Existing Universities and institutions wanting to become universties in Odisha; Sri Sri Ravishankar to visit Odisha regarding Sri Sri University

The 30.5 lakh sq feet is equivalent to 2,83,355.4066 sq meters and is equivalent to 70.0158 acres. As a comparison:

November 20th, 2011

Berhampur University to collaboarte with BARC to study impact of radiation on plants

Following is an excerpt from a report in Hindu.

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and Berhampur University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to study positive impacts of radiation on plants.

… The BARC has chosen four centres in the country to take up reasearch on impact of ionizing radiation on non-human biota, especially on plants of human benefit. The four centres are IARI, New Delhi, Agricultural University, Hyderabad, BARC Mumbai and Botany department of Berhampur University.

… The BARC has already released Rs. 40 lakh for installation of a ‘Gamma Irradiater’ in a ‘Gamma Chamber’ to be established on the university campus.

… Prof Brahma Bihari Panda, coordinator of the project, said under the project they would experiment on bringing in positive mutational changes in different plant breeds beneficial to humans. Both ultra violent rays and gamma radiation affect plants. But here mutational changes would be brought in through controlled use of ionizing gamma radiation.

These experiments may bring in genetic mutant changes in major crop breeds to make them more productive, pest resistant and environment friendly. It would also provide ways to preservation capacity of different plant products, including food grains and vegetables through peaceful use of radiation.

The Gamma Chamber of the project could also be used for sterilisation of medical waste and other hazardous bio-waste. Prof. Sahu felt the Gamma unit could also be an income generator for the university as this unit could also be used by other organisations for a service charge.

4 comments December 22nd, 2008

Recruitment evaluation criteria at Orissa universities and perhaps in many state universities across India

Following is the recruitment criteria that is used at Orissa state Universities (except BPUT and OUAT) and perhaps in many other state universities across India.

(a) The Selection Committee shall consists of :-

(i) The Vice Chancellor. (ii) The DHE, (iii) 3 experts selected by the Vice Chancellor from a panel of six names prepared by the syndicate (iv) an expert nominated by the Chancellor in case of appoint to the post of Professor.

The quorum at a meeting of the Selection Committee shall be four of whom at least two shall be experts including the expert nominated by the Chancellor, if any.

(b) Evaluation of candidates

Evaluation of candidates for different teaching posts in the University (Professor, Reader, Lecturer)


(a) 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class

      (i) HSC 4 2 1

      (ii) Intermediate (+2) 4 2 1

      (iii) Degree / Honours 8 4 1.5 (Pass)

      (iv) Distinction 2 2 2 (Pass)

      (v) P.G. Degree

            75 – 100 % 12

            65 – 74 % 9

            55 – 64 % 6

            45 – 54 % 4

      (b) Marks for matriculation and Intermediate may be re-distributed as follows in the case of candidates passing Higher Secondary / Pre-University / Pre-Professional etc. in cases where Higher Secondary Examination is initial assessable examination. H.S.C. mark (of 4.2.1) be added to it making it 6, 3 and 1.5 for I, II and III divisions.

      1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class

      (i) Higher Secondary 6 3 1.5

      (ii) Pre-University 2 1 0.5

      (iii) Pre-Professional 2 1 0.5

      (c) In case of candidates from Universities / Institutions which follow the system of grades, their grades shall be converted to mark as under:

      ‘O’  Grade — 75 – 100 %

      ‘A’  Grade — 65 – 74 %

      ‘B’  Grade — 55 – 64 %

      ‘C’  Grade — 45 – 54 %

      ‘D’  Grade — 35 – 44 %

      (d) In the case of candidates with more than one Bachelor’s Degree, only the Degree in the concerned ‘subject’ shall be awarded marks and the Division obtained will be treated at par with the Honours.


      M.Phil. — 03 Marks

      Ph.D.  — 10 Marks

      D.Sc/ D.Litt. — 12 Marks

      M.Phil + Ph.D. — 12 Marks

      M.Phil + D.Sc./D.Litt — 14 Marks

      Ph.D. + D.Sc./D.Litt — 18 Marks

      M.Phil + Ph.D + D.Sc/DLitt — 20 Marks


      PG teaching  — 1 Mark per year

      Honours teaching —  0.75 marks per year

      Graduate level —  0.50 marks per year


      One mark for each Ph.D awarded


      10 marks for International Journals and

      5 marks for National Journal



The above is ridiculous. May be it made sense in 1950 or 1960 when there were very few Ph.Ds. In the current situation it does not make sense at all. Fortunately, Ravenshaw University is trying to have a different criteria of evaluation than the above.


3 comments October 19th, 2008

Berhampur University teams up with ICICI to offer PG Diploma in Banking and Insurance Management

5 comments May 12th, 2008

Vacant faculty positions in Orissa universities and colleges to be filled by next academic year: Samaja

The article mentions the status of the three main universities of Orissa:

  • Utkal University: Only 187 out of 340 faculty positions are filled
  • Berhampur University: Only 113 out of 186 faculty positions are filled
  • Sambalpur University: Only 130 out of 150 faculty positions are filled

Note that earlier we mentioned that Ravenshaw University is trying to fill 144 positions.

