Orissa state water and sanitation mission has advertised a hotline where people can call if their village water system or tubewell has a problem or if someone wants to know more about installing their own private latrine. Following is the ad that appeared in Dharitri.

Annapurna Scheme, ARWSP, Credit cum subisdy Scheme, DDP, DPAP, IWDP, PMGSY, PMGY, RURAL & SPECIAL PROGRAMS, Samagra Awaas Yojana, SGRY, SGSY, Swajaldhara scheme, Total sanitation campaign - CRSP, Watersheds chitta
Following are the various rural development schemes channeled through Panchayati Raj obtained from the central government web page.
- SAMPOORNA GRAMEEN ROZGAR YOJANA(SGRY)The objectives of the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana is to provide additional employment in the rural areas as also food security, alongside the creation of durable community, social and economic intrastrucutre in the rural areas. The programme is self-targeting in nature with special emphasis to provide Wage Employment to women, SCs, STs and parents of children withdrawn from hazardous occupations. This Programme is being implemented into two streams :-
- The First Stream of the Programme will be implemented at the District and Intermediate level Panchayats. 50% of the funds are earmarked out of the total funds available under the SGRY and distributed between the District Panchayat and the Intermediate Panchayats in the ratio of 40:60.
- The Second Stream of the Programme will be implemented at the Village Panchayat level. 50% of the SGRY funds are earmarked for this Stream. The entire funds are released to the Village Panchayats through the DRDAs/District Pachayats.
The objective of SGSY is to bring the assisted poor families above the poverty line by providing them income generating assets through a mix of bank credit and government subsidy. The families of below poverty line (BPL) including artisans, identified through the BPL Census are eligible for assistance under the Scheme. While selecting the new activities priority may be given to those having inherent skill which is primarily constituted by the rural artisans. The role of PRIs in the implementation of this Scheme are as under:-
- The Gram Sabha will approve the list of BPL families.
- The list of key activities and the list of villages identified under the scheme in the Block should be approved by the Intermediate Panchayat.
- The list of swarozgaris finally selected should be made available to the Gram Panchayat for placing it before the next Gram Sabha.
- The Gram Panchayat would actively monitor the performance of the Swarozgaris particularly repayment of loan.
- The District Panchayat will review the performance under this scheme in its General Body Meetings.
- PRADHAN MANTRI GRAM SADAK YOJANA(PMGSY)This is a 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme. This Scheme seeks to provide connectivity to all unconnected habitations in the rural areas with a population of more than 500 persons through good All-weather roads by the end of the Tenth Plan. In Hill States and Desert Areas, the objective would be to connect habitations with a population of 250 persons and above. The role of PRIs in implementation of this scheme are as under:
- The District Panchayats (or DRDAs where the District Panchayats do not exist) shall be the competent authority to select the variable best suited for the District, categories them and accord relative weightage to them and shall communicate it to all concerned.
- The Plan should be finalized by the Intermediate Panchayat. Any changes made by the Intermediate Panchayat should be separately mentioned and reasons, thereof, should be indicated.
- The Draft District Rural Roads Plan would be presented to the District Panchayat by the Chief Executive of the District Planning Committee. It should be discussed and adopted by the District Panchayat, with such changes, as may be considered appropriate, but strictly within the framework of the Manual.
- The Rural Raods constructed/upgraded under this Programe will be maintained by the concerned District/Intermediate Panchayat. Efforts will be made to involve local peoples’ participation in the maintenance of Rural Roads.
- All the Road Works will be subjected to Social Audit by way of discussion in the Gram Sabha and the relevant information in this regard will be made available to the Gram Sabha.
- INDIRA AWAAS YOJANA (IAY) This scheme provides assistance primarily to the BPL rural households belonging primarily to SCs/STs and freed bonded labour categories. Benefits of the scheme have also been extended to families of servicemen of the armed and paramilitary forces killed in action. 3% of the houses are also reserved for BPL physically and mentally challenged persons living in rural areas. The role of PRIs in implementation of this scheme are :
- The Zilla Parishads or DRDAs on the basis of allocations made and targets fixed shall decide the number of houses to be constructed/upgraded Panchayat wise under IAY, during a particular financial year.
- The Zila Parishads/ DRDAs shall intimate the same to the Gram Panchayat. Thereafter, the Gram Sabha will select the beneficiaries from the list of eligible households, according to IAY Guidelines as per priorities fixed, restricting this number to the target allotted.
- Panchayat Samiti’s approval is not required. The Panchayat Samiti should however, be sent a list of selected beneficiaries for their information.
