What are the exact districtwise IP numbers in Odisha? MP Pyari Mohapatra asks question on ESIC medical college in the Rajya Sabha.
MP Pyari Mohapatra’s question is in page 21 Q 1456 of See below for the question and the answer.
The above Q&A is referred to in the Pioneer report http://dailypioneer.com/246034/ESIC-issue-Labour-Minister-fumbles-at-Rourkela-meet.html. From the answer it is not clear what the IP situation really is. While the Bhubaneswar area may have very substantial number of IPs, there could still be more in the Rourkela area and the ESIC medical college should then be established in Rourkela. So saying "very substantial" is not meaningful. I could not find the annexure mentioned in the Rajya Sabha answer.
If someone has the real data, please publish it so that any manipulation will become clear.
(Note: The discussion in this thread will be restricted to exact IP numbers in Odisha and nothing else.)
10 comments April 1st, 2010