

Letter from the Vedanta University project CEO

Dear Friend,

We are pleased to share with you, as well wishers of the proposed Vedanta University in Orissa, the developments to-date and our objectives in the project. The Vedanta University will be established in the state of Orissa, along the Puri-Konark highway.

We recall with pride the glorious past when Orissa had Ratnagiri University, known around the world. With the active support, encouragement and good wishes from all of you through your
constructive communication in the various blogs, e-mails and internet communications, we are confident of making Orissa once again a globally recognised center for higher learning.

Anil Agarwal Foundation, a “not for profit” institution, has been founded by Mr. Anil Agarwal, Chairman, Vedanta Resources Plc, London, for making a significant contribution to a core requirement of India viz. Education.

Continue Reading 2 comments March 30th, 2007

Apparently Vedanta University is after some Nobel Laurates

Financial express reports that Vedanta University is after some nobel laurates. It also mentions the proposed scale of the Vedanta University: 100,000 students; 10,000 faculty; 40,000 other employess; 10,000 acres; 15000 crore investment etc.

February 19th, 2007

Vedanta University is courting some top-notch people

I am told that Vedanta University is after some top-notch people. Until their names are formally announced we can not name them here. All we can say at this point is that the people whose names are doing the round have top-notch credentials and one of them is known Inida wide.

February 18th, 2007

Sambada reports that T. N. Sheshan will be meeting the CM in regards to the Ravishankar University

Update: Sambada’s second report on Sheshan’s visit.

Sambada reports that T. N. Sheshan will be meeting the CM in regards to the proposed Ravishankar University. The meeting could be about the land issue. The proposed Ravishankar University is supposed to cater 15,000 students and be of international standard. The land identified for this university is in Naraj and there is a speculation that the same land is also the top choice of DAE for NISER. Lets hope that a way out is found so that both DAE/NISER and Shri Shri Ravishankar are happy.

January 25th, 2007

Inititiation of KBK university by state govt? Dr. Digambara Patra, November 15, 2006

… Keeping all these things in mind, if our state government could make a KBK University (from the Biju KBK grant or a separate grant of 100 crores for 3 yrs), it would be easier to convert it to a central university later on, which happened earlier to Institute of Life Sciences, Institute of Physics, Allahabad University and some other North Eastern State Universities. …

Continue Reading 1 comment December 11th, 2006

Bhubaneswar University: Put BJB, RD, CET and Capital Hospital together

All great cities have a university with the same name. In India there is Delhi University, Bombay University, Kolkata Univesrity, Chennai University, Bangalore University, Pune University, Allahabad University, Lucknow University, University of Hyderabad, etc. Now that Bhubaneswar is growing up as a city it needs a university with the same name as the city. (Note that even in Orissa there is Sambalpur University and Berhempur University named after the towns they are in.)

For this one need not start from scratch. BJB College is perhaps the top college in Orissa now. (Ravenshaw, which is now a university, was better in some areas.) R. D. Womens College is also among the top two womens colleges in the state. CET (College of Engineering and Technology) is now preferred over other state engineering colleges.

Continue Reading 16 comments December 11th, 2006

Art of Living Foundation plans a private university in Orissa

The Art of Living Foundation plans a private university in Orissa. Its chief Sri Sri Ravishankar arrived in Bhubaneswar on December 10th 2006 and is expected to sign an MOU with the Orissa government on this university. The location of the university is tentatively identified as Naraj. (Note that NISER is also expected to be located in that area. Also it was earlier mentioned that the proposed National Law University will be located in Naraj.)

Continue Reading December 9th, 2006

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