1 comment March 15th, 2008

Berhampur University partners with BARC on research: Dharitri

February 3rd, 2008

CM meets union minister of Science and Technology for a Biotechnology incubation center

Following is from the press release at http://rc.orissa.gov.in/index3.asp?linkid=30&sublinkid=232.

Chief Minister then, met the Union Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Shri Kapil Sibal. He requested him for immediate sanction of a Biotechnology Incubation Centre (BTIC) at the Biotech Pharma IT Park proposed at Bhubaneswar. The Incubator, which will be part of the Biotechnology Park, will nurture innovative ideas into successful business ventures. It will enable the Park, to get essential facilities like state-of-the-art laboratories, equipment, training centre etc., for which the State Government has already provided 65 acres of prime land at Bhubaneswar. Shri Sibal agreed in-principle for opening of a Biotechnology Incubation Centre (BTIC) at Bhubaneswar and said that the Biotechnology sector in Orissa needs a boost. The Chief Minister further requested the Union Minister to sanction new Post Graduate course in Marine Biotechnology for Berhampur University and Fakir Mohan University, Balasore respectively, to which the Union Minister readily agreed to. In view of the economic potential of the Biotechnology sector and corresponding requirement of trained manpower, Orissa would be greatly benefited by opening up of these new courses.

October 18th, 2007

Prof. Bijay Sahu is the new vice chancellor of Berhampur University; Sambalpur VC’s term extended

Following is Sambada’s news item on this.


July 21st, 2007

NAAC accredition of Orissa colleges and Universities

NAAC, the National Accredition and Assessment Council, an autonomous body established by UGC now does periodic assessment of colleges, universities and even specific programs. We analyze the NAAC ratings of Orissa colleges and universities below.

Among the 149 colleges of Orissa it has rated only 6 have secured an A rating. (None have an A+ rating.) They are:

Continue Reading 3 comments July 15th, 2007

From the AICTE pages: List of approved MCA institutions in Orissa – 2007-08 (July 12 2007)

The following is from http://www.aicte.ernet.in/approval/MCA/MCA-List.doc (as of July 12 2007) reached via http://www.aicte.ernet.in/app_inst_new.htm after clicking the scrolling sentence in AICTE web page that says “Approval status 2007-08 as on 05-07-2007.”

The last two columns below denote “Existing intake for 2006-07” and “Approved intake for 2007-08.” Please note that they may not be properly aligned. (I am having problems with the editor when copying and pasting from word documents.)

Continue Reading 6 comments July 12th, 2007

From the AICTE pages: List of approved MBA institutions in Orissa – 2007-08 (July 12 2007)

The following is from http://www.aicte.ernet.in/approval/MBA/Management-List.doc (as of July 12 2007) reached via http://www.aicte.ernet.in/app_inst_new.htm after clicking the scrolling sentence in AICTE web page that says “Approval status 2007-08 as on 05-07-2007.”

The last two columns below denote “Existing intake for 2006-07” and “Approved intake for 2007-08.” Please note that they may not be properly aligned. (I am having problems with the editor when copying and pasting from word documents.)

Continue Reading 3 comments July 12th, 2007

Distance Education programs offered by Berhampur University


22 comments July 7th, 2007

Groups interested in setting up of private universities in Orissa; land provided by Orissa to various universities

Pioneers reports on a reply in the Orissa state assembly regarding groups interested in setting up of private universities that have contacted the state government. Following are some excerpts.

The State Government on Thursday said the Government has already received proposals to set up six private universities in the State. These universities included the Vedanta University, Ravishankar University, ICFAI University, Barrister Ranjit Mohanty Law University, Amity University and SBM University.

… Higher Education Minister Samir Dey said Government is planning to introduce a bill to regulate the activities of the private universities.

He further said that all the private universities have to arrange the land for setting up their own campus. But in few cases, the State Government will provide lands to the private universities. He further said that 398.811 acres of land has been provided to Utkal University. Similarly, 250 acre of land to Berhampur University, 573.11 acre to Sambalpur University, 80.73 acre to FM University, 98.02 acre to North Orissa University, 1,674 acre to Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology and 100 acres of land have been provided to Jagannath Sanskrit University.

1 comment July 6th, 2007

Initiatives and projects (many higher education related) during the 1961-1967 tenure of Biju Patnaik

Yesterday’s Dahritri has a column by senior columnist Barendra Kumar Dhal [1,2,3,4,5,6] where he lists the various initiatives and projects taken up during Biju Patnaik’s government of 1961-67. I am amazed by the list which includes many HRD institutions. Here are some of the highlights.

  • Paradeep Port
  • Daitari-Paradeep highway
  • Mig factory in Sunabeda
  • Rourkela Steel Plant
  • Regional Research Laboratory
  • Regional College of Education (Now called Regional Institute of Education)
  • Berhampur University
  • Sambalpur University
  • Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Sainik School
  • Baragarh Cement factory
  • Various factories of IDC
  • Orissa textile mills (OTM)
  • Kalinga Tubes
  • Kalinga Iron works

Other References: Ganjam District site,wikipedia,Orissa govt. e-magazine, another.

3 comments April 24th, 2007


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