History of Orissa from the earliest times to the British period Vol 1 and 2 By Banerji, R.D.: Available at Delhi University digital library

Note: The Delhi University digital library is available at http://library.du.ac.in/dspace/. Thanks to Abi for the pointer. Through it one can access all books in the Delhi University library for which the copyright dates are past.

Title:  History of Orissa from the earliest times to the British period Vol 1
Authors:  Banerji, R.D.
Keywords:  Orissa-History
Issue Date:  24-Oct-2008
Series/Report no.:  Vol 1;
Description:  351
URI:  http://library.du.ac.in/dspace/handle/1/3644
Appears in Collections: Books


Files in This Item:

File Description Size Format
Title And Preliminary Pages.pdf   319.42 kB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch 01 History Of Orissa From The Earliest Times To The Period (Page- 01-58).pdf   4.23 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch 02 History Of Orissa From The Earliest Times To The Period (Page- 59-109).pdf   4.05 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch 03 History Of Orissa From The Earliest Times To The Period (Page- 110-145).pdf   3.29 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch 04 History Of Orissa From The Earliest Times To The Period (Page- 146-190).pdf   2.7 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch 05 History Of Orissa From The Earliest Times To The Period (Page- 191-241).pdf   3.49 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch 06 History Of Orissa From The Earliest Times To The Period (Page- 242-289).pdf   3.83 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch 07 History Of Orissa From The Earliest Times To The Period (Page- 290-351).pdf   4.73 MB Adobe PDF  
Title:  History of Orissa from the earliest times to the British period Vol 2
Authors:  Banerji, R.D.
Keywords:  Orissa-History
Issue Date:  12-Feb-2009
Series/Report no.:  Vol 2;
Description:  xx, 481
URI:  http://library.du.ac.in/dspace/handle/1/7031
Appears in Collections: Books


Files in This Item:

File Description Size Format
Title and preliminary pages.pdf   672.22 kB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch01-The Struggle between the pathans and the mughals.pdf   1.28 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch02-The Mughal rule in orissa.pdf   1.28 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch03-Orissa under the nazims of bengal.pdf   988.24 kB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch04-The Mughal maratha struggle in orissa.pdf   1.14 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch05-The Maratha rule in orissa.pdf   3.19 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch06-The Maratha rule in orissa(cont.).pdf   2.42 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch07-The British conquest and administration.pdf   2.79 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch08-Mediaeval architecture.pdf   2.43 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Ch09-Plastic art.pdf   3.06 MB Adobe PDF View/Open
Appendix(1).pdf   506.08 kB Adobe PDF View/Open
Appendix(2).pdf   180.34 kB Adobe PDF View/Open
Appendix(3).pdf   965.05 kB Adobe PDF View/Open
Index.pdf   2.18 MB Adobe PDF View/Open

4 comments August 22nd, 2011

National Centre on Wetlands and Marine Biodiversity in Bhubaneswar and National Centre on Olive Ridley and Marine Biodiversity at Gahirmatha; Jardin de Lorixa

Following is from a PIB dated June 1 2011.

The Chief Minister of Odisha, Shri Naveen Patnaik has inaugurated a Museum Gallery on North East Biodiversity in the Regional Museum of Natural History (RMNH) Bhubaneswar today. The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Environment & Forests, MoEF Shri Jairam Ramesh, was also present on the occasion.  This Museum Gallery depicts the natural heritage of North-Eastern India which includes two of the 34 Biodiversity hotspots in the World: Himalayas and Indo-Burma. 

On the occasion, Shri Jairam Ramesh, said that his Ministry would establish two institutions, the National Centre on Wetlands and Marine Biodiversity in Bhubaneswar, and National Centre on Olive Ridley and Marine Biodiversity at Gahirmatha in Odisha.

On the sidelines of the programme the Minster also inaugurated the Fragrance Garden at the Regional office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. He announced that this would be developed into a Biocultural park. He also announced that the Ministry would make efforts to get a digital copy of Jardin de Lorixa, considered to be the earliest scientific documentation of traditional/ indigenous knowledge about plants of Orissa, of which only one manuscript is available in Natural History Museum Paris (France).

During this occasion brochures on North East Biodiversity Gallery was released by Shri Naveen Patnaik, and on the Museum by Shri Jairam Ramesh. .

… This new gallery on North East Biodiversity is having exhibits depicting Different eco-regions of North East, the course of the mighty river Brahmaputra, Kaziranga –The habitat of one horned Indian rhinoceros, the endemic and endangered avifauna, rich diversity of non human primates, Orchids and rhododendron of North East, New species discoveries from Eastern Himalayas, the hills, waterfalls, sacred groves of Meghalaya and the Loktak lake – a unique habitat of Sangai etc.

Following are excerpts on the Jardin de Lorixa.

June 1st, 2011

A single place to apply to 53 degree colleges in Odisha; extended from a similar initiative with respect to junior colleges (+2) that was done last year

The review of the processes of admission in Orissa, has led the Higher Education department, formulate a strategy for the admission process…

View more about SAMS

Success in 2009

  • Implemented in 60 colleges
  • 49,264 CAF Received through SAM
  • 30,123 student get admitted through SAM
  • Intimation sent through SMS, e-mails , web and registry post

  Whats’ New in 2010

  • Implementing in 171 Junior & 53 Degree colleges
  • Online Common Application Form (CAF) Submission Process
  • Bilingual (English & Oriya) Application & prospectus.

