Archive for July, 2012
[**UPDATE: Official AIIMS Bhubaneswar web page is now at and a new one will come up at **]
We have collected some information on AIIMS Bhubaneswar below. Hope it is useful to the 2012-13 batch of selected students and faculty. Latest information is at this facebook album.

Prof. A.K. Mahapatra (Currently Professor & Head of the Dept. Of Neurosurgery at the
Neurosciences Centre, AIIMS, NEW DELHI-11029) has been selected as the founding director of AIIMS Bhubaneswar. He is waiting for his release from AIIMS New Delhi to formally take on his new position. His contact details are mentioned in his CV.
[Update on 16th August 2012: From today’s news it seems Prof. Mahapatra has formally taken charge of the Director’s position and has taken some immediate actions.]
Earlier news on AIIMS Bhubaneswar are categorized here or here. A few years back we compiled some information on Odisha and Bhubaneswar which may come in handy.
If anyone has any related questions please put a comment and we will try to answer. But first, please explore the above mentioned links. One may also explore the links in the right hand side of this page and the facebook page
July 31st, 2012
The following bullet points about the guidelines are from this article in
- The committee that will examine the proposals based on the guidelines will be headed by the Chief Secretary and Secretary of the Higher Education will be the Member Convener.
- Each private university shall be established by a separate Act, which will be passed by Odisha Legislative Assembly.
- Private university shall fulfill the minimum criteria in terms of programs, faculty, infrastructural facilities and financial viability.
- Any college opting to establish a private university should have been in existence for at least 15 years in the state, however in deserving cases the State Government may relax the condition of 15 years for
institutes of national and international repute.
- In ‘De Novo’ university category, where no such institution belonging to the promoter exists within Odisha as on date of commencement of the university will be devoted to unique and emerging areas of knowledge. These institutions should be promoted by persons/institutions of proven merit and reputation. Selection of universities in this category will be made by a committee of experts comprising eminent academicians and the Secretary of the department concerned dealing with the subject.
- Infrastructure requirement: At least 15 acres of land in urban area and 30 acres of land in non-urban area will be needed. For administrative building 1000 square meter and academic building 10,000 square meter will be required for a private university. Residential accommodation for teachers and hostel accommodation for students will be required.
- Corpus Fund: For institutions conducting professional program such as Engineering & Technology and Medicine it will be Rs.8 crore, where as for Management and Law it will be Rs.5 crore and for other programs Rs.4 crore kitty will be needed. For institutions conducting both professional and other programs will have Rs.10 as Corpus Fund, while for the ‘De Novo’ category of university; the Corpus Fund will be Rs.25 crore.
- Financial viability of the institution will be verified by the audited statements of accounts of the institutions for the previous 5 years.
- The Chancellor of the university will be an eminent educationist or a distinguished public figure and there will be no Pro-Chancellor.
- The Board of Management will be headed by the Vice Chancellor with the body consisting a minimum of 10 and maximum of 12 Members.
In the link we have the list of applicants as of 8/20/2011. Let us analyze some of those application in terms of the above criteria. (In that we will use the link which includes the dates when various professional colleges were started.)
- Centurion: Established on 12/23/2010. Its main constituent JITM started in 1997.
- Sri Sri: Act passed by GOO on 12/26/09. Classes to start in Fall 2012. Would have been considered in the de-novo category.
- ICFAI: Act passed by GOO on 3/9/10. No progress since then. Would have been considered in the de-novo category.
- Vedanta University: Bill passed by OLA in December 2009. Awaiting governor’s assent. Also awaiting supreme court verdict on land acquisition.
- Jagadguru Kripalu University: Would be considered in de-novo category.
- Xavier University: XIMB was started in 1987.
- Techno Global University: Techno started in 2005. It will have 15 years experience in 2020.
- Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham University: Would be considered in de-novo category.
- Synergy University: Synergy started in 1999. It will have 15 years experience in 2014.
- Women’s university of Technology: Not sure about the foundation that is behind this. Could be KISD. KISD was started in 2001.
- Private University by Rai foundation: Would be considered in de-novo category.
- Amity University: Would be considered in de-novo category.
- University of Corporate Excellence: Would be considered in de-novo category.
- Silicon University: Silicon was started in 2001.
- ASBM University: Not sure when ASBM was started.
- Divine Global University by Divine Education Trust, Delhi: No idea about the trust behind it.
- GIET University, Gunupur: GIET was started in 1997.
- C. V. Raman International University Bhubaneswar: C. V. Raman was started in 1997.
- JPM University by Shree Chandulal Minda Memorial Trust: Do not know about this trust.
- Krupajal National University: Krupajal was started in 1999.
- Manipal: Would be considered in de-novo category.
- Odia University: Would be considered in de-novo category.
- Edu City in Rourkela by Knowledge Foundation, Jail Road, Jharpada, Bhubaneswar: Do not know about this trust.
So among the above XIMB, GIET and CVRaman have the required 15 years experience; Synergy and Krupajal will have that in 2014.
July 28th, 2012
NISER Bhubaneswar was announced on August 28 2006 and its first batch started in 2007. IIT Bhubaneswar was announced on March 28 2008 and its first batch started in 2008. They both graduated their first batch of undergraduate students this year with the NISER students getting M.Sc degrees and the IIT students getting B.Tech degrees. Following is a quick comparative status report on both.
- The construction of the main campus of NISER is in full swing and is expected to be ready for move-in by the 2013-14 academic year. Although IIT Bhubaneswar has adequate space for its faculty and other academic operations, hostels for students are scattered and is an issue. The construction of the main campus is not in full swing yet and its not known when it will be ready; most likely not before the 2014-2015 academic year.
- As of today, NISER has 59 regular faculty and 5 visiting faculty and IIT Bhubaneswar has 64 regular faculty and 6 visiting faculty. For this year IIT has advertised for faculty positions in all areas while NISER has advertised for faculty in only mathematics. However, with the NISER main campus targeted to be ready by 2013-14, NISER will definitely hire a lot of people in 2013-14 and thereafter.
- The faculty breakup of NISER is: 15 regular and 1 visiting in Biology, 18 regular in Chemistry, 8 regular + 1 visiting in Mathematics, 15 regular + 3 visiting in Physics and 3 regular in Humanities. The faculty breakup of IIT Bhubaneswar is: 17 regular + 1 visiting in Basic Sciences (5 + 1 in Mathematics, 5 in Physics and 7 in Chemistry), 4 regular in Earth and Ocean Engineering, 11 regular + 1 visiting in Electrical Sciences, 11 regular in Infrastructure, 10 regular + 2 visiting in Mechanical Sciences, 5 regular in Mineral Sciences, 6 regular + 2 visiting in Humanities.
- IIT Bhubaneswar started off with 5 schools (Basic Sciences, EE, Mech, Infrastructure, Humanities) and undergraduate programs in 3 subjects (EE, Mech, Civil) and since then has added two more schools (Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences AND Minerals, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering) and both Ph.D and this year jont M.Tech+Ph.D programs. NISER started off with 4 schools (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology) and 5 yr BSc+MSc program in those 4 subjects. It has a Ph.D program. It has not started a direct M.Sc program. It has not yet added new schools that it has plans for. It is expected that some new schools will be added in 2013-14 when the main campus is ready. New schools are planned for in: Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Computing Sciences and Engineering Sciences.
July 12th, 2012