- PRADHAN MANTRI GRAMODAYA YOJANA(PMGY) This scheme envisages allocation of Additional Central Assistance to the States/UTs for providing /improving the outlay of Basic Minimum Services including “Rural Shelter” in the rural areas. The funds under this Scheme are released by the Ministry of Finance/Ministry of Home Affairs on the basis of recommendations made by the Ministry of Rural Development, being the nodal Ministry for implementation and monitoring of the scheme. The role of PRIs in implementation of this scheme are :
- The Zilla Parishads/DRDAs will decide the number of houses to be constructed, Panchayat-wise, and the same will immediately be intimated to the Gram Panchayat.
- The Gram Sabha will select the beneficiaries from the list of eligible households, restricting this number to the target allotted.
- The Intermediate-level Panchayat (Panchayat Samiti) will invariably be sent a list of selected beneficiaries.
- CREDIT CUM SUBSIDY SCHEME This Scheme targets rural families having annual income upto Rs.32,000/-. While subsidy is restricted to Rs.10,000/-, the maximum loan amount can be availed upto Rs.40,000/- under this scheme. The role of PRIs in implementation of this scheme are :-
- One of the Agencies for implementing the scheme is Zilla Panchayat. The identification of the most appropriate implementing agency under the Credit-cum Subsidy Scheme shall be left to the State Government.
- SAMAGRA AWAAS YOJANA This is a comprehensive Housing Scheme with a view to ensuring integrated provision of shelter, sanitation and drinking water. This is being implemented in one block each off 25 districts of 24 States and one UT. The role of PRIs in implementation of this scheme are :
- The Zila Parishad, the Block Samiti and the Gram Panchayat will be fully involved in the implementation of this Scheme.
- The special IEC funds of Rs. 5 lakh per district and habitat development funds of Rs. 20 lakh will be routed through DRDAs. DRDAs/ZPs and Public Health Department will be the main implementing agencies.
- INNOVATIVE SCHEME FOR HOUSING AND HABITAT DEVELOPMENT AND RURAL BUILDING CENTRES The innovative scheme for housing and habitat development has been designed for standardizing and popularizing/ replicating/propagating cost-effective, environment-friendly housing construction technologies, designs and materials and evolving ideal types of sustainable rural human settlements consistent with agro-climatic variations and natural disaster proneness. The Rural Building Centres Scheme is inter alia designed with the purpose of technology transfer and information dissemination, skill up gradation through training and production of cost effective and environment friendly material components.
- Panchayati Raj Institutions are one of the Implementing Agencies under these schemes.
- ANNAPURNA The Annapurna Scheme aims at providing food security to meet the requirement of those senior citizens who though eligible have remained uncovered under the National Old Age Pension Scheme. The role of PRIs in implementation of this scheme are :
- The Panchayats identifies the Beneficiaries and communicate the same to Collector/CEO.
- The Gram Sabhas are required to select the Beneficiaries for the Scheme and the lists of beneficiaries so selected by Gram Sabha will be displayed by the Gram Panchayats.
- The Gram Panchayats distribute the Entitlement Cards to the Beneficiaries in Gram Sabha Meetings.
- The Gram Panchayats will give wide publicity to the Scheme and will also be responsible for dissemination of information in regard to the procedure for securing benefits under the Scheme.
- WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES UNDER DPAP AND DDP: The Drought Prone Areas Programme (DPAP), Desert Development Prograamme (DDP) and Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (IWDP) are being implemented on watershed basis and aim at drought proofing and controlling desertification by regeneration of depleted natural resource base. All these three programmes were brought under the Guidelines for Watershed Development with effect from 1.4.1995. The role of PRIs in implementation of this scheme are :
- The District Panchayats and other Panchayati Raj Institutions shall have very important role to play in Watershed Development Programmes.
- The PRIs shall have the right to monitor and review the implementation of the programme and provide guidance for improvements in the administrative arrangements and procedures with a view to ensure convergence of other programmes of Ministry of Rural Development such as SGRY, SGSY, IAY, CRSP, Rural Drinking Water Supply, etc.
- At the Village level, the Gram Panchayat shall be fully involved in the implementation of the programme, specially community organization, formation of SHGs and training programmes.
- Gram Panchayat will be responsible for operatio and meaintenance of assets created during the project.
- The Watershed Action Plan should have the approval of Gram Sabha and it should be a part of annual action plan of Gram Sabha.
- The District Panchayat/DRDA in whose favour the project has been sanctioned will be entitled to affect recovery of funds from any institutions/ organization/ individuals and take appropriate action under law if the project is not properly implemented for funds are misutilised or not spent as per Guidelines.
- The Panchayats at any level are also entitled to take on the responsibility of implementing a cluster of watershed projects in the capacity of Project Implementation Agencies(PIAs), if they so desire.