3 comments May 15th, 2010

Right to Education Bill: the bill and some draft rules

The bill is at http://education.nic.in/Elementary/free%20and%20compulsory.pdf. Some draft rules regarding how to implement it are at http://schoolchoice.in/campaigns/legislation/draft-model-rules_The_Right_of_Children_to_Free_and_Compulsory_Education_Act_2009.pdf.

April 2nd, 2010

Educational video sites

The following links are mentioned in http://savageminds.org/2009/03/26/youtube-edu/. (Thanks to Abi for pointing to it.)

1 comment March 29th, 2009

IIT Bhubaneswar now has a web page

The web page is http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/. Thanks to Prof. Ramachandra Rao for this pointer. The web sites of the new IITs are: 

1 comment February 4th, 2009

NCERT and Tamil Nadu boardBooks available free on-line

See http://www.ncert.nic.in/textbooks/testing/Index.htm for the NCERT books (Thanks to Abi for the pointer.) See http://www.textbooksonline.tn.nic.in/Default.htm for the Govt. of Tamil Nadu text books.

5 comments April 27th, 2008

NIMS (Neelachal Institute of Medical Sciences) ad for its programs in Nursing, Biotechnology and Physiotherapy: Samaja

The ad mentions that NIMS is in the process of opening a medical college and a dental college.


2 comments April 17th, 2008

Bachelor in Audiology and Bachelor in Physiotherapy program at IHS

Its website is http://ihsindia.org/. Following is its ad in Samaja:

April 10th, 2008

Engineering Lectures from IITs and IISc in YouTube.

The link is http://www.youtube.com/profile_play_list?user=nptelhrd.

(Thanks to Abi for the pointer.)

January 25th, 2008

Sai International School and LaurelsGlobal Web pages

Following is a quote from http://www.saiinternationalschool.org/aboutus.php.

SAI International School is a joint venture of Shirdi SAI Education Society, Bhubaneswar and LaurelsGlobal, United Kingdom. They have joined hand to provide education at par with global standard in Bhubaneswar. Expertise of schools of UK, USA, Australia, Dubai and Singapore is made available to the SAI International School by the LaurelsGlobal.

Following is a quote from http://www.laurelsglobal.co.uk/projects.php:

The first day-boarding world school of Bhubaneswar, India’s fast growing infotech city that has attracted global Information Technology (IT) companies such as Tata, Wipro, Infosys, Gempack, Mindtree and Satyam to name a few. Spread on a 5.5 acre land, the school will start classes from April 2008 and would be completed in three phases. The school plans to admit children between the age of 3 and 17.

1 comment October 8th, 2007

Rural Math Talent Search Exam on November 11th 2007: last date to apply is Oct 10th

More details is at the RMTS website. Following are excerpts from a news item in New Indian Express.

The Institute of Mathematics and Application (IMA) plans to award as many as 500 scholarships in the fifth Rural Mathematics Talent Search Examination 2007, provided the response is encouraging.

For, lesser than expected turnout has become a reason of concern for all. Last time 200 scholarships were given.

Last year, only about 23,000 class VI students, for whom the test is intended, appeared. Evidently, with 6,000 high schools and 11,000 elementary schools, it was way below reckoning.

Thanks to the lackadaisical attitude of the School and Mass Education Department, thousands of schools simply remained unaware of such an event.

The students remained deprived of availing of an unique opportunity. However, institute Director Prof Swadhin Pattanayak said, the Department has got its acts together this year and has instructed all inspector of schools to reach out to each school with the circular. The test would be held on November 11.

The eligible ones would receive Rs 1,500 per year for five consecutive years. The best among the lot also would also get a chance to participate in the Indian National Mathematics Olympiad.

The scholarship amount is funded mostly by NRIs. The 200 number of scholarships is equally divided among eligible students of East, Central and South Orissa.


October 6th, 2007

Cost accountancy, chartered accountancy and company secretaryship

In India people who have passed the exams in these three fields can get very good jobs. However, these exams were not (i assume the situation remains the same) offered by specific universities, rather one has study on his/her own, possibly through the help of coaching centers, and pass the corresponding exams. So these exams are more like certification exams. Following are links for additional information on them.

Following is an ad on Company secretaryship that appeared in Samaja.

September 19th, 2007

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology in Raebareli

A PIB reports on the setting up of this institute at a cost of 435 crores and when set up this institute will have B.Tech, M.Tech and Ph.D programs and will get the status of an Institute of National Importance.

Considering the number of steel plants in Orissa, the Orissa government should at the opportune moment push to make BPNSI (Biju Patnaik National Steel Institute) of similar status.

42 comments September 7th, 2007

Gopabandhu Academy of Administration has a web presence

Tathya.in points us to the web page of the Gopabandhu Academy of Administration. Its great that the web page also has the email addresses of the faculty. The training imparted by this institute is very important as all the Orissa administrative officers (including IAS officers) are trained here. Their current training schedule is there.  It seems they are not trained to obtain information and write proposals. That is one of many aspects where Orissa is doing pretty badly.

September 1st, 2007

IIIT Bhubaneswar has a web page with ad for hiring and RFP from architects

The web page of IIIT Bhubaneswar is http://iiit-bh.in. It has a detailed advertisement for jobs and an RFP from architects.

1 comment August 29th, 2007

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