- PIAs will motivate the Gram Panchayats to pass necessary resolutions to make public contribution, conduct Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) exercises, prepare the development plans for the watershed, undertake community organization and training for the village communities, provide technical guidance and supervision of watershed Development activities, inspect and authenticate project accounts, undertake action research to adapt low-cost technologies and /or validate and build upon indigenous technical knowledge, monitor and review the overall project maintenance and further development of the assets created during the project period.
- Under the new initiate ‘Haryali’, the watershed programmes are to be executed by the Gram Panchayats by facilitating project funds to them. The District and Intermediate Panchayars are to act as PIAs
- ACCELERATED RURAL WATER SUPPLY PROGRAMME (ARWSP) Under ARWSP, the Central Government is to supplement the efforts of the State Governments in providing access to safe drinking water to all rural habitations of the country. The role of PRIs in implementation of this scheme are :
- Panchayati Raj Institutions should be involved in the implementation of schemes particularly in selecting the location of standpost, spot sources, operation and maintenance, fixing of cess/water tariff, etc.
- The implementation of the Sector Reform Projects in the identified pilot districts, are also to be carried out either by the District Panchayats or through the District Water and Sanitation Missions (DWSM), which are to be registered societies under the supervision, control and guidance of District Panchayat.
- Wherever PRIs are themselves firmly in place and willing to take up the responsibility and are strong enough to do so, they implement the projects themselves instead of DWSM.
- At the village level, the individual Rural Water Supply Schemes are to be implemented through Village Water and Sanitation Committees which should be committees of Gram Panchayats.
- Drinking water supply assets are transferred to the appropriate level of Panchayats and such Panchayats are to be empowered to undertake operation and maintenance of drinking water systems.
- CENTRAL RURAL SANITATION PROGRAMME(CRSP) This programme aims at improving the general quality of life in rural areas; accelerating coverage in rural areas; generating demand through awareness creation and health education; and controlling incidence of water sanitation related diseases. The role of PRIs in implementation if this scheme are :
- Total Sanitation Campain (TSC) is a community based programme where Panchayati Raj Institutons are in the forefront.
- As per TSC Guidelines, the implementation at the district level is to be done by the District Panchayats. Panchayats at block and village level are to be fully involved for implementation of the programme.
- Where District Panchayat is not in a position to implement the programme, it is being implemented by District Water & Sanitation Mission which is chaired by Chairperson of District Panchayat and the Village Committees are chaired by the Chairpersons of Gram Panchayats. In the later case, the Village Water & Sanitation Mission are part of the Gram Panchayat.
- SWAJALDHARA This programme aims at providing Community-based Rural Drinking Water Supply. The key elements of this programmes are namely, (i) demand-driven and community participation approach, (ii) panchayats / communities to plan, implement, operate, maintain and manage all drinking water schemes, (iii) partial capital cost sharing by the communities upfront in cash, (iv) full ownership of drinking water assets with Gram Panchayats and (v) full Operation and Maintenance by the users/ Panchayats. The role of PRIs in implementation of this scheme are :
- Gram Panchayat shall convene a Gram Sabha Meeting where the Drinking Water Supply Scheme of People’s choice including design and cost etc. must be finalized. Gram Panchayats are to undertake procurement of materials/services for execution of schemes and supervise the scheme execution.
- A resolution must be passed in the Gram Panchayat meeting calling for users/beneficiaries to contribute 10% of the capital expenditure. However, GP can remit towards community contribution from its tax revinue (Not from Government Grants) with the approval of Gram Sabha.
- Gram Panchayat will decide whether the Panchayat wants to execute Scheme on its own or wants the State Government Agency to undertake the execution.
- After completion of such schemes, the Gram Panchayat will take over the Schemes for Operation & Maintenance(O&M).
- Panchayat must decide on the user charges from the community so that adequate funds available with Panchayat to undertake O&M.
New Indian Express reports on the minister’s statement on this topic in the assembly. Following are some excerpts:
Rural Development Minister Biswabhusan Harichandan announced in the Assembly on Saturday that 1,722 drinking water projects would be taken up in the State during the current financial year.
… the minister said the State Government has written to the Centre to waive the 10 percent contribution of the beneficiaries under the Swajaldhara scheme. …
Observing that the Prime Minister’s Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) has been a huge success in Orissa, the minister said the State has secured the fifth position in the country in the implementation of the programme.
The Centre had sanctioned Rs 3,342.54 crore between 2000-01 and 2006-07 for construction of 3,723 roads having a length of 12,545.22 km, he said.
Harichandan announced that a target has been fixed for construction of 3,124- km road and upgradation of 2,798-km road under the PMGSY during the 2007-08 financial year.
Expenditure under the schemes funded by the awards of the Twelfth Finance Commission has also been satisfactory, Observing that the total sanitation programme is also a focus area of the government, the minister said Rs 8 crore has been provided in the budget for the programme in 2007-08.
He announced that 12 more divisions of the Rural Development department in addition to the present eight would be opened.